Activity for ZaharS

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #1064

    Android 10. It is very unfortunate change by Google, so every app has to have its own camera GUI?

  • ZaharS ZaharS created ticket #1064

    Add option to force-save original photos and videos to disk, even requested by third-party apps

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a review on rEFInd

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Still suffer from this issue with Auto-Focus mode.

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a review on gcc-win64

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Today I also had problems to take photo. OpenCamera was just "making" photo for 10+ seconds while everybody was waiting. The camera was not moving, the environment was reasonably dark. So, it's the described bug 100%. For now I have to move to some different camera app because of this bug on all 3 different phones. Really hope, Mark will fix it some day.

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Sometimes stock camera app does not take photo too if moving is fast. But the moment I stop - the photo is taken. The problem is that Open Camera does not take photos in pretty good conditions, on grey background for example. It takes ridiculous amount of time to take one - 10+ seconds, the moment is lost and it makes the app unusable and unreliable. I also have the same issue on Oneplus 5S. So, all my phones have this issue. I'm pretty sure majority of people have it too sometimes. It's such a deal-breaker...

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    I checked the shaking camera test on two phones: - Poco F1 - photo is never taken. One of the most popular LineageOS phones with a great autofocus and good overall camera. I have LineageOS on Android 10. - Wileyfox phone with LineageOS on Android 8.1. - photo is always taken after 1-2 seconds of moving. So the issue is not that simple, because it also happens on the Wileyfox phone, just not always and not now (maybe light conditions matters in that case). NOTE: Camera app from stoke LineageOS on...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    I checked the shaking camera test on two phones: - Poco F1 - photo is never taken. One of the most popular LineageOS phone with a great autofocus and good overall camera. I have LineageOS on Android 10. - Wileyfox phone with LineageOS on Android 8.1. - photo is always taken after 1-2 seconds of moving. So the issue is not that simple, because it also happens on the Wileyfox phone, just not always. NOTE: Camera app from stoke LineageOS takes the photo on Poco F1 always in these conditions. Can I clarify...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    I'm not familiar with the code. Do you use some ready-to-go auto-focus command of the phone? Does it have any options on call?

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Also, if you don't mind photos coming out unfocused, I wasn't sure why you are touching to focus? Because I'd like to have a photo focused. But even if it's not 100% perfect - it's better to have 99% perfect photo than no photo at all (like happens with OpenCamera). So I touch for focusing and hope it'll work. Sometimes it does not and we have no photo at all in 10 seconds of the moment we wanted to capture.

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    It has one of the best auto-focus on the market. And stock camera focus fine in almost all conditions. I just make a special example with moving camera fast continuously so that autofocus on any camera would be impossible. In this case OpenCamera never takes any photo at all. And other camera apps take photo as good as they can. It's just an exaggerating experiment. Can you do it yourself? Will OpenCamera take photo in 30 seconds then or at all? If moving it rapidly. The real problem is this - in...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    I have it on all phones and do not want to give up on OpenCamera. Also other users do suffer but provide no useful feedback, so they do not reach you. Any ideas how I could help you to investigate and solve this issue? I can run test apk builds for checking on the same phone in the same 100% problematic light environment or something else. I beg you to fix this issue!

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    Well, no, it's some issue with OpenCamera approach for focus. Because one of the phones is Poco F1 with almost the best auto-focus on the market: And Poco F1 is also quite popular, especially among LineageOs users. Just today I tried to make photos with OpenCamera with Poco F1 and failed - even in a daylight in the room I could not take photo fast (in less than 2 seconds), so I had to close OpenCamera and restart it with video record. Maybe...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Well, no, it's some issue with OpenCamera approach for focus. Because on of the phones is Poco F1 with almost the best auto-focus on the market: And Poco F1 is quite popular, especially among LineageOs users. But just today I tried to make photos with OpenCamera on it and failed - even in a daylight in the room I could not take photo fast (in less than 2 seconds), so I had to kill OpenCamera and start video record. It's because "focused"...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Yes. E.g. stock Android "Camera". It has auto-focus on touch and it makes photos without problem even under the table in the dark in fast motion. Yes, the photos are not focused, blurry but at least I have some photos. OpenCamera provides no photos at all in such conditions on 3 my phones with different Android versions as described above. The problem exists least for several years imho. Please help.

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    The issue happens in OpenCamera on PocoF1, One Plus 5 and other phones. Camera API version does not matter. The room does not even have to be dark at all. I believe the this bug exists for all devices in some minor/major form. To check on your device: 1) Flash is off 2) STD photo mode 3) Autofocus = a (auto) 4) Press "Take photo" of your table from 10 cm distance and before photo is made - start rotating/shaking phone a bit up and down. The photo is NEVER taken. I'm sure because it's not enough "focused"....

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    P.S. I have up-to-date version of OpenCamera from f-droid on these phones.

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    The issue still presents. And it happens on all 3 phones I have, not even in low-light conditions. Sometimes taking photo takes 1s, sometimes 3s (insane) and sometimes it's impossible to take photo. Other users are also affected in different way. The video in OpenCamera works fine, other camera applications take photos fine. Please investigate how is it possible that taking photo can take more than a 2 seconds at all. It's probably connected with specific way OpenCamera is working with autofocus....

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Mark, I made Reset settings and other test. Here are the results: Reset settings seemed to almost solved the issue. So I started to tune the app further and inverstigate. Testing was done in dark room. I turned flash to allways off and it still was working. I switched to Camera 2 Api and it still was working. I change focus from "c" (Focus continues picture) to "a" (Auto) and the problem occured. In dark room it is possible to get no photo almost indefinetely by slowly moving the phone and preventing...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    Just checked. The easy way to reproduce: 1) Reasonably dark place 2) Autofocus is on, flash is off 3) Press take a photo, white border appears around the frame. 4) Move phone ±5 degrees from side to side to prevent focus be perfect. 5) The photo is not taken, even in 20 seconds. White border and nothing happens until you stop moving phone and wait 5 seconds.

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    How does it behave if flash is off? All described was when the flash is off. And to clarify, is the delay of 6 or 10 seconds before it even starts capturing? Well, the main time is spend happens when Open Camera shows border around frame. I thought it's focusing time that gets out of control and rational limits. About the moment of photo: 1) I have my hand in frame 2) I press Take phone in Open Camera with flash being Off 3) Frame in app has border. 4) I'm waiting 5 seconds, still no photo is done,...

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    How does it behave if flash is off? All described was when the flash is off. And to clarify, is the delay of 6 or 10 seconds before it even starts capturing? Well, the main time is spend happens when Open Camera shows border around frame. I thought it's focusing time that gets out of control and rational limits. About the moment of photo: 1) I have hand in frame 2) I press Take phone in Open Camera with flash being Off 3) Frame in app has border. 4) I'm waiting 5 seconds, still no photo is done,...

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    How does it behave if flash is off? All described was when the flash is off. And to clarify, is the delay of 6 or 10 seconds before it even starts capturing? Well. The main time spends happens when Open Camera shows border around frame. I thought it's focusing time. About the moment of photo: 1) I have hand in frame 2) I press Take phone in Open Camera with flash being Off 3) Frame in app has border. 4) I'm waiting 5 seconds, still no photo is done, I remove my hand from frame 5) I get a photo without...

  • ZaharS ZaharS modified a comment on ticket #615

    How does it behave if flash is off? All described was when the flash is off. And to clarify, is the delay of 6 or 10 seconds before it even starts capturing? Well. The main time spends happens when Open Camera shows border around frame. I thought it's focusing time. About the moment of photo: 1) I have hand in frame 2) I press Take phone in Open Camera with flash being Off 3) Frame in app has border. 4) I'm waiting 5 seconds, still no photo is done, I remove my hand from frame 5) I get a photo without...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    How does it behave if flash is off? All described was when the flash is off. And to clarify, is the delay of 6 or 10 seconds before it even starts capturing? Well. The main time spends happens when Open Camera shows border around frame. I thought it's focusing time. About the moment of photo: 1) I have hand in frame 2) I press Take phone in Open Camera with flash being Off 3) Frame in app has border. 4) I'm waiting 5 seconds, still no photo is done, I remove my hand from frame 5) I get a photo without...

  • ZaharS ZaharS posted a comment on ticket #615

    I have the same issue. I'm using the latest version from f-droid. The original camera of LineageOS and several others do not have this issue and make resonably fast images in low-light condifions (with bad quality but at the right time, not ~10 seconds later). It makes the use of app almost impossible! So, please take it seriously and try to fix as soon as you can, it will be very appriciated! And maybe there are work-arounds for this issue?