User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #576 on Artistic Style

    Your patch contains at least one typo in line 110: parentheses should be parenthesis

  • Posted a comment on ticket #32 on IBPP, a C++ API for Firebird Server

    or also include age (via as st->Get(3,...)) in the results. Sorry I mixed this up: I actually meant via st->Get(1,...) in the parenthesized code.

  • Created ticket #32 on IBPP, a C++ API for Firebird Server

    Issues in Minimalist Sample Code page in DokuWiki

  • Modified a comment on ticket #571 on Artistic Style

    Will --pad-negation be just a flag or will we have different settings to get !, _!, !_, or _!_ ... I admit this might be overkill ...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #571 on Artistic Style

    Will --pad-negation be just a flag or will we have different settings to get !, !, !, or ! ... I admit this might be overkill ...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #573 on Artistic Style

    Thanks for the reply which opened my eyes about the second case: typedef can indeed be “chained”, and I overlooked this because I'm mostly working in C++ where struct always introduces a type (no typedef needed) and references and smart pointers make pointer types disappear in the code base. So, the issue can be refined to something like: the option --align-pointer=type should only be applied to cases where pointer type and name are present around the * (the same would apply to --align-reference=type...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #573 on Artistic Style

    I would suggest that you reconsider this issue carefully. In my opinion, the style of formatting you want to preserve is extremely confusing. It puts you right between two common conventions: Always having the asterisk next to the name, so pointers are easy to recognize on a line with multiple variable declarations. Here the option --align-pointer=name makes the most sense. To have the asterisk next to the type because you always declare variables line by line anyway. In this context --align-pointer=type...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #573 on Artistic Style

    I would consider this issue invalid, because the style of formatting you want to preserve is extremely confusing. It puts you right between two conventions: Always having the asterisk next to the name, so pointers are easy to recognize on a line with multiple variable declarations. Here the option --align-pointer=name makes the most sense. To have the asterisk next to the type because you always declare variables line by line anyway. In this context --align-pointer=type is a useful option.

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2005-08-24 10:39:36


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