please release Test FX for 64bit npp
please add iso file creation option in 7z from hdd files.
please do consider adding the feature to create an iso file using 7z. meanwhile,...
please suggest some w8 free tool which can convert a .zip or .7z or .rar file to...
Lirya, when a question or suggestion is there, you have to politely consider it and...
When I ocr this Arabic text using Arabic lang, it completed and there was just two...
When I ocr this Arabic text using Arabic lang, it completed and there was just two...
When I ocr this urdu text using Arabic lang, it completed and there was absolutely...
I installed 3.6-32-bit, the error message appeared. "The Program can't start because...
I installed 3.6-32-bit, the error message appeared. if the following error message...
You should have mentioned the numeric version no. (6.7.4) somewhere and surely on...
:-) How does that help in resolving problem at my system. Anyway, I did some trial...
this is the error 4.0 beta is throwing everywhere on ocr-ing any file. jpg/ pdf file...
this is 3.5 problem on loading Hindi pdf made by MS Word. The word file is enclo...
I am using 3.5 on w8 It was working fine but recently I have also loaded 4.0 beta...