User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    For accept for a field use AUTO Enter is not needed for a fixed sized field or similar. If the data is preloaded then also add UPDATE but without it all data is fresly created with any existing over written. Also see AUTO-SKIP in Prog guide or ref, sections 6.9.3 through 6.9.5

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    'The' best way to process accepting numbers etc, is to use Chuck's routine ACCEPT_NUMERIC which is a C routine that you call having preset some variables along with the target address field.

  • Committed [r13] on cvs-v3.02

    nightly - well as of today anyway

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Cobxref

    Update v2.03.15 has been uploaded to the file area. This fixes bugs where cobxref processes verb CALL where there is a reserved word pre routine name such as STATIC or STDCALL where these reserved words would be used instead of the routine. I have tried to update the SVN system but keep getting a message that the first file being commited is out of date and it is not. I cannot see a way of fixing this issue. That said the current version is present in the GnuCobol contrib area - that works.

  • Committed [r1087] on Contributions (Tools/Samples incl. Games)

    2.03.15 bug fix

  • Posted a comment on ticket #985 on GnuCOBOL

    Please confirm that this bug report can now be closed.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #985 on GnuCOBOL

    In my .bashrc file I have (among others) : export COBCPY=~/cobolsrc/ACAS/copybooks export COB_SCREEN_ESC=YES export COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS=YES export COB_LIBRARY_PATH=~/bin export PATH= etc, etc export TMPDIR=~/tmp export DB_HOME=. Note that the export commands do NOT have any quotes but in any event what is var apphome set to prior to these SET commands AND have you verified that they are set correctly such as by doing a set | less and checking. I have not seen anything using COB-ALLOW and COB_AUTO...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #985 on GnuCOBOL

    Not being an expert on the usage of the mouse but you have not specified the copy lib for the statuses for screen/mouse so include in WS : 01 All-My-Constants pic 9(4). copy "screenio.cpy". This copy book sits by default in the gnucobol compiler sources in folder copy. Now look in that copybook under "*> Exception keys for mouse handling" where you will find the codes available such as : 78 COB-SCR-MOUSE-MOVE VALUE 2040. 78 COB-SCR-LEFT-PRESSED VALUE 2041. 78 COB-SCR-LEFT-RELEASED VALUE 2042. 78...

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Personal Data

2001-06-05 18:41:07
Hatfield, Hertfordshire / Britain (UK) / BST
Web Sites:


This is a list of open source software projects that Vincent (Bryan) Coen is associated with:

  • Applewood Computers Accounting System Accounting system for smaller companies written in GnuCobol. Last Updated:
  • Cobxref Cobol Cross reference tool for GnuCobol written in Cobol Last Updated:
  • Filemgr Filemgr a BBS file & .tic tosser Last Updated:
  • Flightlog   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo GnuCOBOL A free COBOL compiler Last Updated:


This is a list of skills that Vincent (Bryan) Coen possesses:

  • Operating System
  • C

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