Activity for tizizi

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #258

    In the latest test version, the help viewer (not the help content itself) uses that Russian translation. It seems to work flawlessly. Thank you ghderty.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #298

    The pull request just got merged, feel free to review ghderty -- and thanks again. Also, just FYI, the files came from the latest tarball, the one named nls.tar.gz. Jerome, please don't forget to update the report.html file :)

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #253

    It looks like Andrew Bird fixed the encoding issue, please see The garbled encoding goes back all the way to but was fixed like I said above and switching to Italian in the latest test version of FreeDOS displays accented words just fine as shown in the attached screenshot. Let's hope an Italian speaker will complete the translation.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #298

    To make things easier to manage for Jerome many of these translations are now waiting on a pull request on the FD-NLS project, where FreeDOS translations are being managed. Please see They should be included in the next FreeDOS test version and in the next release as well. Thanks a lot for your contribution ghderty!

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #157

    I tried with the latest test version of FreeDOS in French and the HELP command works perfectly. When I choose Spanish from the "Other installed languages" link no problem either. Indeed, Bernd has done great work! Also, as a side note, Jerome has recently fixed the credits file of FreeDOS, Lorenzo's name is now in it: :)

  • tizizi tizizi posted a review on Efax-gtk

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks a lot, that worked. I added --libdir=/usr/local/lib64 when configuring, then a sudo ldconfig and everything is working fine now. Thanks again.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, For some reason, efax-gtk disappeared from Ubuntu repositories so I'm trying to compile it from source. I first downloaded and extracted the source tarball of c++-gtk-utils-2.2.20. Its installation with ./configure, make and then sudo make install concluded without errors. Then I did the same with efax-gtk (with the latest git snapshot). Extract, run ./ then automake --add-missing to resolve an error message about a compile file and after that ./configure, make and sudo make install....

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #57

    After killing a modem connection another manual dialing attempt results in a core dump

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I was browsing the discussion boards because I had the same problem mentioned on and your work around consisting of pressing the print button and then choosing "Preview" was really helpful. I would suggest adding it to the help section of efax-gtk, so that users won't wrongly think outgoing faxes are of poor resolution/quality. Also, after using the program for some time I spotted a few typos in the French translation. Nothing...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #123

    This seems to be fixed in FreeDOS 1.3, and now we also have mkeyb which supports both Turkish Q and F layouts (see

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The non-breaking spaces are, technically speaking, a requirement in French typography so that signs like ?, !, :, ; do not get separated from words (actually, I should have used narrow non-breaking spaces but I didn't go that far). As the file was in UTF-8 I thought it would be a good idea to add them, and when compiled with this gettext file, efax-gtk seemed to work just fine. If that's a problem, I can remove them easily and reattach a new file. As for Turkish, there shouldn't be odd characters...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I reviewed the translations and squashed a few more typos, the files are attached as an xz compressed tarball. Please note that the log in Turkish doesn't display many lines that are displayed when the settings are in English or in French so I would advise to take a look at that. I couldn't figure out why this is happening. Other than that, in case you'd need someone in order to test sending and receiving faxes, I'd be happy to help. If your e-mail address is now working, I can send my number....

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I didn't know about the script, thank you. At first, I got errors like ./ line 6: aclocal: command not found ./ line 7: autoheader: command not found ./ line 8: automake: command not found ./ line 9: autoconf: command not found ./ line 14: ./configure: No such file or directory but then after installing autoconf and autotools all I had to do was to type automake --add-missing and the compilation worked like a charm, I could...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Recently, I managed to compile efax-gtk-3.2.15 on Fedora from the source tarball but not when I downloaded a snapshot of the git repository from SourceForge (interestingly, while Ubuntu has an older version on the repos, I couldn't compile the latest version on it because c++-gtk-utils doesn't seem to be included). So I wanted to ask whether you could provide a source tarball with the translations included so that I can test, review and probably fix them before the next release. Also, please...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #347

    I deleted the VM, the iso file and even the zip archive containing it. Then started over as you suggested and everything is OK now. Works like a charm. It's just that there still seems to be a problem with lsppp.exe, I get an error when I install it in FDAUTO.BAT. Something similar to (translating from Turkish) Incorrect command or file name - "C:\FreeDOS\DRIVERS\CRYNWR\lsppp"

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #347

    Hi Jerome, There's something definitely weird going on. I reinstalled FreeDOS 1.3-DEV0 from January 4th from the LiveCD without backing up old files. Everything went smoothly and according to FDIMPLES, Crynwr drivers were installed. But I couldn't CD to C:\FREEDOS\DRIVERS\CRYNWR as I was getting a failure message. So I removed the Crynwr package with FDIMPLES and installed it again, then I was able go to directory mentioned above. But there, when I try crynwr.bat I still get the error I described...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #347

    I think it needs to be in the same directory as that's where the batch file will look for it (in the working directory), there's the line: set pktcmd=lsppp /n:%com% /d:P%num% /B:%baud% /P:%pass% /U:%usname% %cmds% That said, I couldn't test it with the latest dev test build because when I install the crynwr package with FDIMPLES, cd to the directory and then launch crynwr.bat I get Bad command or filename - "X]]". could not locate crynwr. It's funny because the file is there (dir crynwr.bat confirms...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #347

    This has been fixed, please see

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #269

    The text is displayed correctly in 1.3-RC5. As for the keyboard layout, should have fixed that too.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #282

    Seems to be fixed in 1.3-RC5 :)

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #306

    This seems to have been fixed, see

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Attached is a new Turkish translation for efax-gtk. You will probably need to update the gettext files for credits, copyright years and so on so a final touch will be necessary before the next release, but the bulk of the work is done. Thank you for choosing a free software license.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry for the unusual format. Here it is again, as a tarball with xz compression. I will gladly use the FlatPak to review and improve the translations when you release a new version.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there, Attached is the completed French translation for efax-gtk. I also included the efax-gtk.desktop file with French and Turkish comments. I hope to be able to provide a Turkish translation soon (like next week). Best regards.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #2

    This happens with a standard install by unzipping the latest archive from SourceForge and then running INSTALL.EXE. Simply typing set path=c:\ in DOSBox made the problem go away as that's where the installer puts pgm.bat :) Two closing remarks: the installer doesn't seem to take set lang=fr into account (everything happens in English but after that PGME is indeed in French), and you forgot to update the copyright years in the about dialog ;)

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #2

    This is not a font issue, nor is it related to PGME as everything works fine under DOSBox -- see the attached screenshot. Sorry for the noise. BTW, under DOSBox hitting a key on that documentation screen exits the program and you can see a Illegal command: PGM.BAT at the bottom of the screen.

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #2

    The "À" character is rendered improperly.

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #347

    Problems with the CRYNWR.BAT file in fdos\drivers\crynwr\

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #1

    Selecting the "Eternity License Agreement" option doesn't work

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #142

    Attached are the updated French and Turkish translations for version 1.2.1. Thanks for this new release!

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #280

    I had used ISO-8859-1 for the files in French because that's what the HTML files headers "declared". Like he said, Fritz corrected this in all the files, not to speak about the modification from 80 characters to 72 amongst other stuff. So again, thanks a lot Fritz. All this to say that the help file translations here and on are probably outdated, we should use Fritz's updated versions instead.

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #306

    Turkish Q and Turkish F keyboard selection doesn't work after the installation

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #67

    I second what Emir said. If the localization support is added, I can happily contribute French and Turkish locales.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #282

    This issue is still present in FreeDOS 1.3-RC4 and although Max le Fou's workaround to edit FDAUTO.BAT works like a charm IMHO it should still be fixed before the final release. Also, as a precision, my keyboard was an AZERTY but when I type azerty on the keyboard I get qwerty on the screen, that's what I wanted to say in my previous message.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I have a Sinclair Spectrum 48K, a microdrive and a printer. I don't use them anymore, as Fuse seems to be a much more convenient alternative. In fact, I don't even know whether they're still working or not. I was thinking about donating them to a free software emulator project in case they would be helpful and thought about your project. Would they be useful to you? If so, I can happily send them (from Turkey). Please let me know what you think about this. Best regards.

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #142

    Completed French & Turkish translations

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #66

    Hello Heavyblack, has been abandoned. For the time being, you can submit your translations to Keep in mind FreeDOS 1.3 will probably be released in only a few weeks :)

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #282

    The French keyboard selection doesn't work

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #260

    Just my humble opinion, but I second Robert. When FreeDOS 1.3-RC3 is installed with the French language selected, FDCONFIG.SYS contains the following line: ! COUNTRY=001,858,C:\FDOS\BIN\COUNTRY.SYS So this is code page is 858 but the US as the country. It would be very nice if FDI could ask the country of the user and set FDCONFIG.SYS accordingly because French is spoken in several countries and just selecting France would also be inappropriate.

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #280

    Congrats Lorenzo, that's awesome work -- and I know what I'm talking about: I recently finished translating the HTML Help files in French. We will probably need to update the version number of the Help files, update broken links and so on though. You may want to take a look at Also, I would suggest not translating the license documents, or leaving a note saying that only the English version pasted below the translation is official. GNU GPL,...

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #9

    Updated French & Turkish translations

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #157

    Just wanted to bring to your attention that this still exists in FreeDOS 1.2 RC2...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r137]

    Fix a typo in and shorten some senten...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r131]

    3.2 to 3.5 must all start different as indicate...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r130]

    Shortened a couple of sentences to respect the ...

  • tizizi tizizi posted a comment on ticket #157

    I installed FreeDOS 1.2 RC1 on AQEMU (host OS: Ubuntu 16.10 amd64) in French and...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r123]

    Fix Turkish translation for TEXT_SHOWCMD_DEFAUL...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r122]

    Small improvements to, especiall...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r121]

    Initial Turkish translation for ...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r120]

    Forgot to translate sentence 4.9 in, now...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r119]

    add code page number in the comments at the top...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r118]

    add code page number in the comments at the top...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r117]

    fix sentence 4.11 in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r116]

    minor corrections

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r115]

    Translate unknown error code in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r114]

    Updated the translation

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r113]

    Updated the translation

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r111]

    Adding Turkish translation for freecom_err

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r110]

    Fix sentence 4.6 in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r109]

    Adding Turkish translation for mem

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r108]

    Adding Turkish translation for htmlhelp

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r107]

    Typo fix in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r106]

    Remove forgotten English words in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r105]

    Typo fix in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r104]

    Remove a forgotten English sentence & other min...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r103]

    Adding Turkish translation for fdpkg

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r102]

    Adding Turkish translation for fdnpkg

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r101]

    Adding Turkish translation for move

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r100]

    Fix sentence 0.0 in the Turkish translation of ...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r99]

    adding Turkish translation for md5sum

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r98]

    adding Turkish translation for password

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r97]

    adding Turkish translation for tree

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r96]

    fixed the third block of xcopy in Turkish, than...

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r94]

    adding Turkish translation of xcopy

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r93] almost done

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r92]

    fixed sentence 2.4 in

  • tizizi tizizi committed [r91]

    new Turkish translation for sort

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #6

    GMail doesn't work with WireShare anymore

  • tizizi tizizi created ticket #5

    Please update French & Turkish translations