Activity for Teun

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Lukasz. I can confirm that it is possible to change the DataStorage. This will effect the export Classification Settings on export. However the Classification Description still has some issues. These issues are already there and are not related to what we are doing here. By the way, it possible to create a new Type Text Project Parameter. Attach it to all relevant Categories. The value of this Type Parameter should be: {$this("Assembly Code")+":"+$this("Assembly Description")} Use the new created...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Lukasz, The settings seems to be saved in the ExtensibleStorage (GUID 9a5a28c2-ddac-4828-8b8a-3ee97118017a). Beside some other UI settings for the IFC exporter. I think the exporter will read these values and use them while exporting. So if this is true it is a part of the Project. All the settings seem to be public and changeable. I tried but was not able to change these settings. Not sure why. Perhaps my knowledge of the ExtensibleStorage functionality.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Lukasz, The settings seems to be saved in the ExtensibleStorage. Beside some other UI settings for the IFC exporter. I think the exporter will read these values and use them while exporting. So if this is true it is a part of the Project. All the settings seem to be public and changeable. I tried but was not able to change these settings. Not sure why. Perhaps my knowledge of the ExtensibleStorage functionality.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. I cannot get this to work in Python. No error whatsoever. And I get an IFC. But the values do not change. And I also found some strange things with the Classificationsettings. The exporter seems to remember old manually changed values. But I do not know how or where. And they also do not show up when you manually want to change values. Have you tried it Lukasz?

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have not tested this at the moment. But I found an interresting C# example online. Row 703 It seems a JSONstring should ? work in combination with "ClassificationSettings" or "ProjectAddress" as a Name in the IFCExportOptions .AddOption() method.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The sourceforge forum is not up to date anymore. On the Github site you can find this The biggest problem is still that BuildingSmart's MVD doesn't approve it. Especially for IFC2x3. That was the main MVD when starting this question.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Not sure where you are exactly looking for. But do check the File/Export/Options/IFC options in Revit. There you will find the basic list exportlayers-ifc-AIA. This is the default mapping that Revit provides as Angel mentioned. Also the (Dutch) Revit Standards have mapping tables wich should be relevant for you based on the dutch list you did attach. If you want a limmited list of (not default) options you can try the classification mananager if that suits you.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I tested this case today with IFC exporter and the exporter works again as expected. Really happy. Thanks. Teun.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    oke thanks

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Agree with Dirk. Revit Wall -> IfcCovering Furthermore, if the exporter already is able to use a specific IfcObject, is it very difficult to also support all the related Object Types that BuildingSmart has specified? They are basically the same. IfcSlabType, IfcWallType, IfcRoofType etc.. Some of them refuse to export at the moment, and some do export but as a NOTDEFINED Type. Not sure about IfcWallElementedCase, IfcSlabElementedCase, Ifc xxx ElementedCase Regards, Teun.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, I am not clear enough. So let me try again. I tested 3 versions. v18.3.1 (called _new) v18.2.0 (called _old) and v18.3.0 I exported some simple geometry and tried to map those in different ways by using Ifc Parameters . As you can see in the new attachment I am having problems with Revit not exporting geometry while it obviously is able to export the geometry in the old v18.2.0 version. I do appreciate warnings on export that’s nice for review. But if the exporter is able to export a Floor...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Not sure if this is a temporary flaw. Hopefully it is. But at the moment I recommend Revit 2018 users to use the IFC for Revit 2018 v18.2.0 version. Because the last 2 versions give unexpected errors and related missing geometry. Just a quick test is attached. As you can see the exporter is too picky. And is not using the options it has . I expect the exporter to find the best possible solution while exporting. And when there is none, that it could fall back on the Category mapping. Of course some...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Not sure if this is a temporary flaw. Hopefully it is. But at the moment I recommend Revit 2018 users to use the IFC for Revit 2018 v18.2.0 version. Because the last 2 versions give unexpected errors and related missing geometry. Just a quick test is attached. As you can see the exporter is too picky. And is not using the options it has . I expect the exporter to find the best possible solution while exporting. And when there is none, that it could fall back on the Category mapping. Of course some...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'am sorry. I got the sub-category now. It's in the Link of course. My fault. The importer works as it should.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, But it doesn't map automatic to a sub-category at all. It maps to the Generic Models Category itself. And we cannot just hide the Generic Model Category. So we have to use a viewfilter to hide these elements. That's all. ;-) Regards, Teun.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, Thanks for the reply. W'll be fine for the moment. We can hide the elements when using a viewfilter. But mapping to a specific sub-category of the Generic Model doesn't seem to work. Regards, Teun.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When using an ifc file in Revit, some of the ifcOpeningElements are visible as solid objects, but we don't want to see them. In the Import IFC Options UI ifcOpeningElements are basicaly mapped to Generic Models. I tried to change the mapping to a specific subcategory e.g. Hidden Lines but that doesn't seem to work. Can I tell the importer not to import the ifOpeningElement? Or do I have to make a filter to hide all the elements with ifcOpeningElement as the ifcExportAs value?

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What you descibe is correct. And I'am glad that the behavior is changed in R18. Still, try not to use these (strange) tables for explicite mapping. Use the IfcExportAs and IfcExportType Parameter for mapping. This table is useful on a Category level as a backup mapping. But it primarly works as a do or don't export filter for subcategories.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This bug still seems to be alive and kicking in R16 and R17. (not in R18) New subcategories export as expected in R16 and R17. And when you open the Ifc Option dialog the new subcategories first apear as {ifcPleaseDoExport} . But when you OK this UI (even without changing). The second time you open the dialog there will be a Not Exported. And that is exactly what the exporter will be doing. |-( Furthermore clicking Standard or Load will return the {ifcPleaseDoExport} for all the new subcategories....

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on a wiki page

    And also the IFC4 test results. @Angel there seem to be a bug with exporting IfcSanitaryTerminalType to IFC4 in my testfile resume of the resume: - IfcDistributionElement = truly supported - 112 already supported entities are mapped in IFC4 to their own entity (no need for mapping) - 46 IFC4 enumerations are now added to the IFC4 file (like IfcMemberType Enummerations) - only a few old, and sometimes strange, entities are being mapped to something with a different name. (IfcElectricHeater, IfcElectricHeaterType,...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on a wiki page

    Here are 2 datasets to test how the IFC exporter reacts at this moment in Revit 18. 1 A small and limited test to see what Revit Categories are hard coded. It is limited because I used the Dynamo Direct Shape options to generate elements in Revit. And I am not sure if the Exporter will react the same on a Direct Shape, compared to native Revit Categories. In my test only Stairs and Ramps are not be able to become a BuildingElementProxy. Beside that, you will see that there are some Categories that...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Angel. Appriciated.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @Troels did you try It looks promising. And it is build to maintain multiple different classification systems. It even has a way to maintain the IfcExportAs parameter. Even if the ifc excel sheets isn't completly correct at the moment.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I do not understand why the Assembly Code is, or should be restricted to Uniformat in Revit. Even though this table is called UniformatClassifications.txt out of the box. This table that is linked to the Assembly Code Parameter can easily be changed in Revit to anything you like or need. So it would make sense that the link (, the description (Uniformat) and even the version (1998) of what the IFC exporter will add to the IFC is also not hardcoded. As it is now. Of...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Remco, There have been a few topics that discus the topic of breaking Revit elements into multiple IFC entities. Right now it's not possible (as far as I know) in a way that you describe. But you can try to solve things in a different place. Just a few suggestions... You can try making Parts, export those and check if that's what you need. You can make more IFC models, based on different subcategories (hide the ones that you don't want to export). And check if that will work for you. And of course...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andy, Some feedback based on the screenshots. First of all, thanks for asking. And it looks like a great improvement already! The main goal of the IFC Entity Mapping UI is to define if (sub)categories are exported or not. To make this more clear you could still give more visual feedback when things are not exported. Also check for (sub)Categories that cannot be exported at all. An extra filter that shows only exported or not exported (sub)categories will give great feedback on what is really going...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andy, Some feedback based on the screenshots. First of all, thanks for asking. And it looks like a great improvement already! The main goal of the IFC Entity Mapping UI is to define if (sub)categories are exported or not. To make this more clear you could still give more visual feedback when things are not exported. Also check for (sub)Categories that cannot be exported at all. An extra filter that shows only exported or not exported (sub)categories will give great feedback on what is really going...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andy, Some feedback based on the screenshots. First of all, thanks for asking. And it looks like a great improvement already! The main goal of the IFC Entity Mapping UI is to define if (sub)categories are exported or not. To make this more clear you could still give more visual feedback when things are not exported. Also check for (sub)Categories that cannot be exported at all. An extra filter that shows only exported or not exported (sub)categories will give great feedback on what is really going...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andy, Some feedback based on the screenshots. First of all, thanks for asking. And it looks like a great improvement already! The main goal of the IFC Entity Mapping UI is to define if (sub)categories are exported or not. To make this more clear you could still give more visual feedback when things are not exported. Also check for (sub)Categories that cannot be exported at all. An extra filter that shows only exported or not exported (sub)categories will give great feedback on what is really going...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Andy, I installed it at work and at home but couldn't get it to work. I get the same error if I click the button in Revit. If you want some feedback on how it should look like etc. perhaps some printscreens and a few words would help. Teun.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Jakub, I encoutered the same problem again a few weeks ago and build a small Dynamo script to copy paste the nested Curtain Walls in the same place. Wich was sufficient enough for that project. I was not able to change the 'nested Curtain Wall Panel' to an Empty System Panel, and stopped working on that part. But I did copy the ID's to clipboard, so I can use 'select by ID' in Revit and change those panels to Empty System Panel in Revit. I also stopped because they wanted to check everything wich...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The most relevant and supported entities by the exporter are found here: But Angel is right. Most of it is already oke (or hard coded). Only check if things are missing in the IFC.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    To answer my own Navisworks related question: There were some known limitations for Navisworks while importing IFC (may 16th 2016) But i'am not sure if this list is still up to date when Navisworks 2017.1 is using the Revit engine for import: Voided BReps Bounded half-space solids Complex parametric profiles BSpline curves...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Angel for your reply. So if I understand you correctly: There will remain...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'am not sure where to ask this question. But I'll start here. Although IFC is meant...

  • Teun Teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, I will give it a try to answer your question. ifcSlabElementedCase and...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, I will give it a try to answer your question. ifcSlabElementedCase and...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Just add my 50ct. Splitiing of Revit elements (Id) in more than 1 IFC element (Id's)...

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I agree also.

  • Teun Teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Troels, I did mention misuse didn't I ;-) You’re right about the hardcoded export...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, Thanks. I'am indeed missing something obvious. If I understand you correctly,...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I have been asked why there was no surface pattern visible on the ceiling, while...

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    An IFC Entity has its own common property set. This is optional on export by using...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    An IFC Entity has its own common property set. This is optional on export by using...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel I just sent you the Revit sample file. Hope this will help.

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It took so time to react because while buidling a sample file it appears to be not...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It took so time to react because while buidling a sample file it appears to be not...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In Revit you can add a "Wall Sweep" directly in a Wall Type. You can add a Profile,...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank's. I'll forward your suggestion to my collegue.

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Any news on this topic? I have been asked questions why Revit didn't export Curtain...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not sure what Revit does when using the Reload From option with a IFC link....

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well if IFC simply requires one of these 2 options and if you ask me. I do not have...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I do think people expect a relation between elements just like the example Joris...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Tomasz, Just my 50cent on this subject. Try making Parts in Revit itself. (most...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the reply. We would love to see this strange behavior being fixed. Just...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I build a sample file for you. Based on the out of the box template. Regards,...

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the new update. While I was checking the changes with exporting Curtain...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the new update. While I was checking the changes with exporting Curtain...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, I send you some test Revit files where I wasn't able to map a subcategory...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, Thanks for the response and the explanation of how the subcategories work....

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I would like to make some suggestions as a user about this ifc options feature....

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I understand that a table based on IFC4 descriptions can be mapped automatically...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I understand that a table based on IFC4 descriptions can be mapped automatically...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    IFC4 is a further development of IFC3x2. So I think it is worth an investigation....

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for sharing these files. But there only seems to be 2 Shared Parameter...

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In Revit there is a relation between an element and a room because of the Room Calculation...

  • teun teun modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In Revit there is a relation between an element and a room because of the Room Calculation...

  • teun teun posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In Revit there is a relation between an element and a room because of the Room Calculation...