
IFC Link Reload From problem

  • Teun

    Teun - 2016-07-22

    I am not sure what Revit does when using the Reload From option with a IFC link.
    But we are having trouble with IFC models (this one from Tekla) beeing empty when using Reload From.

    I tried to replicated this behavior by linking an IFC (A). Reloading this file with a new IFC (B).
    Then tried to Reload From the original IFC file (A) and it will be empty.

    I don't think this will happen often but a collegue of mine had to insert a new IFC link instead of using Reload From.
    Because of that, he lost all of the Graphic Overrides.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-07-22

    We have a similar item in our backlog and we'll be taking a look. In the meantime, you can probably fix the behavior by deleting the .ifc.RVT cached file - that will cause a full reload, and probably have the behavior you expect. Let us know if that solves the problem (as a workaround).

  • Teun

    Teun - 2016-07-24

    Thank's. I'll forward your suggestion to my collegue.


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