User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on DirectShow .NET

    I don't know that Microsoft's Directshow has any audio mixers built in. At least I'm not seeing any.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on DirectShow .NET

    It's been too long since I've done any DS work. Nothing here stands out for me. I did write some test code once that used SetStreamSink. It's probably too different than your code to be useful, but it might be worth a look.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #22536 on SourceForge Support

    While obviously not the answer I'd hoped for, I appreciate the information. Should we close this ticket? Or leave it open so when you do the upgrade I'll get a notification?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #22536 on SourceForge Support

    the near future <sigh></sigh> I realize that giving out dates gives you nothing but headaches. But it's hard for me to make plans based on "the near future." That could mean anything from "tomorrow" to "mid-to-late next year." I could work with "tomorrow..." If you can't give me a date, can you express it negatively? Even just "Not expecting it this month" would be enough for me to make plans. Since my schedule says my project will be ready in the next couple of weeks, anything beyond the end of...

  • Created ticket #22536 on SourceForge Support

    Upgrading MariaDB

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Media Foundation .NET

    Have you read the MF docs about GPU transforms (sometimes called DXVA decoding)? Here's a sample I did recently that used them.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Media Foundation .NET

    Glad it's working for you. I have no idea what the upper limit might be. Yes, eventually hardware will matter, but other problems might arise before then.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Media Foundation .NET

    If adding MediaFilePlayers causes the USB window to slow down, that suggests they are fighting over resources of some sort. CPU/GPU makes a logical first guess. If (for instance) they are all trying to do work on the thread's "main" thread, then adding too much work could slow things down. That's why I was telling you to look at the utilization in task manager. Similarly, you could be fighting over GPU resources. If both your MediaFile and Camera threads are doing decoding using hardware, you could...

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2005-02-15 23:06:37


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