I see the same problem when running only bbmap.sh ref=Human/SAMEA103958167/SAMEA103958167_contigs.fasta in1=Human/SAMEA103958167/sequence_quality_control/SAMEA103958167_QC_R1.fastq.gz in2=Human/SAMEA103958167/sequence_quality_control/SAMEA103958167_QC_R2.fastq.gz minid=0.9 nodisk out=mapped.sam -Xmx50g threads=5
I set minid=0.9 and minratio was 0.56
Minid is not respected in bbwrap
I put an unofficial download resource here: https://zenodo.org/record/4247277/files/MaxBin-2.2.7.tar.gz
Can you make maxbin2 available
OK, rebuilding the sketch with the newest version solved theproblem. Ticked can be closed.
So no, updating the version doesn't change the problem
Error.Error ... in sendsketch output