User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2223 on KeePass

    Hi, in my sceanrio I created some additional variables in the Advanced-tab. For example "System-ID" which has the value 'DEV' (as example). Now I want to implement an Auto-Type that checks in the target window if the String "DEV" is included. But instead of writing "DEV" again hard coded in the Target Windows, I just want to refer to the already existing variable. That gives me more flexibility to create "template entries" in which only the variables need to be adjusted and no changes in the Auto-Type-settings...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1674 on KeePass

    Any update? :)

  • Created ticket #2223 on KeePass

    Use Variables as Target Window

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Ditto

    Dear all, before using Ditto as my favourite Clipboard Tool I was using ClipX. I...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1844 on KeePass

    See also discussion thread:

  • Created ticket #1844 on KeePass

    AutoType - Target Window based on String field

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hello, I have a suggestion regarding the AutoType-function of KeePass. It would be...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Ditto

    Hey, is there also an option to select an entry in the list-view of Ditto with one...

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Personal Data

2012-11-24 11:41:22
Freiburg / Germany / CEST


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