Activity for Robert Cartwright

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #371

    DrJava is an open source app that is not licensed with Apple so Apple now generates the bogus message that you reported. I have not personally used Macs in well over a decade but I have seen many reports of the same problem by other Mac users. The universal solution is to download the jar distribution and execute it from the command line (in a terminal) using the command java -jar drjava.jar You must run a version of Java consonant with the date of the release that you are using. I recommend downloading...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #370

    There is a more recent build under the name drjava.jar at that fixes a bug we encountered with jacoco code coverage. I am using a Windows 10 laptop as my primary machine which does not interoperate very well with github. I will try to push our local repository to github shortly. In the meantime, I recommend the build shown above. DrJava is little used at Rice these days.

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #368

    Hi Stella, When you type the command java -jar drjava-beta-20160913-225446.jar the current working directory of your terminal must contain the file drjava-beta-20160913-225446.jar. You either need to change your current directory (using the cd command) to the directory [folder] containing the jar file for drjava or you need to provide a relative path (from the current directory) to the jar file. Apple has been hostile to open source Java apps (typically distributed as jar files), so I don't know...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #363

    This is a continuing saga from Apple. It has happened several times in the past decade. Apple wants to lock down Macs so that no software other than what Apple licenses (for a fee) can run on their machines. My recollection is that there was a workaround involving the security manager, which may still work and should be accessible in the support logs at the DrJava sourceforge website, Unfortunately, I don't remember the details. I presume that you have installed a Java 8 JDK or JRE and that you are...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #365

    Yes. You can edit the DrJava preferences to enlarge the fonts, but I am not certain that all fonts are configurable. Let me know what happens. I am not aware of any users' experiences using DrJava on a 4K screen. On my HD resolution screen, the fonts are quite small so enlarging them using preferences is a good idea. The defaults assume much less resolution. On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 3:32 AM Tyler Sagen wrote: [support-requests:#365]

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #978

    Even in an era where updates to DrJava are infrequent, your version of DrJava (drjava-20160913-225446) [Sept 13, 2016] is very old. Please download and try installing a Java 8 JDK which is the configuration I generally use. Many bugs have been fixed dand support for Java 8 has been added in DrJava. I no longer even have a Java 7 JRE or JDK installed on any of my various machines. I use Corretto 8 JDK on Windows 10 and the standard open source...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #978

    I don't have enough informatoin to understand the bug. You are using an old version of DrJava (built in 201) with problematic support for Java 7 and 8, and an Oracle Java 7 JVM that is no longer supported. If you can replicate the bug running Amazon Corretto JDK 8 Java distribution and the latest version of DrJava available from, I will look at it and see if I can fix it.

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #362

    I just saw this support request. I somehow missed seeing it earlier. You are running an ancient version of DrJava (from 2012!) that I don't think is compatible with Java 8. I also do not what compiler you are using. DrJava searches for all the Java compiler it can find in the usual places on your platform, but I doubt that the 2012 edition will load a Java 8 compiler (which should be located in the tools.jar file in your Java JDK 8 installation. I suspect DrJava is finding an older compiler somewhere...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #359

    In "flat-file" mode, DrJava puts each class file in exactly the same location as the command line default: the same folder as the corresponding source file. If you set up a project (which uses exactly the same source file layout as command line Java), you can specify a "Build Directory" which will place the class files in a file tree with exactly the same structure as the source file tree. The "Compile Project" command compiles all of the source files that are listed in the navigation pane to the...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #359

    I just tried using the Amazon Corretto OpenJDK 8 and initially tripped over the fact that there is no java command in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto/bin. For some reason (why?), the java command is only available in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto/jre/bin. At any rate, once I used the "correct"path to the java command, everything worked.

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #359

    My apologies for not responding sooner. I somehow missed seeing this support thread until Kevin's message showed up in my email inbox a few minutes ago. On my Linux system, I have the Linux OpenJDK 8 and the Amaretto 8 JDK installed. DrJava searches for all of the compilers it can find in common locations for JDK installations on various platforms. The compilation tab in the interactions pane (below the main editing pane) shows the available compilers in a pulldown menu in a subpanel on the right...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #354

    DrJava only works with Java JDK 8 which is available for all major laptop platforms at (Amazon Corretto) by clicking on the "Amazon Corretto 8" button. You should uninstall JDK12 (from Oracle?) first. Sometime within the next year, I hope to release a version of DrJava that works for Java JDK 9+. Starting with JDK 9, Oracle broke backward compatibility for Java apps that use any of the the "lib" files in the JDK distribution. Eclipse and IntelliJ have massive staffs...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #361

    Try the most recent build of DrJava (called drjava.jar at I am currently using it on my Windows 10 laptop. The JDK I am using (as reported by running "java -version" in the Command Prompt window) is: openjdk version "1.8.0_242" OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 1.8.0_242-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode) I found that installing multiple versions of Java on my Windows laptop caused problems...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #359

    I had problems running DrJava on Windows 10 until I removed all of my Java installations except Amazon Corretto 8. Java apparently uses some environment variables (like JAVA_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH) which are not treated consistently across JVMs or platforms. See DrJava appears to work normally (except for code coverage) on Windows 10 when Amazon Corretto 8 is installed after removing all...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #359

    Hi John, What version of Java are you using? DrJava only works with Java 8. I recommend Amazon Corretto 8. See In Java 9 and later versions, the layout and packaging of the Java distribution is incompatible with earlier versions of Java. Hence in Java 9+, DrJava may fail by failing to find the file (rt.jar) that contains the java.lang classes in Java 8. You may also want to try using the DrJava release at,...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #352

    I just uploaded a new version of DrJava (2019-220051) that should work on any version of the Java 8 JRE or JDK; includes the open source OpenJDK 8 Java compiler.

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright created a blog post

    DrJava Beta Release 2019-220051

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #352

    When I tried running DrJava with OpenJDK8 on Windows 10, it did not work as well as I had expected. The primary problem is that DrJava cannot find the tools.jar file (containing javac, the Java compiler) in the OpenJDK8 installation. I used the Azul Systems packaging of the 64 bit OpenJDK8 which puts the installation file tree in C:Program Files/Zulu, a location that DrJava does not currently inspect. I tried a quick hack on the DrJava code base to look in this location, but something is going wrong...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #352

    DrJava should run without any change using OpenJDK8. I just tested it my Linux laptop (running Ubuntu 18.04) using the OpenJDK8 distributed from the Ubuntu 18.04 repository. I have multiple JDKs installed on that machine so I have to identify which "java" command that I want to run. Each JDK distribution (a file tree) includes a bin directory containing java and javac. DrJava found the Java 8 compilers for both Oracle JDK8 and OpenJDK8. I selected the latter and successfully compiled and tested a...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #350

    No puedo hablar espanol muy bien pero este problema es sencillo: DrJava no funciona con Java 11. Es necesario usar Java 8. La organizacion del Java SDK cambio' en Java 9. Ya se puede obtener Java 8. Lo siento, Robert Cartwright On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 1:52 PM wilfredo barquero wrote: Esta es la ventanilla con el error Attachments: Selección_001.png

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #348

    Hi Christian, I have never used the ReportPrinter library class. Does your program run from the command line? If you send me the source code for your program (as an attachment?) I can try running it on my Linux and Windows machines. I no longer use Macs for a variety of reasons. I don't own one personally and we no longer have any Macs in my research lab. Best, Corky On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:00 PM Christian wrote: Sorry about the formatting issues regarding the code....

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #974

    DrJava is incompatible with Java 9 and Java 10. After Java 8, Oracle completely changed the packaging of the JDK and JRE distributions of Java (which had been invariant since Java 1.2 [2] twenty years ago. We are working on a new version that is compatible with Java 9/10 but we no longer have any outside funding supporting DrJava development so it is being done in our "spare time". In the near term, you need to download a Java 8 JDK. I am currently running JDK 8 build 181 on my Linux laptop. I hope...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #344

    In your traceback, references to the Eclipse Compiler appear which surprised me. I have not tested the Eclipse Compiler in recent generations of DrJava (going back nearly a decade); in fact, DrJava typically does not "find" the Eclipse compiler when I run DrJava on my machine. We do not use the Eclipse Compiler in DrJava because DrJava can almost always find the official Oracle Java compiler assuming that a Java 8 JDK rather than a Java 8 JRE (a subset of the JDK that EXCLUDES the compiler) has been...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #342

    Hi Mathias, It is great to see you participating on the DrJava support team. I think I am the only other person who looks at DrJava support issues and I only do it occasionally. I have started working with a Chinese master's degree student who is interested in porting DrJava to run on Java 9+. I told him that the requisite changes may be major given that rt.jar has been eliminated. He is a surprisingly good software developer and is not intimidated/baffled by the DrJava build process. (We may try...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #340

    The class files in drjava.jar are compatible with Java 7, but a prime feature of Java is backward compatibility (which was partially abandoned in Java 9 but that is not relevant to this discussion). The simplest way to run DrJava is from the command line. Open a terminal and cd (change working directory) to the directory (folder) containing the drjava jar file that you want to execute. Then type the command java -jar drjava-xxx.jar where xxx is the versioning suffix on you drjava jar file. If you...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #339

    When you install a new JVM, the installer does not necessarily update the "current" (default) JVM to the newly installed one. Type java -version in a terminal to determine which JVM is the default. If you had previously installed another JDK (which contains an embedded JVM), then the default is unlikely to be the version that you just installed ("1.8.0_152"). I just installed JDK 8u152 on my MacBook but it was effectively invisible (and inaccessible) because the default JVM was still JDK 8u144. To...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #339

    DrJava is not compatible with Java 9. You must download a Java 8 JDK. The internals of Java 9 are drastically different than Java 8. On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Kolaski wrote: I have Java JDK version 9 [support-requests:#339] DrJava not opening on Mac 10.11.6* Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created: Thu Oct 12, 2017 07:09 PM UTC by Brandon Kolaski Last Updated: Thu Oct 12, 2017 07:09 PM UTC Owner: nobody...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    I am confused. Were you able to install the JDK? After installing the Java JDK, clicking on the DrJava jar icon should invoke Java Runtime Environment (via the user interface supported by the operating system which blocks your first attempt to execute the jar file. Chrome should never be involved. You can always work around this interface by executing the jar file from the command line. I just tried this on my MacBook. In this case, the Mac gatekeeper never runs; it works just like Linux (the OS...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    To install a Java 8 JDK on a mac, you can follow the instructions on the page with one simplication. There is now only one form of installation package for the mac named - jdk-8u144-macosx-x64.dmg I have no idea why there were ever two different Java 8 intallation packages for the mac (as mentioned on the web page referenced above). The x64 (64-bit) extension of the old Intel x86 32-bit instruction set was developed by AMD,...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    Mac users must download the jar file, not the Mac app which is packaged with the Apple Java 6 loader. I just removed the Mac app from the download page because the packaging system we have been using to create our downloads was designed for Apple Java distributions which ended with Java 6. As a result, our Mac app packaging does not work with Java JDK distributions for the Mac created by Oracle. Since the most recent version of DrJava is incompatible with Java 6 (no longer supported by Oracle), the...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    I just repeated the process I already described minutes ago on my MacBook laptop running Mac OS X 10.11.4, again in Mac OS 10.11.6 (after I updated the OS), and Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) I essentially never use my MacBook (whose formerly wonderful interface has been polluted by iPhone compatiblity concerns) except to test DrJava. For the record, I hate smartphones (in comparison to laptops) and laptops with interfaces that imitate smartphones. A few more details: When I initially double-clicked...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #947

    I am skeptical that this will work because we are using a very old package to generate Java apps for the Mac; the package dates from the era when Apple supported Java. When Oracle took over Java on the Mac (as of Java 7), they decided to use a different app launcher for Java jar files. I don't know any of the details about the structure of Mac apps or the protocol for launching them so it is conceivable that the old launcher works for Java 8 (I recall it failing for Java 7). My recommendation is...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    The DrJava file is safe. What I meant by "the jar file may not be safe (true)" is that Java jar files in general can do bad things to your local machine and that the Mac OS knows nothing about DrJava so it must assume that it might be malicious. Only open Java jar files from sources that your trust. I do not recommend executing jar files from unknown sources. The Java program in the jar file will execute with the same privileges as the owner of the account so a malicious Java jar flie could do a...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    A Java program is typically packaged in a format called a jar file; this file contains an embedded class file (the output of the javac compiler) for each class in the Java program. The page includes gray buttons for three different formats: jar, Windows apps, and Mac apps. I may try to remove the Mac OS X App button later today since it uses the old Java app launcher which does not work for the Java 7 or 8 implementations created by Oracle. On the page, select the button labeled...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #335

    Download the jar file and run it. We need to remove the Mac app which I think still uses the old Apple Java 6 launcher. When Oracle took over Java on the Mac, they decided (why O why?) to use an incompatible app launcher. All of our app distributions use the old launcher. In addition, Apple is hostile to apps that do not pay a licensing fee for Apple vetting; almost all open source apps are in this category. Mac OS X will open jar files if you visit the Security center after trying to open the jar...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #967

    I think I eliminated the NullPointerException error, but I simply suppressed the...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #317

    Hi Dana, There are two issues concerning the DrJava app that may be causing the problem....

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #330

    Hi Hal, First, OS X can lie about the status of apps. It does not like apps that...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on a blog post

    If we can muster the resources, we will replace he current DrJava interpreter (based...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright created a blog post

    DrJava Beta Release 20160913-225446

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #322

    There are no limits to the size of Java program files other than implicit limits...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #296

    I just confirmed that the debugger loads when running the latest build using Java...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright modified a comment on ticket #296

    I tried to reply by email but my message bounced. I have uploaded the latest build...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #296

    I tried to reply by email but my message bounced. I have uploaded the latest build...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #318

    Hi Chris, DO NOT POINT DRJAVA to a tools.jar file! In the absence of such a preference,...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #318

    Hi Chris, I apologize for missing your email; I did not notice it until Charles Reis...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #320

    Hi Mohammed, I recently purchased a Chromebook (Toshiba Chromebook 2) with a beautiful...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #953

    As this example shows, the Dynamic Java interpreter that we incorporated into DrJava...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright modified ticket #956

    double multiply precision error

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #956

    I am closing this bug report because the behavior of double precision floating point...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright modified ticket #946

    DrJava and JDK 8

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #946

    I am closing this bug because it was fixed (as far as I know) in the next stable...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #946

    Hi Dave, I don't understand your bug report. We did not use Java 8 locally until...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #319

    Hi Kyle, DrJava is not an executable program; it is a datafile containing "Java byte...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #956

    Hi Madge, Some languages like Scheme support a more intuitive formulation of "real"...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #951

    Hi Kevin and Christopher, I will look at the problem but I may report the same results...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright posted a comment on ticket #947

    I no longer own any Macs either personally or in my research group at Rice University;...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [67fef9]

    This commit contains the updated platform.jar ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [214270]

    This commit is a incidental revision since the ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [b70ca8]

    This revsion adds directories for reporting Sca...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [157281]

    This commit of platform successfully compiles S...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [396537]

    This revision adds support for specifying an ou...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [868f35]

    This update includes some minor changes to the ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [fc4d0d]

    This revision eliminates all warnings from comp...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [df8217]

    This commit contains a draft of the Scala compi...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [4e3ebd]

    This revision limits Scala compiler searching t...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [76186d]

    This revision reverses some of the changes in t...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [cb3f1f]

    As of this commit, the code looks close to work...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [964ab8]

    Branching from trunk to drscala at 5470. The f...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [67995b]

    This commit is an incremental step toward setti...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [485895]

    This commit is hopefully close to a working fra...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [deeb9e]

    This revision fixes a critical bug in Predictiv...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [2a4092]

    This build successfully compiles Scala files, b...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [de6953]

    This commit updates platform.jar to be consiste...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [f2f026]

    This revision revises ReaderWriterLockTest to e...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [a0b567]

    This commit comments out some debugging code in...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [3d0937]

    The status of the base-scala in this project go...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [4a7db8]

    This revision fixes a problem in the guessVersi...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [a7ee28]

    This revision contains a few nominal improvemen...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [975871]

    This revision comments out a debugging statemen...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [702acd]

    This revision converts some Java specific code ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [a792f9]

    This revision cleans up indenting and fixes Glo...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [2c2cad]

    This revision converts occurrences of "DrJava" ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [8e88fe]

    This revision contains purely cosmetic improvem...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [d2dbd3]

    This revision updates the code in plt so that i...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [eba028]

    This revision allows project file trees to have...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [c24365]

    This commit is a major indenting update. There...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [f19ccc]

    This commit includes minor changes in OptionCon...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [980108]

    This revision enables more logging output to se...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [f40b46]

    This commit enables DrScala to find compilers w...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [0e2c5b]

    This commit reverses the unexplained reversion ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [363c86]

    This commit of platform/scala attempts to pass ...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [8adac0]

    Corrects syntax errors in last commit.

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [5ec66d]

    This revision markely improves indenting and tu...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [b1c3f0]

    This revision disables much of the code support...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [47c87f]

    This revision corrects a glitch in the definiti...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [115f19]

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [043740]

    This revision contains minor refactoring of met...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [03ac9e]

    This revision updates the scala specific source...

  • Robert Cartwright Robert Cartwright committed [086294]

    This commit is an incremental step toward revis...

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