
#956 double multiply precision error

Madge Smith

Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results. Program and output provided.

Double x=65.99 *100;
prints out 6598.999

class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

  Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

  double d, temp;

  System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
  d = scan.nextDouble();

  for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
    temp = (d+i) * 100;
    System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );



run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
Please input a decimal number:
[DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
(0 + number) = 100: 6399.0
(1 + number)
= 100: 6499.000000000001
(2 + number) = 100: 6599.000000000001
(3 + number)
= 100: 6699.000000000001
(4 + number) = 100: 6799.000000000001
(5 + number)
= 100: 6899.000000000001
(6 + number) = 100: 6999.000000000001
(7 + number)
= 100: 7099.000000000001
(8 + number) = 100: 7199.000000000001
(9 + number)
= 100: 7299.000000000001
(10 + number) = 100: 7399.000000000001
(11 + number)
= 100: 7499.000000000001
(12 + number) = 100: 7599.000000000001
(13 + number)
= 100: 7699.000000000001
(14 + number) = 100: 7799.000000000001
(15 + number)
= 100: 7899.000000000001
(16 + number) = 100: 7999.000000000001
(17 + number)
= 100: 8099.000000000001
(18 + number) = 100: 8199.0
(19 + number)
= 100: 8299.0

DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459

Windows 10


Bugs: #956


  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2015-09-13

    Floating-point numbers cannot represent all numbers accurately.
    See, for example,

    This is not a bug in DrJava.

    • Madge Smith

      Madge Smith - 2015-09-13

      In the interactions window, I type
      65.99 * 100

      the output is

      But if I type
      62.99 * 100

      the output is

      Why the difference?

      Madge Smith
      Computer Science Teacher
      Academy for Science and Design
      Nashua, NH 03063

      "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code
      will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
      ~ Martin Golding

      On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 11:29 PM, Mathias Ricken

      Floating-point numbers cannot represent all numbers accurately.
      See, for example,

      This is not a bug in DrJava.

      Status: open
      Group: 7: Could cause data loss
      Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
      Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
      Program and output provided.

      Double x=65.99 *100;
      prints out 6598.999

      class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

      double d, temp;

      System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
      d = scan.nextDouble();

      for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
      temp = (d+i) * 100;
      System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


      run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
      Please input a decimal number:
      [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
      (0 + number)
      = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
      (2 + number)
      = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
      (4 + number)
      = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
      (6 + number)
      = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
      (8 + number)
      = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
      (10 + number)
      = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
      (12 + number)
      = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
      (14 + number)
      = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
      (16 + number)
      = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
      (18 + number)
      = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

      DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
      DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459

      Windows 10

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #956

      • Mathias Ricken

        Mathias Ricken - 2015-09-13

        Please remember that computers use binary and not decimal.

        Floating point numbers are a combination of a significand (the actual digits of the number) and an exponent (which says where the decimal point goes).

        The digits are binary, as I've stated. Let's say you want to represent the decimal number 1.25. The general idea here is to use the binary significand 101 and an exponent of -2. That means 1 * 1 + 0 * 0.5 + 1 * 0.25 = 1.25.

        Now let's say you want to represent 1.26. You start with 101, because that gets you to 1.25. But now you need to represent 0.01. 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64 are all too big. 1/128 is finally less than 0.01. 10100001e-7 gets you to 1.2578125. Not quite 1.26 yet.

        And you continue with more and more digits representing smaller and smaller fractions. But you only have so many bits (32 bit for float or 64 bit for double, and that's significand and exponent combined).

        At some point, you have to realize that the floating-point number is only an approximation for most numbers. Do you understand?

        If you want decimal arithmetic, you should look into Java's BigDecimal ( It will do what you want to do, just less efficiently.

        Some more information:

        • Madge Smith

          Madge Smith - 2015-09-13

          Thanks for the detailed explanation. I need to brush up on floating point

          Madge Smith
          Computer Science Teacher
          Academy for Science and Design
          Nashua, NH 03063

          "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code
          will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
          ~ Martin Golding

          On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 12:31 AM, Mathias Ricken

          Please remember that computers use binary and not decimal.

          Floating point numbers are a combination of a significand (the actual
          digits of the number) and an exponent (which says where the decimal point

          The digits are binary, as I've stated. Let's say you want to represent the
          decimal number 1.25. The general idea here is to use the binary significand
          101 and an exponent of -2. That means 1 * 1 + 0 * 0.5 + 1 * 0.25 = 1.25.

          Now let's say you want to represent 1.26. You start with 101, because that
          gets you to 1.25. But now you need to represent 0.01. 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and
          1/64 are all too big. 1/128 is finally less than 0.01. 10100001e-7 gets you
          to 1.2578125. Not quite 1.26 yet.

          And you continue with more and more digits representing smaller and
          smaller fractions. But you only have so many bits (32 bit for float or 64
          bit for double, and that's significand and exponent combined).

          At some point, you have to realize that the floating-point number is only
          an approximation for most numbers. Do you understand?

          If you want decimal arithmetic, you should look into Java's BigDecimal (
          will do what you want to do, just less efficiently.

          Some more information:

          Status: open
          Group: 7: Could cause data loss
          Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
          Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
          Program and output provided.

          Double x=65.99 *100;
          prints out 6598.999

          class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
          public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

          Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

          double d, temp;

          System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
          d = scan.nextDouble();

          for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
          temp = (d+i) * 100;
          System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


          run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
          Please input a decimal number:
          [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
          (0 + number)
          = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
          (2 + number)
          = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
          (4 + number)
          = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
          (6 + number)
          = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
          (8 + number)
          = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
          (10 + number)
          = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
          (12 + number)
          = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
          (14 + number)
          = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
          (16 + number)
          = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
          (18 + number)
          = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

          DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
          DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459

          Windows 10

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          Bugs: #956

          • Robert Cartwright

            Hi Madge,

            Some languages like Scheme support a more intuitive formulation of "real"
            numbers than mainstream languages like Java. If you are interested,
            try downloading the Racket system (see
            which includes the IDE DrRacket, which has much in common with DrJava.
            (The original creators of Racket [formerly called MzScheme/DrScheme] were
            Matthias Felleisen and his students at Rice University. Matthias was my
            principal reseach partner from 1987 to 2000.) There is an excellent
            introductory (but deep) programming text based on DrRacket at
            Java is representative of mainstream languages which generally provide
            numeric types that are directly supported in computer hardware. The Java
            double type (standard IEEE 64-bit floating point as implemented on all x86
            processors and nearly all competing processor designs) is a very good
            version of floating point arithmetic but it is still easy to devise simple
            calculations that show it is NOT performing true real arithmetic. It is
            possible in principle to support exact real arithmetic, but it is VERY
            expensive. I wrote a paper on this subject in 1986 with some colleagues at
            Rice University and elsewhere; see
            Exact real arithmetic still behaves counter-intuitively in some cases
            (e.g., comparing equal numbers generally diverges [does not terminate]),
            In exact real arithmetic every number is effectively represented by a
            Cauchy sequence of rational numbers that converges to the real number in
            question. One possible representation of such a Cauchy sequence is a
            function mapping rational tolerances to rational approximations. In
            effect, every elementary arithmetic operation in exact real arithmetic must
            construct a new function. Even in languages that explicitly support
            functions as data (e.g., Scheme, Haskell, Scala), dynamically constructing
            new functions is expensive. Java can easily represent such functions as
            objects but each arithmetic operation forces the construction of a new
            object. In addition, actually demanding a rational approximation from such
            an object can be expensive because the computation must effectively
            evaluate the accumulated expression tree corresponding to the object.

            My former colleague Hans Boehm has implemented an exact real calculator
            which is available in several formulations as a Java applet (see
   but it will not run in my
            browser because of security issues with Java applets (I may need to lower
            my security settings).

            The anomalies that you observed in the behavior of Java arithmetic show
            that floating point computation can be hazardous. If you are interested in
            digging more deeply into the subject of large scale numerical computation
            which consists almost entirely of floating point arithmetic, I highly
            recommend the book "Introduction to Scientific Computing: A Matrix-Vector
            Approach Using MATLAB" by Charley Van Loan--despite the bad reviews the
            book has received at Evidently, the book contains some typos.
            There is an errata sheet posted at
   You can buy a used
            copy in very good condition for $1.98 + $3.99 shipping at
            The book assumes some familiarity with linear algebra and the mechanics of
            floating point arithmetic, as well as access to a MatLab implementation.
            MathWorks offers a free 30 day trial for MatLab and FreeMat (see
   appears to an open source alternative
            (which I have not yet tried). If you decide to seriously read the book, I
            will be glad to answer any questions that arise. (So I suspect would
            Charley Van Loan whom I know well. See I
            have access to MatLab on some educational machines at Rice University. For
            the record, my research expertise lies in the realm of programming
            languages (like Java) and tools (like DrJava), but I think scientific
            computing is cool and challenging.

            Thanks for your interest in DrJava, which may have enticed you to learn
            more about scientific computing.


            Robert "Corky" Cartwright

            P.S. I spent a year in 1997-1998 living in Chelmsford, MA on sabbatical at
            Sun Microsystems Laboratories (then located in Chelmsford and subsequently
            in Burlington). Nashua was our favorite shopping destination.

            On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Madge Smith wrote:

            Thanks for the detailed explanation. I need to brush up on floating point

            Madge Smith
            Computer Science Teacher
            Academy for Science and Design
            Nashua, NH 03063
            603.595.4705 <603.595.4705>

            "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code
            will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
            ~ Martin Golding

            On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 12:31 AM, Mathias Ricken

            Please remember that computers use binary and not decimal.

            Floating point numbers are a combination of a significand (the actual
            digits of the number) and an exponent (which says where the decimal point

            The digits are binary, as I've stated. Let's say you want to represent the
            decimal number 1.25. The general idea here is to use the binary significand
            101 and an exponent of -2. That means 1 * 1 + 0 * 0.5 + 1 * 0.25 = 1.25.

            Now let's say you want to represent 1.26. You start with 101, because that
            gets you to 1.25. But now you need to represent 0.01. 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and
            1/64 are all too big. 1/128 is finally less than 0.01. 10100001e-7 gets you
            to 1.2578125. Not quite 1.26 yet.

            And you continue with more and more digits representing smaller and
            smaller fractions. But you only have so many bits (32 bit for float or 64
            bit for double, and that's significand and exponent combined).

            At some point, you have to realize that the floating-point number is only
            an approximation for most numbers. Do you understand?

            If you want decimal arithmetic, you should look into Java's BigDecimal (
            will do what you want to do, just less efficiently.
            Some more information:

            Status: open

            Group: 7: Could cause data loss
            Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
            Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
            Program and output provided.

            Double x=65.99 *100;
            prints out 6598.999

            class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
            public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

            Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

            double d, temp;

            System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
            d = scan.nextDouble();

            for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
            temp = (d+i) * 100;
            System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


            run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
            Please input a decimal number:
            [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
            (0 + number)
            = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
            (2 + number)
            = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
            (4 + number)
            = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
            (6 + number)
            = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
            (8 + number)
            = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
            (10 + number)
            = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
            (12 + number)
            = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
            (14 + number)
            = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
            (16 + number)
            = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
            (18 + number)
            = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

            DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
            DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459
            Windows 10

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            Status: open
            Group: 7: Could cause data loss
            Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
            Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
            Program and output provided.

            Double x=65.99 *100;
            prints out 6598.999

            class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
            public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

            Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

            double d, temp;

            System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
            d = scan.nextDouble();

            for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
            temp = (d+i) * 100;
            System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


            run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
            Please input a decimal number:
            [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
            (0 + number)
            = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
            (2 + number)
            = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
            (4 + number)
            = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
            (6 + number)
            = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
            (8 + number)
            = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
            (10 + number)
            = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
            (12 + number)
            = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
            (14 + number)
            = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
            (16 + number)
            = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
            (18 + number)
            = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

            DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
            DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459

            Windows 10

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



            Bugs: #956

            • Madge Smith

              Madge Smith - 2015-09-13

              Hi Robert,

              Wow, thanks for all the information. I am sure I was much better versed in
              this topic at one time. But I took a long sabbatical from programming to
              raise some kiddos. Now getting back into it on the teaching side. Very
              interesting switch for me. Funny you should mention Racket. I introduced a
              class to our 8th grade students last year which used WeScheme and the
              Bootstrap curriculum develop by Dr. Emmanuel Schanzer. My students used
              loads of algebra while creating video games. Great stuff. This year adding
              AP CS, programming in Java, for our juniors and seniors. They are loving it!

              Again, thanks for the detailed answer. I will check out the links you

              Madge Smith
              Computer Science Teacher
              Academy for Science and Design
              Nashua, NH 03063

              "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code
              will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
              ~ Martin Golding

              On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Robert Cartwright <


              Hi Madge,

              Some languages like Scheme support a more intuitive formulation of "real"
              numbers than mainstream languages like Java. If you are interested,
              try downloading the Racket system (see
              which includes the IDE DrRacket, which has much in common with DrJava.
              (The original creators of Racket [formerly called MzScheme/DrScheme] were
              Matthias Felleisen and his students at Rice University. Matthias was my
              principal reseach partner from 1987 to 2000.) There is an excellent
              introductory (but deep) programming text based on DrRacket at
              Java is representative of mainstream languages which generally provide
              numeric types that are directly supported in computer hardware. The Java
              double type (standard IEEE 64-bit floating point as implemented on all x86
              processors and nearly all competing processor designs) is a very good
              version of floating point arithmetic but it is still easy to devise simple
              calculations that show it is NOT performing true real arithmetic. It is
              possible in principle to support exact real arithmetic, but it is VERY
              expensive. I wrote a paper on this subject in 1986 with some colleagues at
              Rice University and elsewhere; see
              Exact real arithmetic still behaves counter-intuitively in some cases
              (e.g., comparing equal numbers generally diverges [does not terminate]),
              In exact real arithmetic every number is effectively represented by a
              Cauchy sequence of rational numbers that converges to the real number in
              question. One possible representation of such a Cauchy sequence is a
              function mapping rational tolerances to rational approximations. In
              effect, every elementary arithmetic operation in exact real arithmetic must
              construct a new function. Even in languages that explicitly support
              functions as data (e.g., Scheme, Haskell, Scala), dynamically constructing
              new functions is expensive. Java can easily represent such functions as
              objects but each arithmetic operation forces the construction of a new
              object. In addition, actually demanding a rational approximation from such
              an object can be expensive because the computation must effectively
              evaluate the accumulated expression tree corresponding to the object.

              My former colleague Hans Boehm has implemented an exact real calculator
              which is available in several formulations as a Java applet (see
     but it will not run in my
              browser because of security issues with Java applets (I may need to lower
              my security settings).

              The anomalies that you observed in the behavior of Java arithmetic show
              that floating point computation can be hazardous. If you are interested in
              digging more deeply into the subject of large scale numerical computation
              which consists almost entirely of floating point arithmetic, I highly
              recommend the book "Introduction to Scientific Computing: A Matrix-Vector
              Approach Using MATLAB" by Charley Van Loan--despite the bad reviews the
              book has received at Evidently, the book contains some typos.
              There is an errata sheet posted at
     You can buy a used
              copy in very good condition for $1.98 + $3.99 shipping at

              The book assumes some familiarity with linear algebra and the mechanics of
              floating point arithmetic, as well as access to a MatLab implementation.
              MathWorks offers a free 30 day trial for MatLab and FreeMat (see
     appears to an open source alternative
              (which I have not yet tried). If you decide to seriously read the book, I
              will be glad to answer any questions that arise. (So I suspect would
              Charley Van Loan whom I know well. See I
              have access to MatLab on some educational machines at Rice University. For
              the record, my research expertise lies in the realm of programming
              languages (like Java) and tools (like DrJava), but I think scientific
              computing is cool and challenging.

              Thanks for your interest in DrJava, which may have enticed you to learn
              more about scientific computing.


              Robert "Corky" Cartwright

              P.S. I spent a year in 1997-1998 living in Chelmsford, MA on sabbatical at
              Sun Microsystems Laboratories (then located in Chelmsford and subsequently
              in Burlington). Nashua was our favorite shopping destination.

              On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Madge Smith wrote:

              Thanks for the detailed explanation. I need to brush up on floating point

              Madge Smith
              Computer Science Teacher
              Academy for Science and Design
              Nashua, NH 03063
              603.595.4705 <603.595.4705>

              "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code
              will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
              ~ Martin Golding

              On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 12:31 AM, Mathias Ricken

              Please remember that computers use binary and not decimal.

              Floating point numbers are a combination of a significand (the actual
              digits of the number) and an exponent (which says where the decimal point

              The digits are binary, as I've stated. Let's say you want to represent the
              decimal number 1.25. The general idea here is to use the binary significand
              101 and an exponent of -2. That means 1 * 1 + 0 * 0.5 + 1 * 0.25 = 1.25.

              Now let's say you want to represent 1.26. You start with 101, because that
              gets you to 1.25. But now you need to represent 0.01. 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and
              1/64 are all too big. 1/128 is finally less than 0.01. 10100001e-7 gets you
              to 1.2578125. Not quite 1.26 yet.

              And you continue with more and more digits representing smaller and
              smaller fractions. But you only have so many bits (32 bit for float or 64
              bit for double, and that's significand and exponent combined).

              At some point, you have to realize that the floating-point number is only
              an approximation for most numbers. Do you understand?

              If you want decimal arithmetic, you should look into Java's BigDecimal (
              will do what you want to do, just less efficiently.
              Some more information:

              Status: open

              Group: 7: Could cause data loss
              Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
              Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
              Owner: nobody

              Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
              Program and output provided.

              Double x=65.99 *100;
              prints out 6598.999

              class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
              public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

              Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

              double d, temp;

              System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
              d = scan.nextDouble();

              for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
              temp = (d+i) * 100;
              System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


              run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
              Please input a decimal number:
              [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
              (0 + number)
              = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
              (2 + number)
              = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
              (4 + number)
              = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
              (6 + number)
              = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
              (8 + number)
              = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
              (10 + number)
              = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
              (12 + number)
              = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
              (14 + number)
              = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
              (16 + number)
              = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
              (18 + number)
              = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

              DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
              DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459
              Windows 10

              Sent from because you indicated interest in

              To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

              Status: open
              Group: 7: Could cause data loss
              Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
              Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
              Owner: nobody

              Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
              Program and output provided.

              Double x=65.99 *100;
              prints out 6598.999

              class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
              public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

              Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

              double d, temp;

              System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
              d = scan.nextDouble();

              for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
              temp = (d+i) * 100;
              System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


              run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
              Please input a decimal number:
              [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
              (0 + number)
              = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
              (2 + number)
              = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
              (4 + number)
              = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
              (6 + number)
              = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
              (8 + number)
              = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
              (10 + number)
              = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
              (12 + number)
              = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
              (14 + number)
              = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
              (16 + number)
              = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
              (18 + number)
              = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

              DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
              DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459
              Windows 10

              Sent from because you indicated interest in

              To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

              Status: open
              Group: 7: Could cause data loss
              Created: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:08 AM UTC by Madge Smith
              Last Updated: Sun Sep 13, 2015 03:29 AM UTC
              Owner: nobody

              Running following program produces inconsistent and incorrect results.
              Program and output provided.

              Double x=65.99 *100;
              prints out 6598.999

              class Lesson_6_Activity_Three {
              public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

              Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

              double d, temp;

              System.out.println("Please input a decimal number:");
              d = scan.nextDouble();

              for (int i=1; i<100; i++) {
              temp = (d+i) * 100;
              System.out.println("(" + i + " + number) *= 100: " + temp );


              run Lesson_6_Activity_Three
              Please input a decimal number:
              [DrJava Input Box - entered 63.99]
              (0 + number)
              = 100: 6399.0 (1 + number) = 100: 6499.000000000001
              (2 + number)
              = 100: 6599.000000000001 (3 + number) = 100: 6699.000000000001
              (4 + number)
              = 100: 6799.000000000001 (5 + number) = 100: 6899.000000000001
              (6 + number)
              = 100: 6999.000000000001 (7 + number) = 100: 7099.000000000001
              (8 + number)
              = 100: 7199.000000000001 (9 + number) = 100: 7299.000000000001
              (10 + number)
              = 100: 7399.000000000001 (11 + number) = 100: 7499.000000000001
              (12 + number)
              = 100: 7599.000000000001 (13 + number) = 100: 7699.000000000001
              (14 + number)
              = 100: 7799.000000000001 (15 + number) = 100: 7899.000000000001
              (16 + number)
              = 100: 7999.000000000001 (17 + number) = 100: 8099.000000000001
              (18 + number)
              = 100: 8199.0 (19 + number) = 100: 8299.0

              DrJava Version : drjava-20140826-r5761
              DrJava Build Time: 20140826-0459

              Windows 10

              Sent from because you indicated interest in

              To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



              Bugs: #956

  • Robert Cartwright

    I am closing this bug report because the behavior of double precision floating point arithmetic in DrJava as shown in the report exactly matches the IEEE Floating Point standard and the JLS standard for Java. Floating point arithmetic is not identical to real arithmetic.

  • Robert Cartwright

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Robert Cartwright

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