Activity for Radu Coravu

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #129

    Thanks Tobias, I will keep this in mind.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #129

    +1 we are also interested in having this work for SFTP connections.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified ticket #16

    Improper highlight for C directives

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #16

    Improper highlight for C directives

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #7

    Sure, makes sense.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #7

    Ideally the GitHub project would become part of an organization. Maybe hosted as part of the DocBook organization if anyone knows its admin?

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r171]

    Synchronize with pull request by Tony Graham on:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r170]

    Try to avoid breaking the entire XSLT processing when highlighter breaks:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r169]

    Try to avoid breaking the entire XSLT processing when highlighter breaks:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #15

    You seem to have added a separate issue for your unhandled exception and it is not related with this current issue: I comitted a fix also for that issue, but I did not look at your attached patch, if you have another idea about how to make this work maybe we can talk on that issue.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r168]

    Guard against case when the Java code is incomplete:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #15

    @kosek I added a fix for the issue + test case.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r167]

    Added fix for SIOB for issue:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on a wiki page

    Thanks. I made some changes, fixed about 4 broken links.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified a wiki page


  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified a wiki page


  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified a wiki page


  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified a wiki page


  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on a wiki page

    Where did you encounter that link? On what html page?

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r166]

    Avoid string index out of bounds, fix + TC.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r163]

    Work on special JSON highligher.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r162]

    Removed extra unnecessary patch, use Java proxy instantiation to create dummy object.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #15

    Thanks for the hint, I committed an update to the "java-hl.xml" from the SVN repository of the project.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r161]

    Two more Java keywords per patch:

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #1400

    Linking to the discussion Bob Stayton started on the Docbook Apps list: One more thing I discovered and added on the same forum thread: Even if you set UTF-8 encoding by default Saxon 6 will still escape all special characters for "html" output. It has a special "saxon:" namespaced attribute which can be set on the xsl:output to avoid this but for some reason...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #1400

    Default encoding for HTML-based outputs

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r160]

    Besides older versions of Saxon 9.1 the highlig...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r159]

    Test commit rights.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #307

    Thanks Norm.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #307

    It seems that because I used XML elements most of my post is gone and it also seems...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #307

    Issues with Docbook 5.1 CR3 RNG-based schemas

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r155]

    Connector works also with Saxon 9.6

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified ticket #11

    Code block marked as containing CSS (but actually contains XML) breaks processing

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #11

    Guarded NPE + added TC

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r153]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified ticket #12

    XSLTHL breaks processing XML fragment (String Index out of Bounds)

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #12

    Committed TC + small fix.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r152]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #10

    Committed Saxon EE connector.

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu modified ticket #10

    Add support for XSLT extension to work with latest Saxon EE processor

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu committed [r151]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #12

    XSLTHL breaks processing XML fragment (String Index out of Bounds)

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #11

    Code block marked as containing CSS (but actually contains XML) breaks processing

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #10

    Add support for XSLT extension to work with latest Saxon EE processor

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #180

    Word to DITA no longer works [D4P 0.9.19RC12]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #88

    Hi Bertrand, Thanks for the answers, I will look more into this when a stable DITA...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #173

    Missing DTDs from "net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.doctypes\doctypes\d4p_simpleEnumerationDomain\dtd" [0.9.19RC12]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #172

    Common CSS commonltr.css not included in EPUB, Kindle outputs [0.9.19RC12]

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #171

    Method "relpath:getParent" does not properly work on Windows

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #170

    If that error is corrected the output breaks again later on: D:\projects\eXml\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\build.xml:53:...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #170

    The XSL: DITA-OT\plugins\net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.graphviz\xsl\map2graphvizImpl.xsl...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #170

    Graphviz output no longer works (D4P 0.9.19RC12)

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #155

    The TC would be something like: String in = "<html><p>\uD840\uDC00</p></html> ";...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #155

    Surrogate characters handling in XHTML importer

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #128

    All these build files: build_transtype-html2_template.xml build_transtype-kindle_template.xml...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu posted a comment on ticket #1323

    Coming back to the XSL I mentioned earlier: "xsl\html\pi.xsl" in the template: <xsl:template...

  • Radu Coravu Radu Coravu created ticket #1323

    References with dbhtml-include PI are not interpreted relative to XML when using profiling-docbook.xsl