Activity for nospam

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ncidserver:~ $ date -u Fri 7 Jun 19:30:23 UTC 2024 ncidserver:~ $ date Fri 7 Jun 15:30:30 EDT 2024

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The NCIDD times are normally correct. When I get these ghost calls the time stamps are incorrect

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I checked and my NCIDD system clock is correct, that's why I am confused as to the different call log time reported. I am UTC -4 but the time is off by some unexpected value. Is there a bash command line way to see gettimeofday() for me to check?

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In case someone is experiencing a similar issue here's a possible reference to "sip scanner ghost calls"

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've been getting some single ring No Caller ID nuisance calls lately. I am using VOIP with a Grandstream VOIP to POTS device. ciddata.log just shows RING RING in the log, and NCID records my 4:00am caller as 0104 as the time? cidcall.log shows CID: *DATE*06062024*TIME*0104*LINE*POTS*NMBR*RING*MESG*NONE*FNMBR*RING*NTYPE*-*CTRY*ZZ*LOCA*-*CARI*-*NAME*No Caller ID* Where does NCIDD get the time stamp from? The other interesting tidbit is my VOIP provider and my Grandstream VOIP to POTS device log show...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've recently ported my POTS line to Voip and added a Grandstream HT812 so I can continue to use my exiting POTS phones. I still have my NCIDD listening to the "POTS" line but it's becoming redundant now that I can filter calls via my Voip provider. NCIDD is still handy because I can imessage incoming CID to my iphone to see who is calling the old land line. Is anyone else doing something similar with their NCIDD?

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've recently found a new API which will allow users to inspect and validate phone numbers, just sharing it here with the group Lookups AND number validation can be performed as follows: curl --request GET '' \ --header 'apikey: YOUR API KEY' example response { "valid": true, "number": "14158586273", "local_format": "4158586273", "international_format": "+14158586273",...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've recently found a new API which will allow users to inspect and validate phone numbers, just sharing it here with the group Lookups can be performed as follows: curl --request GET '' \ --header 'apikey: YOUR API KEY' example response { "valid": true, "number": "14158586273", "local_format": "4158586273", "international_format": "+14158586273", "country_prefix": "+1",...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's pretty straight forward. Here is the script, saved in my home directory as "imessage" and use 744 for permissions. I attached a screen shot for the NCIDpop settings. #!/usr/bin/osascript -- another way of waiting until an app is running on waitUntilRunning(appname, delaytime) repeat until my appIsRunning(appname) tell application "Messages" to close window 1 delay delaytime end repeat -- the fact that is running -- does not mean it is ready to send, -- unfortunately, add another...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Seems to work, thanks. I'm not sure what you mean by "ncid client with a module to call your iMessage sender"? My NCIDD server is running on a raspberry pi (legacy setup) and I recently set up a mac-mini as a DVR which is allowing me to forward calls to iMessage. As far as I know apple doesn't allow non-mac clients to connect to iMessage. I use an applescript on my mac-mini to send my message via command line when NCIDpop receives a call notification. One quick comment/question: NCIDpop now shows...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes , I am using 3rd Party Notifier. I am also using NCIDpop 0.10.11 on my MacOSX if that makes any difference.

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to change the order of the data presented in $POPUP for notifications? Currently I get notifications in the format: 01022014 1234 TEST NAME 123-456-7890 For aesthetic reasons I would prefer to get the same info in the following order TEST NAME 123-456-7890 01022014 1234 The reason for my request is that I have my PC forward Caller ID on my POTS line as an iMessage to my mobile. The way Apple parses the iMessage notifications I only see 01022014 1234 TEST NAME... in my notifications...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to change the order of the data presented in $POPUP for notifications? Currently I get notifications in the format: 01022014 1234 TEST NAME 123-456-7890 For aesthetic reasons I would prefer to get the same info in the following order TEST NAME 123-456-7890 01022014 1234 The reason for my request is that I have my PC forward Caller ID on my POTS line as an iMessage to my mobile. The way Apple parses the iMessage notifications I only see 01022014 1234 TEST NAME... in my notifications...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    I just upgraded to 1.12 on my raspi and I'm finding that numbers in my alias file are showing up as "NO NAME" in the call log. My old alias file is 1600+ lines long and I copied and pasted the old aliases into my new alias file. I see no errors in my ncidd.log file. If I manually edit the alias file, do I have to sudo systemctl restart ncidd To re-read my alias file? Also, my cidcall.log file now seems to show extra information old version CID:*DATE*01042022*TIME*1002*LINE*POTS*NMBR*1XXXXXXXXXX*MESG*NONE*NAME*NO...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just upgraded to 1.12 on my raspi and I'm finding that numbers in my alias file are showing up as "NO NAME" in the call log. My old alias file is 1600+ lines long and I copied and pasted the old aliases into my new alias file. I see no errors in my ncidd.log file. If I manually edit the alias file, do I have to sudo systemctl restart ncidd To re-read my alias file? Also, my cidcall.log file now seems to show extra information old version CID: *DATE*01042022*TIME*1002*LINE*POTS*NMBR*1XXXXXXXXXX*MESG*NONE*NAME*NO...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Up until now I have been running ncidd 1.7 which I configured to allow all calls EXCEPT for CID's listed in my alias file with the CID "SPAM". My blacklist only had one name in it "^SPAM". I set it up this way so I could block known SPAMMERS by dropping their calls after the first ring. CID's with blocked or missing numbers were given a recording that told callers to unblock their numbers in order to complete the call. All other CID's were allowed to complete. Ncidd 1.11 appears to require that a...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Up until now I have been running ncidd 1.7 which I configured to allow all calls EXCEPT for CID's listed in my alias file with the CID "SPAM". My blacklist only had one name in it "^SPAM". I set it up this way so I could block known SPAMMERS by dropping their calls after the first ring. CID's with blocked or missing numbers were given a recording that told callers to unblock their numbers in order to complete the call. All other CID's were allowed to complete. Ncidd 1.11 appears to require that a...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I took the plunge and upgraded my server from 1.7 (working perfectly but really slow alias updates/changes) to 1.11 (alias updates/changes are now FAST but I am having a lot of trouble getting NCIDD working properly). Consider my previous question closed as it pertained to the older version of NCIDD.

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am running with root. I finally found the problem but don't dnow why... I was trying to use my old ncidd.blacklist and NCIDD just won't start or provide any error messages. I had two lines Add Expressions here ^SPAM ^1?876 Changing it to Add Expressions here ^SPAM # 800 call ^1?876 # 800 call Now works. I don't know if there are any hidden characters required in the file but if I delete the two tab characters before the comment it just never starts up. Frustrating not getting any kind of error...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I took the plunge and tried upgrading from ncidd 1.7 to 1.11 on my rpi The problem I'm having is NCIDD appears to start then stop without any error messages. I am able to communicate with my modem via minicom. Here is my log output $ /usr/sbin/ncidd -Dv5 -L /var/log/ncidd.log Started: 06/01/2020 12:26:30 Server: ncidd (NCID) 1.11 API: 1.10 Feature Set 1 2 3 4 5 Sysname: Linux Nodename: Pi3SSD Machine: armv7l Release: 4.19.97-v7+ Version: #1294 SMP Thu Jan 30 13:15:58 GMT 2020 Command line: /usr/sbin/ncidd...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    When a call comes in NCIDpop automatically updates the caller log. Is there a way to update the caller log from the server using the command line? Reason why I am asking: as my ncidd.log file grows (i.e. over 1000 lines), every time I update and alias using NCIDpop my raspi chugs away for several minutes doing a regex find replace. I've added a bash profile script on my server that lets me instantly add an alias and update the ncidd.log file without having to wait for NCIDpop to update the alias....

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    What do messages like these mean? I keep seeing large multiples appear in the logs. Client 6 sent empty line 02/25/2020 08:39:33

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just confirmed there is nothing like that in the ncidd.alias or ncidd.blacklist files. I took it a step further and tried deleting everything in the ncidd.alias file and I still have the same problem. I tried un-installing and re-installing ncidpop and disabled my mac firewall and still no joy. I did have a line alias NAME * = "SPAM" if "NO NAME" but removing it made no difference. Any other suggestions? Next step is a full re-install of ncidd.

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Yes its a real number I obfuscated like "12345678900&&NO NAME" I don't have any matching aliases, these are for brand new callers. Any clue why adding an alias would have stopped working?

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes its a real number I obfuscated like "12345678900&&NO NAME" I don't have any matching aliases, these are for brand new callers

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to figure out why I am suddenly unable to add/modify aliases. I've tried rebooting both machines but it makes no difference Raspi running NCIDD 1.7 MacOS NCIDPOP 10.11.0 Under NCIDPOP, right clicking new callers only displays "Update Alias" instead of Add/New Alias After selecting "Update Alias" my ncidd.log file shows Received: REQ: alias modify "xxxxxxx&&xxxx" "NAMEDEP&&NO NAME" [02/14/2020 13:24:06] /usr/bin/ncidutil --multi "/etc/ncid/ncidd.blacklist /etc/ncid/ncidd.whitelist" "/etc/ncid/ncidd.alias"...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On the Pi pi:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^\d{4,6}$' pi:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[[:digit:]]{4,6}$' 1234 pi:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[:digit:]{4,6}$' grep: character class syntax is [[:space:]], not [:space:] pi:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[[:digit:]]{4,6}$' 1234 On OSX OSX:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^\d{4,6}$' 1234 OSX:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[[:digit:]]{4,6}$' 1234 OSX:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[:digit:]{4,6}$' OSX:~ $ echo '1234' | grep -E '^[[:digit:]]{4,6}$' 1234 For the 10 digit excluding...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]{4,6}$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]{4,6}$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]{4,6}$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]{4,6}$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]{4,6}$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: ^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$ What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]$ for matching...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I want to confirm that the following regex expression will work with ncid.blacklist. I figured I'd simply ask for clarification instead of trial and error and maybe someone else might appreciate the answer too. The expression I was planning to use is: [code]^\d{0,1}?\d{0,9}$[/code] What I want to block are CID's with less than 10 digits and that may or may not have a leading 1 or 0 On an old post of a similar question, an answer was given as ^[:digit:]$...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It worked, thanks for the instructions! Now I got to figure out why VirtualBox wont run...more catalina computer nanny problems

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I finally upgraded to Catalina (not by choice) only to discover all 32 bit apps are being blocked/disabled by the OS. How difficult would it be to recompile of NCIDpop so we can use it on 64bit OSX machines?

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to specify the three character string ^1? be added automatically when adding an alias? If not I'd like to make that a feature request for future releases. Cheers!.

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the confirmation Ed!

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've recently run accross an Verizon Novatel T1114v LTE Router with Voice and Fax and it got me wondering if there are any similar devices out there running OpenWRT or DD-WRT or other open sourced variants. That would be a nice way to integrate ncidd directly in the router firmware. Has anybody tried something similar? Voice/Fax drivers will likely be the biggest issue.

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Todd I'm using ncidd.alias to add an alias name for my SPAM callers like the following alias NAME * = "SPAM" if "15612776878" Is it OK to use wildcards in ncidd.alias like the following example? alias NAME * = "SPAM" if "1561277*" These scammers are now rolling through the numbers. I prefer to do the blocking through through the alias file because I use some PHP scripting for labelling callers and displaying logs from a web server.

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using ncidd.alias to add an alias name for my SPAM callers like the following alias NAME * = "SPAM" if "15612776878" Is it OK to use wildcards in ncidd.alias like the following example? alias NAME * = "SPAM" if "1561277*" These scammers are now rolling through the numbers. I prefer to do the blocking through through the alias file because I use some PHP scripting for labelling callers and displaying logs from a web server.

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    The latest script works as expected - thanks John! Now the fax robots can have a chat with my recording. Now one day I need to figure out how to transfer calls from my POTS line to asterisk and forward to a Voip number (SIP address).

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    One last note: The script seems to change the ncidd.log to show *No Caller ID - Played recording to No Caller ID* instead of leaving it as *No Caller ID* Is that expected behaviour?

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Here's my fix: Line #152 # if [ "${CALLER}" = "${caller[$i]}" ] if [ "${NAME}" == "${caller[$i]}" ] and Line #158 #if [ "${CALLER}" = "${caller[$pos]}" ] if [ "${NAME}" == "${caller[$pos]}" ] When I echo ${CALLER} I was getting "$NAME" not the contents of $NAME which would be "No Caller ID" >echo pos=$pos CALLER="${CALLER}" and NAME=${NAME} and caller=${caller[$i]} hangup-message3: pos=1 CALLER=$NAME and NAME=No Caller ID and caller=SPAM hangup-message3: pos=2 CALLER=$NAME and NAME=No Caller ID and...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here's my fix: Line #152 # if [ "${CALLER}" = "${caller[$i]}" ] if [ "${NAME}" == "${caller[$i]}" ] and Line #158 #if [ "${CALLER}" = "${caller[$pos]}" ] if [ "${NAME}" == "${caller[$pos]}" ] When I echo ${CALLER} i was getting "$NAME" not the contents of $NAME which would be "No Caller ID" >echo pos=$pos CALLER="${CALLER}" and NAME=${NAME} and caller=${caller[$i]} hangup-message3: pos=1 CALLER=$NAME and NAME=No Caller ID and caller=SPAM hangup-message3: pos=2 CALLER=$NAME and NAME=No Caller ID and...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    "No Caller ID" still gets ignored and the call doesn't get terminated. RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*1*TIME*11:35:10* DATE=0119 TIME=1135 NMBR=1xxxxxxx RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*2*TIME*11:35:15* Whitelist empty Checked Blacklist for match flag=0 ret=0 nmbrmatch=0 /usr/share/ncid/extensions/hangup-message3 "*DATE*01192018*TIME*1135*LINE*POTS*NMBR*1xxxxxxx*NAME*No Caller ID*MODE*3*" 2>&1 default hangup mode for hangup-message3: 3 hangup-message3: received HUPMODE 3 - VOICE hangup hangup-message3:...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    "No Caller ID" still gets ignored and the call doesn't get terminated. $NAME appears to be empty and isn't getting passed to the script. RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*1*TIME*11:35:10* DATE=0119 TIME=1135 NMBR=1xxxxxxx RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*2*TIME*11:35:15* Whitelist empty Checked Blacklist for match flag=0 ret=0 nmbrmatch=0 /usr/share/ncid/extensions/hangup-message3 "*DATE*01192018*TIME*1135*LINE*POTS*NMBR*1xxxxxxx*NAME*No Caller ID*MODE*3*" 2>&1 default hangup mode for hangup-message3: 3...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Shouldn't I be evaluating the caller name as these spammers don't have a name or number when they call? # CALLER='$NMBR' CALLER='$NAME' instead of CALLER='$NMBR' # CALLER='$NAME'

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Still no joy. I saved your script as "hangup-message2". Here's my script 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Todd. I'm trying to test the message for "No Caller ID" by applying that alias to my mobile number. I'm using the script as above. My call doesn't get blocked when my alias is "No Caller ID" but it does get blocked if I change the alias to "SPAM" Running in debug mode it appears that the $MODE and $NAME strings are not being passed to the script Also if [ ${NAME} = "SPAM" ]; then gives errors [: =: unary operator expected Changing it to if [[ "$NAME" == "SPAM" ]]; then stops the error s but...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Todd. I'm trying to test the message for "No Caller ID" by applying that alias to my mobile number. I'm using the script as above. My call doesn't get blocked when my alias is "No Caller ID" but it does get blocked if I change the alias to "SPAM" Running in debug mode it appears that the $MODE and $NAME strings are not being passed to the script Also if [ ${NAME} = "SPAM" ]; then gives errors [: =: unary operator expected Changing it to if [[ "$NAME" == "SPAM" ]]; then stops the error s but...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Todd. I'm trying to test the message for "No Caller ID" by applying that alias to my mobile number. I'm using the script as above. My call doesn't get blocked when my alias is "No Caller ID" but it does get blocked if I change the alias to "SPAM" Any suggestions as to how to debug/fix? Here's the log output from the incomming number RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*1*TIME*12:12:29* DATE=0117 TIME=1212 NMBR=1xxxxxxxxxx RING CIDINFO: *LINE*POTS*RING*2*TIME*12:12:34* Whitelist empty Checked Blacklist...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Am I able to use multiple hangup extensions to give different caller ID's a different hangup message? Here's what I want to achieve: All callers I've flagged as "SPAM" in my alias file will get the "the number is not in service" .rmd message. All callers with "No Caller ID" will get a different custom message like "the number you have called does not accept blocked caller ID" .rmd message. What is the correct way to do what I am looking for? I am getting flooded by incomming "No Caller ID" fax calls...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #9

    NCIDpop on OSX. I don't use any other clients On 2017-11-18, 4:51 PM, "Todd Andrews" wrote: Hi Mike, We're brainstorming about this issue. Which client or clients do you use when adding an alias? NCIDpop, the Universal NCID Client (a.k.a., or something else? --- ** [support-requests:#9] Long delay adding alias on RPi** **Status:** open **Group:** v1.0_(example) **Created:** Sat Apr 29, 2017 09:40 PM UTC by Todd Andrews **Last Updated:** Tue Nov 14, 2017 04:51 PM UTC...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #9

    Yes and No. I have purged the database to make the add alias feature work quicker. I'm trying to keep it under 1000 records. Over that it takes a long time to "add alias". Mike On 2017-11-14, 11:51 AM, "Todd Andrews" wrote: Hi nospam, Is this still an issue for you? --- ** [support-requests:#9] Long delay adding alias on RPi** **Status:** open **Group:** v1.0_(example) **Created:** Sat Apr 29, 2017 09:40 PM UTC by Todd Andrews **Last Updated:** Mon Nov 13, 2017 05:27 PM UTC...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd After Telegram made their last major update the raspi was no longer able to connect and messages were being dropped. I’ve been swamped at work and I haven’t spent any time on checking out error messages - sorry. I wish I had some android experience! I’ve being doing some work on industrial devices implementing MQTT recently which is why I brought it up. I tried running MQTT server on the raspi and found it to be very responsive…as MQTT is open source and very portable I thought it would be...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd and Chris, I'd like to request NCID support for sending CID info for new calls to an MQTT broker for relaying CID to multiple devices. Ideally I would install MQTT-Client on a raspberry pi along with NCIDD. When a new call comes in, MQTT-Client would then forward the CID info to a MQTT-Broker for distribution to multiple clients. Your support for Telegram was awsome but after Telegram changed things on their server it no longer works for me. The benefit of using MQTT is that it's completly...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #9

    $ wc -l /var/log/cidcall.log 2095 /var/log/cidcall.log $ ls -l /var/log/cidcall.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177382 Apr 29 14:25 /var/log/cidcall.log

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #8

    Version 8 Update 131 (build 1.8.0_131-b11) I updated it today Still the same behaviour. The bounce notification stopped working after OSX Security Update 2017-001 March 8th and Safari 10.1 update. My bet is one of those two are the problem.

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #8

    java -version java version "1.6.0_65" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-468-11M4833) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-468, mixed mode)

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #8

    PM Sent

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #19


  • nospam nospam posted a comment on ticket #8


  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm noticing that NCIDD on my raspi now takes over 2 minutes to "Add Alias" and I only have about 2100 call records in the log file. Is it possible to have an option eliminate all the verbose verification pop ups and just make all the changes quietly without any more user interaction? Right now I have the following sequence of pop-ups requiring user interaction: "Add alias" (ideally I would like to have no more prompts after this one) "Aliases - would you like to apply to all call logs" (could this...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion appears to be down for the last few weeks and is probably abandoned. When I try accessing the site all I get is ....................................................... A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Only variable references should be returned by reference Filename: core/Common.php Line Number: 233

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd seems to have changed the URL string search request format...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi John, bang on with the telco. I just remembered I have to reboot the telco device...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi John, bang on with the telco. I just remembered I have to reboot the telco device...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just noticed that ncidd's time logging is off by 1 hour after the time change....

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've been toying with the idea of creating a website to upload all the confirmed...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for confirming that was my impression as well :-(

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi John I'm interested in the TiVo port of NCID but it appears geared towards the...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK I just tried your changes and still getting errors. pi@RPi3:~ $ cat nohup.out...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK I just tried your changes and still getting errors. pi@RPi3:~ $ cat nohup.out...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe there was somekind of goofiness going on it seems to be working now I'm getting...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd, I tried installing the two files ncid-telegram and ncid-telegram.conf but...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried installing the two files ncid-telegram and ncid-telegram.conf but when I...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried installing the two files but when I try running it I get the error

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Awesome thanks! I will give it a try. I've been using Telegram for security camera...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd I'm looking into possibly modifying ncid-notify.conf to use the Telegram...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the info John. You are right I recently upgraded to a Pi3. I already have...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    A new log is created for every month. This is the expected behavior. The blacklist/whitelist/alias...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was shocked this morning when I discovered a blank ncid phone log. I was relieved...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The really frustrating ones for me are spam faxers between 1-3am with no number and...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The really frustrating ones for me are spam faxers between 1-3am with no number and...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I had similar thoughts and decided to run a web based ncid client on my ncid server....

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I had a bout of SPAMMERS calling from my local number lists including I was receiving...

  • nospam nospam modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Todd I just cleaned up the files a little and added comments. It might be a little...

  • nospam nospam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just following up on this old thread - I've posted two PHP scripts that I use on...

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