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  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    I replaced my built version with the version from Doesn't crash anymore. Definitely related to one of the city, possibly DarkSky...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    The original code? I didn't make any change. I'm running what appears to be version 3.5.2. I didn't have svn installed so I just downloaded the whole trunk from one of the link here on sourceforge. From there, I just opened the project in Xcode, changed the developer team and ran it.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    Weird. So, I downloaded the lastest from the trunk. Built and ran from Xcode. No crash, worked as expected. So, I did another private build for my Mac and it's been running fine. I was able to add a few cities and change some preferences. No problem. Go figure...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    Yes, I'm Nemesys Software. I'm going to give it a shot to run in Xcode.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    I followed your instructions. There were no process running under meteorologist. I did kill the damn cfprefsd, deleted again the plist file, rebooted and Meteorologist still crashes:

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    I deleted the prefs files in Preferences because, I can't edit anything since the app crashes right after launch. Now, the menu bar icon doesn't even appear when I try to launch it because it crashes. I checked the Containers folder in ~/Library, deleted one folder that had the com.heat.meteorologist but I'm running out of ideas and options. Here is the latest crashlog:

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    Is anybody looking into this? Do you need something else from me?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #686 on Meteorologist

    Here it is:

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2008-01-15 16:31:42


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