User Activity

  • Created ticket #2736 on gnuplot

    Gnuplot version 6.0 patchlevel 0, Ubuntu LTS 24.04.1, Qt title chomping

  • Posted a comment on ticket #22 on Perl Data Language

    Belatedly, and building on David's valuable work in giving an error on loop %{, I tried to fix this. Unfortunately it tripped over a use of $iisframe in an error message in PDL::Graphics::IIS. Until PP parses Code "properly" (and therefore ignoring strings), this won't be possible. While working on it however, I did update the error-catching reporter to use the new pp_line_numbers scheme, for ultra-shiny reporting, and adds which pp_def gave the problem for when it's in the middle of a huge .pd ...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #571 on gnuplot

    Thank you for an extremely thorough explanation of the situation. I understand old software and dealing with limitations that it has, having contributed to a number of older programmes (PDL was conceived in 1996). I'm glad that the patch linked above was actually looked at. The StackOverflow answer that linked me to it pointed out that Gnuplot's splot etc renders its 3D internal model to 2D as the mouse is moved around. My assumption was that the 3D internal model could (although clearly not at this...

  • Created ticket #571 on gnuplot

    VRML/X3D support?

  • Modified a wiki page on Perl Data Language


  • Posted a comment on ticket #364 on Perl Data Language

    I have posted your comment on and will deal with it there. This bug-tracker is not being used anymore.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #364 on Perl Data Language

    Sorry for the late reply, but I believe that there's still an issue here. Here's the output of your script (With a slight fix on PDL 2.038 setting $exp = PDL($wt->dsum), as dsum doesn't return a piddle): lh=PDL: Float D [1] fh=PDL: Float D [1] dh=PDL: Double D [1] exp=PDL: Double D [] delta, long index: [0.00069109649] delta, float index: [0.00069109649] delta, double index: [0] As you point out, the difference is due to the difference in precision between float and double, but that's the actual...

  • Modified ticket #3 on Perl OpenGL 2

    compile fails for strict ANSI

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Personal Data

2014-03-04 02:51:43


This is a list of open source software projects that mohawk is associated with:

  • Project Logo Perl Data Language   Last Updated:
  • Perl OpenGL 2 Perl bindings to the Modern OpenGL API Last Updated:
  • makepp GNU make compatible but reliable and simpler build tool Last Updated: