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  • Modified a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    turns out that adding --config-exclude=build/Ubuntu-x64/_deps/ Appears to fix it ... is there a way to use a 'simplified' path as the _deps directory is normally created by cmake which depends on teh build config? something like: --config-exclude=**_deps/

  • Modified a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    turns out that adding --config-exclude=build/Ubuntu-x64/_deps/ Appears to fix it ... is there a way to use a 'simplified' path as the _deps directory is normally created by cmake which depends on teh build config? something like: --config-exclude=**_deps/

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    turns out that adding --config-exclude=build/Ubuntu-x64/_deps/ Appears to fix it ...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    I am using CppCheck version 3.13.4 and have found that it has started to hang since I started using the nlohmann JSON library in my code. The following file demonstrates the issue: #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> int NLohmanTest() { return 0; } My comamnd line for building it is: cppcheck --xml --xml-version=2 --suppress=missingInclude --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --suppress=unusedFunction --suppress=unmatchedSuppression --suppress=functionStatic --suppress=funcArgNamesDifferent --suppress=*:*_deps/*...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    I am using CppCheck version 3.13.4 and have found that it has started to hang since I started using the nlohmann JSON library in my code. The following file demonstrates the issue: #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> int NLohmanTest() { return 0; } My comamnd line for building it is: cppcheck --xml --xml-version=2 --suppress=missingInclude --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --suppress=unusedFunction --suppress=unmatchedSuppression --suppress=functionStatic --suppress=funcArgNamesDifferent --suppress=*:*_deps/*...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    I am working on a large codebase consisting of Modern C++, Legacy C++ (30+ years old MFC) and a number of third-party libraries (Boost, RangeV3, Catch2 etc.). The code is built using CMake and targeted to Windows and Linux (x86 & ARM). For the modern code I am using CppCheck for static analysis. Unfortunately when I build with CppCheck enabled a lot of time is spent running CppCheck over the third-party source (cpp) files, the worst one being Catch2 The thirdparty sources are included via the CMake...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    Thank Daniel when its fixed I can verify it on a very large legacy codebase.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    The codebase I am working has a vast amount of legacy code writting in a mizture of 'C' and 'C++' and includes its own memory allocation functions which hasve the following signature: STATUS osMemAlloc(void** ptr, size_t sz); This fuction is generally used throught the codebase as: DeviceInfo *device = NULL; if (osMemAlloc((void**)&device, sizeof(DeviceInfo)) == OS_OK) { // code that de-references device goes here } With an older vesion of CppCheck (Version 1.84) this function was defined as a macro...

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2011-06-27 10:15:13


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