Activity for karl berry

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #201

    Hi Yannis - as far as I know, no one is developing XeTeX any more. If you can make a patch, I can apply it. Otherwise, I doubt this will happen. Sorry, but that's the reality to the best of my knowledge. (Jonathan or Arthur or anyone, you can chime in if it's something you can work on.)

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #200

    Glad you found a way through, Jean.

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #185

    Here is a version of the test document that runs under -ini, and also runs with both xetex and luatex. Reply posted to the thread following ...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #185

    Just adding references to other/original reports:

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi - I'm wondering how to use your css injector firefox plugin. I could find any documentation, or any way to contact you except this wiki page for a different project. Specifically, what I want to do is increase the font size on github. With the Chrome extension "User JavaScript and CSS", I can specify as the site and then insert * { font-size: 22pt !important; } in a css box to have it apply. I'm guessing the same is possible with yours ... but how? Thanks for any help ...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #186

    hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func and other harfbuzz deprecations

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #64

    I should have mentioned: other files besides have had fixes: markup.lsp, makeindex.xdy,, documentation files, and no doubt others. (And unfortunately our TLpatches/ subdirectory has not been kept perfectly up to date, so don't rely on it.)

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #64

    tex live patches for xindy

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #180

    LuaTeX math primitives

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #170

    title is because sourceforge "helpfully" inserted the last title of a bug report I submitted (maybe abandoned), and i didn't notice. (I had to remove the body it inserted "for" me from that same previous report.) I don't know any way to edit it. If you can, please do. sf gets monotonically more annoying to use with time ...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #170

    Bengali dotted circle typeset incorrectly

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #160

    attachments, sigh ...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #160

    Qutub also wrote a paper about this and other issues. It's in TUGboat 40:3. I'll attach it here for reference.

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #160

    Bengali dotted circle char typeset incorrectly

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #143

    \primitive\vrule\q incorrectly swallows \q

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #142

    not stripping trailing tabs (et al.)

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #141

    xetex crash on enough invalid utf-8

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #101

    that is why i offered to set up an account for you on tug (32-bit). the bug exists,...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #101

    on 32-bit gnu/linux? i can give you an account on if you want. it crashes,...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #101

    crash processing russianb.dtx

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #334

    evidently yes, i guess the bugs should be combined or something (sf gives me no power...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #334

    i didn't know i was typing markdown. obviously the 1<- and 2<- log lines above actually...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #334

    arrows.meta: no p in font nullfont (or t)

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #17

    fine, but this doesn't answer the original point: if a user explicitly asks for .otf,...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #98

    decorative initials from EBGaramondInitials.pfb invisible

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #97

    with the recent changes (through r34738) i get a crash on the .xdv from the above...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #97

    p.s. there is a long and rather frustrating thread, conflating a variety of issues,...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #97

    well, it is true that type1c.c was only being compiled once (without XETEX #defined)...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #97

    hmm, after more investigation ... perhaps this is a compilation problem, where type1c.c...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #97

    loading .otf through font map lines

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #18

    i added \pdfmapfile and \pdfmapline to xetex.ini and xelatex.ini in TeX Live, as...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #19

    that's great. it would be just to update dviasm on ctan in the normal way. i am sure...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #17

    not pfb; they don't have the right metrics. does .ttf have enough metrics? that is...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #19

    xdv and dvitype

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #18

    I didn't know. That's great. I wish one of us would get around to documenting all...

  • karl berry karl berry posted a comment on ticket #17

    i was thinking that if the .otf extension is explicitly specified, then mktextfm...

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #18

    support \pdfmapfile, \pdfmapline

  • karl berry karl berry created ticket #17

    \font recognize foo.otf