User Activity

  • Committed [r1047]

    orkbasecxx: Fixed the problem caused by the check introduced at r1015. The check was causing importtape api to fail because PopulateTapeMessage was returning empty for external tapes

  • Committed [r1046]

    orkaudio,h323voip: enabled rechecking s1/s2 determinictic audio channel mapping if a s1 or s2 gets remapped to a new stream

  • Committed [r1044]

    orkaudio,voip : improved RTP stream tracking algorithm by checking destination ip in addtion to ssrc

  • Committed [r1040]

    orkaudio : In some cases we are receiving Skinny CallInfo messages which local and remote party fields are the same and it is overriding valid remoteparty information that we already have, we are ignoring such CallInfo messages with this patch

  • Committed [r1039]

    Added Ubuntu build support via Autotools

  • Committed [r1034]

    orkaudio: added option to discard unidirectional calls

  • Committed [r1031]

    orkbasecxx: changed the live TapeMsg parameter default to true

  • Committed [r1030]

    orkbasecxx: Fixed live TapeMsg parameter returning always false

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Personal Data

2010-06-21 22:19:17


This is a list of open source software projects that Cihan Karadag is associated with:

  • oreka Enterprise telephony recording and retrieval system Last Updated:

Personal Tools