User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #62 on Safe Exam Browser

    I realize that this ticket has a rather poor title. More detailed questions: Would it be enough to provide funding for developing a stand-alone version for SEB, or are there some deeper technical problems that might not be possible to solve? If funding is the main issue, what kind of costs would it require? (An answer in a broad interval like 1000–10,000 USD or 10,000–50,000 USD would be enough.)

  • Created ticket #62 on Safe Exam Browser

    What would it take to get a "standalone" release?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Safe Exam Browser

    Thanks! I just posted a support issue elsewere, but you've answered most of those questions – thanks! One more question, though: Do you see any risks that running SEB without install (by just copying the files from the program folder) could cause any lasting problems on a student computer? (Such as ending up in lock-down scenarios or conflicts with other web browsers or something.)

  • Created ticket #73 on Safe Exam Browser

    Review on solution for stand alone/portable SEB

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Safe Exam Browser

    Discussions on how to run SEB without installing it on student computers.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #72 on Safe Exam Browser

    Awesome. I just managed to call the config files I wanted. For anyone else interested: SafeExamBrowser.exe "%cd%\configs\MyConfig.seb" This assumes config file is put in a subdirectory "configs", relative to the folder where SafeExamBrowser.exe exists. Many thanks. SEB++

  • Posted a comment on ticket #72 on Safe Exam Browser

    Sweet! Thanks! Is there, perhaps, a way to do this using relative paths? Like so: SafeExamBrowser.exe File.seb or SafeExamBrowser.exe .\File.seb Concerning standalone – I took some directions from the release notes for SEB 1.8 (Windows) and have managed to get some things running without installation (but with a warning on startup).

  • Created ticket #72 on Safe Exam Browser

    Passing config files to SEB from command line?

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2005-11-28 20:53:50
Stockholm / Sweden / CEST


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