User Activity

  • Committed [r591] on Code

    1992 - 2023

  • Committed [r590] on Code

    google analytics UA - GA4

  • Committed [r589] on Code

    google analytics UA - GA4

  • Committed [r584]

    NRutil.c - fix memory leak in free_D3matrix and free_D3dmatrix

  • Committed [r583]

    fix typo in Frame3DD-manual.html ... EMs to NMs ... etc

  • Committed [r582]

    improved frame_3dd.m Matlab interface aligns de...

  • Committed [r581]

    debug error in frame3dd.c

  • Committed [r580]

    updating templates

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Personal Data

2008-03-14 16:52:53


This is a list of open source software projects that Henri Gavin is associated with:

  • Frame3DD Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames. Last Updated:

Personal Tools