User Activity

  • Posted a comment on a blog post on Auto Screen Capture

    Make sure the port number is 21 for FTP. If the hostname (the domain) isn't working then try its IP address. Alternatively, if FileZilla has a command line way of uploading files, then you can add FileZilla as an Editor in Auto Screen Capture and provide the command line arguments there then add a Trigger to run the Editor whenever a screenshot is taken (as opposed to running a Trigger that's specifically for performing the FTP operation). If you're still having issues and want to share more detailed...

  • Modified a blog post on Auto Screen Capture

    SFTP with WinSCP and Auto Screen Capture

  • Modified a comment on a blog post on Auto Screen Capture

    Auto Screen Capture introduced its own built-in SFTP feature so the steps described here with WinSCP are outdated by now, but it's still useful in case you want to know how to use an external application with my application.

  • Posted a comment on a blog post on Auto Screen Capture

    Auto Screen Capture introduce its own built-in SFTP feature so the steps described here with WinSCP are outdated by now, but it's still useful in case you want to know how to use an external application with my application.

  • Created a blog post on Auto Screen Capture

    SFTP with WinSCP and Auto Screen Capture

  • Posted a comment on discussion Vote on SourceForge Project of the Month

    VOTE: autoscreen Auto Screen Capture helps me review what I've been working on during...

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Personal Data

2008-06-11 19:15:05
Canada / EDT


This is a list of open source software projects that Gavin Kendall is associated with:


This is a list of skills that Gavin Kendall possesses:

  • C#

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