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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JPdfBookmarks

    Hi, thank you for taking the time to write such an extensive and well-structured feedback. At the moment my career commitments for the company I work for do not allow me to work on the project myself, this may not be a problem since the software is open source, but for the moment nobody has really stepped forward to take in hand the development or fork the code. However, I will treasure your suggestions and observations should I find a way to finance the further development of the project with some...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Ok, this is something that can help me to understand the problem, smart move. I will investigate the code and let you know what I find out.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Ok, if you want we can make some tests, it's difficult to resolve problems when I can't reproduce the bug. If you have time to spend on it and want to go thorough the problem I should know the java version you have installed, open a command prompt and type: java -version Send me the result. Then try to use jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2 from the command line, to do so open a command prompt in the installation directory of jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2, copy a pdf file with bookmarks in the same directory, then launch...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Ok, if you want we can make some tests, it's difficult to resolve problems when I can't reproduce the bug. If you have time to spend on it and want to go thorough the problem I should know the java version you have installed, open a command prompt ant type: java -version Send me the result. Then try to use jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2 from the command line, to do so open a command prompt in the installation directory of jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2, copy a pdf file with bookmarks in the same directory, then launch...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Version 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 have the same system requirements, so this is a strange problem, cancel the 2.5.2 folder and try to download again the 2.5.2 version just in case some files were corrupted. Version 2.5.2 has been out for many years, whith hundred thousands of downloads, so this must be a problem on your system. After you download a new installation folder, if you still have the problem, try to use it from the command-line to check if you receive some more details about the problem.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Hello, is it happening with all pdf files or only with one particular file?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JPdfBookmarks

    Hello, it seems you are using the wrong syntax, try with: jpdfbookmarks_cli.exe KiraSamplePDF.pdf --apply KiraBookmarks.txt --out KiraPDFWithTOC.pdf You can print some help instructions with: jpdfbookmarks_cli.exe --help Let me know if it works.

  • Committed [r211]

    Quick fix to getPageWidth and getPageHeight, if requested page is out of range return the width/height of last page. It was causing a bug in Bookmark.bookmarkFromString() when using the GoToFile bookmark type and the linked pdf have more pages than the host pdf.

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2009-02-27 09:49:41


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