User Activity

  • Committed [07903a]

    reverted to 1.12 code (as we say in french: ..le mieux est l'ennemi du bien..)(sorry)

  • Committed [ead0cb]

    Changes for more accurate durations. You can hear the difference between this rev

  • Committed [92f9da]

    Fixed two bugs

  • Committed [c6db60]

    Minor change

  • Committed [4c101b]

    Fixed au file length for accurate duration

  • Committed [70cffe]

    minor fixes

  • Committed [9bcbb2]

    Replaced variable name enum by enum1 (java 1.5 reserved word)

  • Committed [244fc3]

    Fix for using Note's breakpoint array as envelope definition

View All

Personal Data

2004-10-04 16:02:48


This is a list of open source software projects that Francois Pinot is associated with:

Personal Tools