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  • Posted a comment on ticket #570 on gnuplot

    Okay. As it works as long as you choose the appropriate font thats fine. Just for my understanding, how do the pre-defined (terminal dependent) point types work? Are they vector graphs? Thanks!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #570 on gnuplot

    That's great! Apparently on my system (Version 5.4 patchlevel 6, Win 10) a missing glyph is not replaced. If I use Arial as font, which doesn't include the used utf8 symbol, the output for each point is a squared box with the UTF-8 hex code: set terminal pngcairo font 'Arial' set output "out.png" plot FOO w p pt "\U+25D2" set output and see file attached. Using after pt a font indication works. But I didn't find this behavior documented: plot FOO w p pt "\U+25D2" font "Arial Unicode MS" And also...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #570 on gnuplot

    Hey Ethan, thanks for your detailed answer. For symbols as you describe, it would not make a difference, indeed. So maybe the best is as you suggested to make this special pointtypes. But would this be terminal independent? And if so, would it be possible to generally increase the number of available point types? Like all the pt from the postscript terminal mapped to 1000-... ? A bit off topic, but still related. When using symbols as point type, I can define a font, eg this works: plot FOO with...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #570 on gnuplot

    Dear Ethan, thanks for your reply. The intent you describe is different than what I am using it for. I use the pi=-1 option to erase the line segment that passes (ideally just) underneath the symbol (as defined in the linespoints help), so that empty symbols really are empty and do not show parts of the line inside. However, combining different symbols, the result is different. As in the attached files, for squares and circles, the area whited out is fine, however for triangles and diamonds, it is...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #570 on gnuplot

    Dear Ethan, thanks for your reply. The intent you describe is different than what I am using it for. I use the pi=-1 option to erase the line segment that passes (ideally just) underneath the symbol (as defined in the linespoints help), so that empty symbols really are empty and do not show parts of the line inside. However, combining different symbols, the result is different. As in the attached files, for squares and circles, the area whited out is fine, however for triangles and diamonds, it is...

  • Created ticket #570 on gnuplot

    Change behaviour of pointintervalbox

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Gwyddion

    Thanks for your quick reply. Exporting the selection via selection manager is perfect! But I prefer manually drawing the lines to have full control over color and dashtype per line. Cheers!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Gwyddion

    Hey! I'm new to gwyddion, I checked in the documentation, but didn't find a good way to sort my problem. I imported some xyz data and managed to extract profiles. However in the profile viewer the x1y1, x2y2 coordinates are in px rather than in the units of the image (e.g. the image goes from -100 to 100µm with 200px resolution, so 0px == -100µm and, 100px==0µm and 200px==+100µm). As I need to save the line positions to later draw them on top of the image it would be easier if I could directly show...

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2017-09-07 13:00:07


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