Activity for cscj01

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, things are fine again. I did a reboot and the problem went away. I must say this is an odd occurrence, but I'll take it.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If I look at the LB process in System Monitor, I see ~~~ Waiting Channel iterate_dir. ~~~ Other than that, the other properties look okay. The program is active but doesn't do anything; no CPU utilization, no reads or writes, no anything. Until the update, it was fine. Now I have no idea how to fix things. I have reoved LB, and reinstalled it. That didn't help. I suppose I could reboot. So I guess I'll try that.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I first triesd to launch LB by clicking the icon in the Menu. The normal screen came up but the program did not do anything.. I had to stop the program. I checked the logs and saw this in the logs folrder.: command: exit code: 0 output: No program defined I also foung this in a log: =====================================execution of task : Backup My Documents to Ext Drive on CP2, startingSource : /media/Data/Destination : /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/ Failed to create destination directory -----| Backing-up...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another thought. If I delete and reinstall LB, will I lose my configurations or jobs I have created?

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just updated my OS from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. I use the Gnome Flashback desktop which uses alacarte for the application menus. I noticed that LB did not have an associated icon for the non superuser program but did have for the superuser one. I decided to assign the icon, but when I clicked on the Properties Bar in alacarte I got no response. So I ran alacarte in a terminal. I get the following when I click on the properties link: File "/usr/share/alacarte/Alacarte/", line 451, in...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I had to reboot my system because of some updates, and LB now runs as before. Since I could find nothing in the logs or messages, either the update fixed the problem or at least reset something that had gotten out of whack. So all is good.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have done that. There are no messages. I have to go into System Monitor and End the program. The Terminal will then return to the prompt. I can start LB multiple times. If I check System Monitor, there will be that number of instances of LB shown as active, but none of them display the LB screen. It's as if LB is running but is not communicating with the display.

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Suddenly LB started loading but does nothing. The program does not come up. It shows up in system monitor but is doing nothing. No interface to select previously defined backups, just nothing. This just started about a week ago.. What can I run to get a response? I am on Ubuntu 21.04.4.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Suddenly LB started loading but does nothing. The program does not come up. It shows up in system monitor but is doing nothing. No interface to select previously defined backups, just nothing. This just started about a week ago.. What can I run to get a response? I am on Ubunyu 21.04.4.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am running Ubuntu 20.04 x64 and was having the same issue with luckyBackup running as Super User. After adding the file Loukas gave to /usr/share/polkit-1/actions, the Super User version of LuckyBackup works fine. I don't think waiting is an option because I need luckyBackup to backup my file system.

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well, I did fsck on the source and disk is fine. I tried from client side to do fsck on target, but the system would not let me do it. I then realized the target was an NTFS disk. I decided to reformat it to ect4. After that, all files were transferred with an error because LB could not access lost+found. I fixed those permissions and am happy to report that all is well with LB.. Loukas, thanks for hanging in there with me on this. The target was NTFS from back when I had a dual boot 10 or 12 years...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well, I did fsck on the source and disk is fine. I tried from client side to do fsck on target, but the system would not let me do it. I then realized the target was an NTFS disk. I decided to reformat it to ect4. After that, all files were transferred with an errtor because LB could not access lost+found. I fixed those permissions and am happy to report that all is well with LB.. Loukas, thanks for hanging in there with me on this. The target was NTFS from back when I had a dual boot 10 or 12 years...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I deleted the file on the target disk. When I ran the job last night, I received the same error message.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ls -l /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/.moneydance/Documents/'Carpenter Financials'.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out/20171123183548_928.txn -rwxrwxrwx 1 butch butch 4832 Dec 13 2018 '/nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out/20171123183548_928.txn' ls -l /media/Data/.moneydance/Documents/'Carpenter Financials'.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out/20171123183548_928.txn -rw-r--r-- 1 butch butch 4832 Dec 13 2018 '/media/Data/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out/20171123183548_928.txn'...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, I can copy both files - the one in /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out and the one in /media/Data/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe//tiksync/out. Those are the target and source files respectively. Once again, there is no file named .20171123183548_928.txn.AjKJ0O which is the one showing up in the error message. As you mentioned in your post, it's as if the file was copied but the temporary file was not deleted...

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have full permissions on the folder as well as all files in the folder. Here's something odd. I searched both the source and the target for the file .20171123183548_928.txn.AjKJ0O. There is no such file on either disk. There are files on both the source and target named 20171123183548_928.txn. No files begin with . (dot). And yes, I have Nautilus set to show hidden files. So why is LuckyBackup even referring to the file in the error message?

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have full permissions on the folder as well as all files in the folder. Here's something odd. I searched both the source and the target for the file .20171123183548_928.txn.AjKJ0O. There is no such file on either disk. There are files on both the source and target named 20171123183548_928.txn. No files begin with . (dot). And yes, I have Nautilus set to show hidden files). So why is LuckyBackup even referring to the file in the error message?

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I am still having this problem: IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion rsync: readlink_stat("/nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe/tiksync/out/.20171123183548_928.txn.AjKJ0O") failed: Input/output error (5) Why is this occurring?

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well everything seemed to run as usual, but I got the following message: rsync: readlink_stat("/nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/.moneydance/Documents/Carpenter Financials.moneydance/safe/tiksync/out/.20171123183548_928.txn.AjKJ0O") failed: Input/output error (5) What is happening here?

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well. I know many of the files were the same size and date, but the next run will tell us something. If it runs normally, I won't worry about it, but if it copies everything again, I must have a wrong setting.. I'll let you know. I will do a backup tonight.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I had a systen disk go bad and had to install a new one. I booted a Live DVD of Ubuntu 18.04.5 and idid a clean install. Since I had a backup of my home directory, I restored that over the new home directory. With a nminimum of work, I got all profiles working and installed all my missing aspps. Everything was mounted at the same mount points. I opened LuckyBackup, and my jobs were there. The first job in the list is to backup my Data disk to an NFS share. What puzzeled me was LB replaced...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's it. When my son and his family came home for Thansgiving, they turned off the computer in the guest bedroom. I did not know they did this. Since my wife uses that PC, after they left, she turned it back on. So my mount command showed they were still mounted, but the connection had been broken. So I had to re-export the nfs shares and restart the nfs kernel server on the pc in that room that has some of the backup drives for my LuckyBackup jobs. So, I am back in business. Thank you again, ...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, that launched LB and created a new default profile. What next?

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No. The cursor just stays on the next line. ​

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No. The cursor just satys on the next line. ​

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I'm back again with the same problem. LuckyBackup just stopped runnig after running correctly for months. I tried to download and use 0.5.0-1 but no luck there. I reinstall for the repositories, but no luck. From the command, I tried /usr/bin/Luckyback default from ther terminal and got the following: /usr/bin/luckybackup default ============================================================================================ Loading profile /home/butch/.luckyBackup/profiles/default.profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, things are back to normal. I do not know how that job was changed. It must have happened during my recovery. Perhaps that's when the "Do not create..". got out of synch. In any case my system is as it should be now. As for the other job, I backup the entire disk to that drive, so that's as it should be. Thanks for your help.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, I unchecked the "Do Not create extra directory" then rechecked it. This time, the "My Documents" folder only contains one folder named .luckybackup-snapshots. Inside .luclybackup-snapshots, there is a folder called default.profile. Inside default.profile, there are three folders called logs, profiles, and snaps. Inside the profiles folder there is a file called called default.profile. Here are its' contents: ***************************** WARNING ***************************** Do NOT edit this...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, the"Do not create extra directory" box is checked.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I had to reinstall Ubuntu and my applications because of a boot issue I could not resolve. I have a backup of my original system, so I copied some files over (the configuration files for the applications) after the fresh install. Now I'm getting a strange result from one of my jobs. Here's what I have: `Source: /media/Data/My Documents/ Destination: /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/` What LuckyBackup is doing is creating a folder named "My Documents" on Ubuntu_Data_Backup and placing all the files under My...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I uninstalled luckyBackup 0.5.0-1 and re-installed the distribution version. Everything seems to be running correctly again. I did find a post here: This may have been what I ran into. The bug doesn't say it has been fixed. It only says it doesn't affect Firefox anymore. So, I'll just stay with the distro version as it works well for me. BTW, I have been using luckyBackup for many years now, and I think it is the easiest and most...

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I installed luckyBackup 0.5.0-1 with GDebi. I could not run from the menu, so I entered /usr/bin/luckybackup from a terminal. I received the following message (luckybackup:17563): dbind-WARNING **: 00:37:12.952: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. I never had this issue before....

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Loukas, I installed luckyBackup 0.5.0-1 with GDebi. I could not run from the menu, so I entered /usr/bin/luckybackupfrom a terminal. I received the following message(luckybackup:17563): dbind-WARNING **: 00:37:12.952: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, I'll givr that a shot. I'll let you know how things work out. Thanks.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have Ubuntu 18.04.2 x64 and luckybackup 0.49. I last ran luckybackup on 2/23.19 and everything was fine. When I tried to launch it today (3/1/19). nothing happened. When I say nothing, I mean I got the message Loading luckybackup and it went away. I tried from a terminal with the command /usr/bin/luckybackup The prompt went away (i.e., focused moved to the line under the command and nothing happened. I had to enter ctrl-c to get out of the command. The only thing that has happened since my last...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    That file should be default.profile

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am using Ubuntu 16.04 x64. On my system, I have a file named default profile in ~/.luckybackup/profiles. From this file, I can see my source, destination, and arguments used to perform the backup. You should be able to create a job to restore those backups to the appropriate location from this data. As I don't have restore jobs, I don't know if they would be in this same file, but it seems reasonable they would be there as well.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you speaking of the generated passwords for each web site? That would be quite a task. The XML in the .rdf file has all the information required to generate a password, but the master password is not in the .rdf file. I thought Keepass worked on the principle of a master password and then generated the passwords from the userid, web site (or whatever data it is told to use), along with other info such as password length, character strings to use, hashing algorithm, etc. I am not sure what you...

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Help

    The passwordmaker .rdf file contains web sites, userid's, what to use to generate the password, length, hash algorithm, and a few other fields. The master password may be encrypted in there as well. I have tried PasswordMaker Pro, It imports the .rdf, but every entry becomes a profile. So I have 255 profiles. Since My wife and I have logins on the same web sites in many cases, looking for the one that doesn't come up on a web site is a nuisance. Additionally, I have found no way to have PasswordMaker...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    The passwordmaker .rdf file contains web sites, userid's, what to use to generate the password, length, hash algorithm, and a few other fields. The master password may be encrypted in there as well. I have tried PasswordMaker Pro, It imports the .rdf, but every entry becomes a profile. So I have 255 profiles. Since My wife and I have logins on the same web sites in many cases, looking for the one that doesn't come up on a web site is a nuisance. Additionally, I have found no way to have PasswordMaker...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have been using passwordmaker as my on-line password manager. It is an add-on to Firefox. After upgrading to FF57, passwordmaker is no longer available. I have a file called passwordmaker.rdf that contains all my web sites, usernames, etc. The data in this .rdf file is XML. Can Keepass2 import this file? Are there any considerations to the XML used? Is there documentation that would help with this task? Thanks.

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Okay, I have setup the user luckyBackup, and things are good again. By the way, I...

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Help

    When I did what you suggested in (1), I received the following message: "Last execution...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    When I did what you suggested in (1), I received the following message: "Last execution...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    It shows all folders and documents with me as the owner: ls -l /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/My\...

  • cscj01 cscj01 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Loukas, My mount paths are absolute. They are /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup and /nfs/cp2_Shared_Docs....

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Loukas, My mount paths are absolute. They are /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup and /nfs/cp2_Shared_Docs....

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I had to modify my nfs-kernel-server file to specify port 32767 for RPCMOUNTDOPTS....

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have been unable to run UFRaw since I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04. I get a segfault....

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on ticket #402

    I have Ubuntu 14.04.4 x64. Ufraw crashes with a segementation fault. Ubuntu uses...

  • cscj01 cscj01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I installed 1.0.7r as follows: 1) downloaded the zip file; 2) unzipped the file;...