Activity for Craig G.

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a review on KeePass

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a review on LibreOffice

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the reply Manolito, all good information to know. Just to clear a few things up: Aspect ratio When I speak of “aspect ratio” for static background menu images, I’m not talking about the ability to select standard (4:3) or widescreen (16:9) for the overall menu, only the image itself. I did a bit of exploring in the AVStoDVD templates directory, and found there are actually two images for each template: 1024x576px (16:9) 768x576px (4:3) I assume the correct one is grabbed automatically...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again Manolito! I certainly appreciate all of the information you’ve provided me. Glad to hear about the stability of the beta. I haven’t run into any issues with it (yet, knock on wood). It may be a bit old, but at least it still got updated twice this year! It’s a bummer that everything seems to be going digital, but there’s still a lot of us around that like to be able to hold physical CD and DVD media in our hands. I surely hope Alex continues to develop DVDStyler, as it’s such a slick and...

  • Craig G. Craig G. modified a comment on discussion Help

    I realize we’ve already floated way off-topic here, might as well keep going... Re-authored the project with AVStoDVD… I’ll do some searching in the help resources you suggested, but just wanted to let you know about my experiences so far. I agree with you on both your points: Much more powerful, since there are so many fine-tuning options available. However, since I simply want to author DVDs easily, educating myself about what all those options provide isn’t really of much interest to me personally....

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    I realize we’ve already floated way off-topic here, might as well keep going... Re-authored the project with AVStoDVD… I’ll do some searching in the help resources you suggested, but just wanted to let you know about my experiences so far. I agree with you on both your points: Much more powerful, since there are so many fine-tuning options available. However, since I simply want to author DVDs easily, educating myself about what all those options provide isn’t really of much interest to me personally....

  • Craig G. Craig G. modified a comment on discussion Help

    Cool, thanks again Bro. Going to give it a try using this current project soon.

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Cool, thanks again Bro. Going to give it a try soon.

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Whoops, embarrassing brain fart there… face palm Sorry about that, I was thinking of VSDC, not AVStoDVD. To be honest, I haven’t used the latter much. This is probably a good opportunity to get some experience with it by re-creating the project I just completed using DVDStyler, which I’ve been discussing throughout this thread. Thanks for the correction!

  • Craig G. Craig G. modified a comment on discussion Help

    Yep, sure sounds like there’s a lot of common ground between us... Like you, I’ve played in many bands over the years, with my main instrument being drums which I started out with at 13 years old. Nowadays, I work out of a home studio and am basically a “one man band”, playing all instruments and performing all vocals, with the occasional guest sitting in with me. I also collaborate with artists in a professional recording studio over in Finland. I maintain a supporting blog for the studio, and there’s...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yep, sure sounds like there’s a lot of common ground between us... Like you, I’ve played in many bands over the years, with my main instrument being drums which I started out with at 13 years old. Nowadays, I work out of a home studio and am basically a “one man band”, playing all instruments and performing all vocals, with the occasional guest sitting in with me. I also collaborate with artists in a professional recording studio over in Finland. I maintain a supporting blog for the studio, and there’s...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again Manolito! I certainly appreciate all of the information you’ve provided me. Glad to hear about the stability of the beta. I haven’t run into any issues with it (yet, knock on wood). It may be a bit old, but at least it still got updated twice this year! It’s a bummer that everything seems to be going digital, but there’s still a lot of us around that like to be able to hold physical CD and DVD media in our hands. I surely hope Alex continues to develop DVDStyler, as it’s such a slick and...

  • Craig G. Craig G. modified a comment on discussion Help

    Gotcha, I just added this one. I'm a bit new to all of Sourceforge, thanks!

  • Craig G. Craig G. created ticket #183

    Video and audio fade options

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Gotcha. A bit new to Sourceforge, thanks!

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yep, the details window in the Generate DVD dialog was open (that’s the default). I should have said “details window” instead of “log window”, sorry if that was confusing. Anyway, that’s where I did a “select all/copy/paste” from. For the heck of it, I just uninstalled 3.1 and installed 3.2 beta 7. Guess what? I can now see the FFmpeg fade arguments within the details window. I've attached the complete contents to this post, if you'd like to have a look (side note: The log starts out with "DVDStyler...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm… I did a “select all” in the log window, copy/pasted it into Notepad, and did a search on “fade” but came up empty. Perhaps we’re using different versions of DVDStyler? I’m currently running what I believe is the latest (3.1).

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    @peate9: That’s a great idea, since as I was saying it’s a bit tricky to get the video/audio fades timed just right. The fades didn’t come out perfectly, but close enough for government work. The problem that would have presented in this case is that I was working with a huge .mp4 file (about three hours long), and wouldn’t have wanted to process it with another program just to add trailing blank frames. Is there a simple way to accomplish that while leaving the rest of the source video completely...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    @Manolito: Thank you, sir! I was winging it back and forth a few seconds until I got the video and audio fades where I wanted them for three of these discs, which was a bit of a pain since I had to render the DVD files each time to see where I was at. I don’t see anything in the log window referencing fades though, were you perhaps referring to another log file somewhere? I’m sure that would make life easier.

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm… Seems like I’m getting good at answering my own questions today. Adding the following as an audio filter obtained the exact results I was looking for: 3600 second video (1 hour) No audio fade-in 10 second audio fade-out afade=in:st=0:d=0,afade=out:st=3590:d=10 Hope this helps someone out!

  • Craig G. Craig G. modified a comment on discussion Help

    Well, all I did was shutdown and restart DVDStyler loading the same “.dvds“ file, and it’s now working. This wasn’t in there before, but is now: <vob file="Segment_000.mp4" fadeIn="5" fadeOut="5" chapters="0:00,10:00,20:00,30:00,40:00,50:00"> <video format="3"/> <audio format="3"/> </vob> Unfortunately, this does not cause the audio to fade out. Any hacks (perhaps a filter) I can use to accomplish that?

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, all I did was shutdown and restart DVDStyler loading the same “.dvds“ file, and it’s now working. This wasn’t in there before, but is now: <vob fadeout="5" chapters="0:00,10:00,20:00,30:00,40:00,50:00" fadein="5" file="Segment_000.mp4"> </vob> Unfortunately, this does not cause the audio to fade out. Any hacks (perhaps a filter) I can use to accomplish that?

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    I’ve created a DVD which has nothing but one menu with a “play” button and a single title. I’ve set a fade-in/out in the title’s “Video properties” of 5 seconds, yet it’s ignored and no fades occur. Is this a known problem, or is there another setting that needs to be made along with this one? Thanks in advance!

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed that KeePass 2.37 now has the option to create an "emergency sheet", which I would lock away in my (extremely strong steel) safe. But, the master password and backup location are blank, and the only information on it are the location of the database and key file. So, not a very useful function. I would think those two fields would be filled in by the program when the sheet is generated, but both are blank. Is this working as designed, with the user needing to manually fill those fields...

  • Craig G. Craig G. posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've been using this program for years on my laptop, just got a new desktop PC, and was very happy to see it finally updated (in the past year or so, anyway) when I went to install it on the new machine. Well, I guess this is one of those cases of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Both machines are running Windows 10, and 100% up-to-date with the latest patches. NEW BUGS with Crashes left and right, especially during desktop startup. When interaction with keyboard LEDs is enabled, it...