Activity for Chris Bitmead

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #615

    Glad to hear that something like what I'm suggesting is on the table. I would also like to add that I think it's important this is the default behavior that closing and opening the program takes you back to where you were. Of course, since the beginning of time, programs have had abilities to save their state. But having ALL your programs neatly close down, and neatly open back to where they were, is where I want to see things headed, and where the rest of the industry has gone. SquirrelSQL tends...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1529

    Cancel Button on connect dialog doesn't work

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #615

    Restore state on startup

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1526

    Alright, maybe it's just me. I'll try some other jvms.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1526

    20240414_1941 a dog?

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1488

    Not wanting to resurrect an old issue, but.... I was thinking about this today,... are SQL executions done in a new thread? Because in Java right, anything that takes a while shouldn't be done in the GUI thread, it should spawn off a thread... but if it is doing that, why would these freezes happen? Along the same lines, I was pondering how the SQL editor freezes a lot... especially when pasting code in there... I was thinking about whether it warranted a bug report, and was looking through the options,...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1522

    Need a "Paste Selection" option

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1521

    Copy / Paste table deletes in wrong order

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1520


  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1520

    Export settings broken?

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1519

    you're a star, anything i suggest gets implemented

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1519

    Should show numeric position within statement

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #612

    Value of Column dialog has poor usability

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1509

    Wow thanks, that was fast work. I don't see why a useful feature should have to be switched on, but still great that it's there.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1509

    Can't retrieve passwords, write only

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a review on Grub2Win

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #481

    OK, great. I thought I'd looked through every menu looking for that, must have missed it... Now in this age when Android and Windows and Mac all have a "dark mode", it would be awesome if one didn't have to fiddle for half an hour with a dozen syntax styles and backgrounds and foregrounds to find a tasteful dark one. It seems to me that the Look & Feel themes should come pre-packaged with some text colours in keeping with their theme.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #481

    Sorry to resurrect this old issue, but where can you change the SQL editor font background color? This issue makes it sound like it's possible, but it's the only reference on the web I can find to it.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1488

    Yes it was oracle, and that's good there is some kind of workaround. What behavior would you wish the driver had? Pausing to wait is seemingly the only behavior that gives a reliable consistent result. It could fail immediately, which would mean some scenarios you'd have to loop around retrying, which would be bad. What I'm tempted to argue is that squirrel should have 2 connections, one for metadata, and one for potentially long running queries. Or just a thread pool with several connections.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1488

    UI freezes on long query after changing tabs

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1481

    You would notice that when you query SYS.ALL_VIEWS it doesn't give you the... CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW FOO AS ... Squirrel must be a prepending that to what Oracle gives you. However this is not sufficient. I think what you need to be doing is finding the column definition by doing SELECT * FROM FOO WHERE 1=0, and examining the resulting metadata for the column names. Or alternatively, I think JDBC can give you the metadata... databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet columns = databaseMetaData.getColumns(null,null,...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1481

    create view source loses column names

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1476

    Yes, I see what you mean. And this is exactly the reason why I was advocating for this change. If you naively use squirrel's schema generation to create tables for a target database, and it doesn't use char when the original used char, then stuff won't fit and it will "blow up". I think what you're saying is that you use NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS to set it globally, and you think this might be a problem if byte fields are explicitly "byte". But as far as I see, this wouldn't be a problem for you, because...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1476

    I can certainly see the argument for two create table functions... one ANSI sql, and one with database specific SQL. Of course, ANSI sql doesn't have varchar2, nor even varchar, so that might not make people happy either. I'm not sure why you say specifying "byte" would make it fail because your databases are "codepage based", but then I'm not an Oracle expert.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1479 should exec its final command

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1476

    Hmmm.... To me, that looks a little bit too specific and too proprietary. A lot of options there that I have no idea about. Maybe you need more opinions and input before going down this route. Even though the byte vs char thing is a bit different in Oracle, it is at least something that you come across in other databases in one way or another. All the options above... maybe not so much.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1476

    Oracle varchar2 create table wrong for char semantics

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1469

    Driver properties not passed when testing connection

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1465

    Brilliant. Thanks.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1465

    Fair enough.. but if we're looking for a quick fix, "Save aliases immediately" option and "save history immediately" option, where the former is on by default, the latter is off by default, I think would make 99% of people happy.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1465

    Thanks for the info, but... surely there can be a middle ground between saving every history item immediately ( I don't even use history, that's a non-essential feature ), and saving the actual database details you took the time to enter (a core feature). From a user's point of view, how do we even know that database aliases are "Preferences"? Preferences, are the sort of thing you expect to find under "Global Preferences". Aliases are not seemingly a preference. Maybe this makes sense in some uber...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1465

    Does not save Drivers and Aliases until exit

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1460

    Scripts -> Create Table on Oracle creates redundant index.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1455

    Hi, you say that the two long lines are a "limitation" of the SQuirrel formatter, but you don't say if that would have led to it considering it a "failure" in the reformatting when it came from the database, leading to the original issue. Anyway, I could suggest you recreate tables with the original names and try the exact view, but short of that it sounds like the changes you've done might fix the main problem of being unable to see the view code.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1455

    Hi, when you say you don't see a problem when you reformat the view, do you see it actually reformatting it, or are the first 2 lines super long, as if it has ignored them? The above code is as it comes out of the the Squirrel formatter, but it doesn't look formatted to me.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1455

    Oracle View Source tab chokes on view with blank line

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1452

    scripts->Create Data fails for Derby boolean

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm running windows 10.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm not hibernating, I'm rebooting. I'm selecting "restart" from the windows menu. I've also disabled windows fast boot.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When I install grub2win on my new Lenovo E15 AMD and set it up for windows (default drive) and Ubuntu (secondary NVMe SSD), it works for a hard reset, but soft rebooting windows and selecting ubuntu doesn't work. So Ubuntu->Ubuntu works, Windows->Windows works, Ubuntu->Windows works, but Windows->Ubuntu gives an error "error: no such device: 2134097q9845287431juasoefjavblahblah Grub did not find a root partition with uuid.... press ESC to continue". Note that a hard reset fixes it. Note also I got...

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1410

    Wow, good work, thanks.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1411

    NullPointerException when clicking on PROCEDURE after disconnect

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1410

    3rd screen shot

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1410

    2nd screen shot

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1410

    import csv without table

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead posted a comment on ticket #1408

    I might also add, that squirrel is pretty good at remembering previous settings for import/export, but import CSV doesn't remember your input file encoding.

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1408

    CSV import and export formats don't match

  • Chris Bitmead Chris Bitmead created ticket #1403

    Erasing editor file.