User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #565 on Task Coach

    Hi, I'm getting the same issue. Maybe a recent recompilation over a updated windows, could solve this issue ? at event viewer (brazilian portuguese): Nome do aplicativo com falha: taskcoach.exe, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x49180193 Nome do módulo com falha:, versão: 10.0.19041.4648, carimbo de data/hora: 0x7c065420 Código de exceção: 0xc0000005 Deslocamento da falha: 0x00204dfb ID do processo com falha: 0x1e30 Hora de início do aplicativo com falha: 0x01dae1a8d20479d4...

  • Created ticket #554 on Task Coach UnicodeWarning: Unicode unequal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

  • Modified a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Man... I'm sorry, I just notice now , I messing the ticket , with different problems... I forgot this ticket is about the "effort for selected task" and start to include other problems here. I became to get a lot of problem with the app , I forgot to keep the focus on the problem on this ticket only. Should I open other ticket about this problem of the IDE where they not update? I'm sorry about that.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Man... I'm sorry, I just notice now , I messing the ticket , with different problems... I forgot this ticket is about the "effort for selected task" and start to include other problems here. I became to get a lot of problem with the app , I forgot to keep the focus of the problem on this ticket only. Should I open other ticket about this problem of the IDE where they not update? I'm sorry about that.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Yes, I try several times, clear the .ini files , remove the "Data" folder and everything else inside. The problem always keep occurring. I did a quick test now , with a fresh new tsk . before, I disabled the "autosave" on preferences. With the views "effort" and "effort for selected task" open. Create 3 tasks, 1 sub task, several efforts... then I save the file and continue to add efforts. at certain moment they stop to update the effort view . when I pressed the ctrl-s to save , they update. however...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Hi Aaron, Jerome , Sorry for the delay to answer here. I exported as anonymous version, reproduce the problem with it. Recorded my screen and saved as gif, you can watch here: (during the process I used the ctrl-e to register an effort). Also , I attached the .ini files. Just remmembering , I'm using the portable version. I get this ini inside of the Data\settings folder. About start a new Task file from scratch , yes and no. I've created a new task file , however...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Hi Aaron, Sorry, I'm was not clear. What I mean is that I tried remove the .ini files , remove the .delta files... and the problem keep occurring. I'm looking a way to clean any dirty data from my .tsk file, because even when I remove all efforts, the problem still happen. I tried copy the tasks-by-task using ctrl-c / ctrl-v beteween an old and new tsk files,however the problem still happens on the new tsk , after copy few tasks. Then I open a tsk file with vim editor to look inside and notice a...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #548 on Task Coach

    Hi Aaron, Sorry, I'm was not clear. What I mean is that I tried remove the .ini files , remove the .delta files... and the problem keep occurring. I'm looking a way to clean any dirty data from my .tsk file, because even when I remove all efforts, the problem still happen. I tried copy the tasks-by-task using ctrl-c / ctrl-v beteween the old and new tsk files,however the problem still happens on the new tsk , after copy few tasks. Then I open a tsk file with vim editor to look inside and notice a...

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2011-03-11 19:58:35


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