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  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on ReadyMedia

    A couple of things to watch out for. The sqlite3 db should be updated when you change the file (speech.mp3) outside of minidlna. Normally this happens when you move a file into the minidlna directory. Will it pickup a update to an existing file? I suspect it won't and I suspect this is what you are seeing. If so, try removing speech.mp3 and then copy in the new one. I would also worry that the client may cache files if it doesn't think anything has changed.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ReadyMedia

    A couple of things to watch out for. The sqlite3 db should be updated when you change the file (speech.mp3) outside of minidlna. Normally this happens when you move a file into the minidlna directory. Will it pickup a update to an existing file? I suspect it won't and I suspect this is what you are seeing. If so, try removing speech.mp3 and the copy in the new one. I would also worry that the client may cache files if it doesn't think anything has changed.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ReadyMedia

    Have you tried looking at error messages and logs? Perhaps run it from your mint...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ReadyMedia

    You could also accept that DLNA (minidlna) is not really a real-time streaming ptotocol....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ReadyMedia

    I can't speak to cross compiling minidlna but if the TPL-wd3600 runs a debian derivative...

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2008-03-14 03:37:16


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