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    Also, here're two videos featuring my GLES-powered port of Trigger Rally on an Android devices: SD860: RP4 Pro: On SD860 I've controlled the car using SDL2's joystick emulation via gyro, and it was kinda flunky. RP4 Pro has a proper joystick, so it was much more pleasant :)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Also, here're two videos featuring my GLES-powered port of Trigger Rally on an Android devices:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Sorry for the late reply, Ivan. Don't worry, I already know this project is relatively slow-paced :) Does this mean we lost the features you mentioned if we want to actually include your optimisations? If you want to do it ASAP, then yes. But I don't think it's at the stage you should consider it. From my POV it would make more sense to do a 0.6.7 release featuring everything that is accumulated up until now. After that you can bump development branch to 0.7.0 and work on integrating new renderer...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Just wanted to note that I've updated the code to r1007, adapting and rewriting some pieces in the process. I've decided to take a break at r1007 because options menu (r1008..r1012) and brake lights (r1014) will most likely have to be (almost) completely rewritten due to different rendering method. Other revisions (r1013, r1015-r1019) should be fairly straightforward to merge.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    That depends on how you downloaded the code. If you did it via Git, I think it would be sufficient to run git submodule update --init in the source directory. If not, you can either install glm library from your distro's package manager (beware of old versions tho) or download it from Github as a zip archive and put all relevant files into glm directory of the source tree. Also note that the build defaults to OpenGL 3.x+, so if you want to build for OpenGL 2.1 / ES 2.0 you need to do extra steps....

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Hi there, folks! I was following this game for a really long time (I think since 2008), and I dare to say this is one of the most fun and chilling driving games out there. Big kudos to you for that! This month I had a bit of spare time and I've decided to "have fun" in another way. I performed a rewrite of the rendering engine from the "legacy" fixed-pipeline OpenGL to a "modern" one with VBOs and shaders. Here it is: I've tried to make as few modifications...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Hi there, folks! I was following this game for a really long time (I think since 2008), and I dare to say this is one of the most fun and chilling driving games out there. Big kudos to you for that! This month I had a bit of spare time and I've decided to "have fun" in another way. I performed a rewrite of the rendering engine from the "legacy" fixed-pipeline OpenGL to a "modern" one with VBOs and shaders. Here it is: I've tried to make as few modifications...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Trigger Rally

    Hi there, folks! I was following this game for a really long time (I think since 2008), and I dare to say this is one of the most fun and chilling driving games out there. Big kudos to you for that! This month I had a bit of spare time and I've decided to "have fun" in another way. I performed a rewrite of the rendering engine from the "legacy" fixed-pipeline OpenGL to a "modern" one with VBOs and shaders. Here it is: I've tried to make as few modifications...

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2011-10-10 07:13:23


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