
#38 Option to disable automatic state loading

clearcase (41)

I'm currently using this plugin against the same
Clearcase repository from two locations. The first is on
a local LAN which works great; the other is over a WAN
and it takes FOREVER for all the files to "refresh state".

It would be great to have an option to the effect of "Only
refresh state when requested by user or as needed." I'm
thinking that all files could simply show as "unknown
state" unless I hit "Refresh State" or do some other type
of check-in/out operation.

(Lately, I've just disabled the plugin within Eclipse, and
do my source control operations from within Windows
Explorer, which does practically what I described above,
as it doesn't show the state of the files. This involves a
lot of tedious window switching, however. :-)


  • Roel De Meester

    Roel De Meester - 2006-03-15
    • assigned_to: nobody --> demeester_roel
  • Roel De Meester

    Roel De Meester - 2006-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    As a first step you could lower the number of Automatic
    State Loadings by changing the settings as follows.
    Team>Clearcase>Label Decorations - General Tab
    disable the option "Compute deep dirty state for folders
    and projects"
    This will make sure that only the folders/and files that are
    VISIBLE in the the eclipse package explorer will be
    'refreshed', the plugin will no longer descent the whole
    tree for refreshing.
    Maybe we could make that the DEFAULT, to prevent overloading
    the clearcase servers?

    In the meantime i'll have a look to create a "Perform
    refresh state automatic" flag.

  • Roel De Meester

    Roel De Meester - 2006-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    To prevent a Manual "refresh State" action to descend an
    whole folder and it's subfolder

    Team>Clearcase - General Tab
    disable the option "Perform all operation recursively"

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht

    Logged In: YES

    AFAIK the "Perform all operation recursively" doesn't have
    any meaning yet.

    A proper solution would be to remove the whole state cache
    save and restore thing and just work with a transient cache
    (or resource properties). However, this requires some API
    changes and some changes to the behavior of our actions. The
    state would be first readed if the resource is accesses the
    first time. For example, by access through the label
    decorator or through enablement checking of the actions.

    I'm just afraid that the current implementation is not
    suitable for this. That's why I started the api_rework
    branch. However, I just moved to another company and don't
    have access to a ClearCase system anymore. :(

  • Mikael Petterson

    This have been improved so it should not be a problem any more.

  • Mikael Petterson

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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