
#1001 NOBUFFER option ignored for WRITE


A program that uses the message ~command(open write nobuffer) to a stream instance works as expected in 3.2 but fails in 4.1 (no error but the NOBUFFER option is ignored). Removing 'write' - command(open nobuffer) - works as expected. Also tried ~open(write nobuffer) which also fails and ~open(nobuffer) works.


  • Gil Barmwater

    Gil Barmwater - 2011-05-03

    Having discovered this in a program with other dependencies, I've written a simple standalone program to demonstrate the problem. It writes (using charout) a series of characters that "walk" across the screen. Then it creates a stream which appends a > to every charout (so you can verify it is being used) and routes .output through it. This stream is opened both ways - w/ & w/o write - and the "walk" routine is called for each way. Finally, the "last" column position of the cursor for each of the three runs is reported. For 3,2 they are all 11. For 4.1, the failing one is 0. The file is named walk.rex

  • Gil Barmwater

    Gil Barmwater - 2011-05-03
  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2012-02-10

    Hi Gil,

    I've looked at this and know the root cause. I also see that your supplied test works under 3.2.0.

    But, it looks to me like this behavior only applies to stdout and stderr. In your program where you discovered the problem are you only seeing the problem with opening stdout?

    Mark Miesfeld

  • Gil Barmwater

    Gil Barmwater - 2012-02-10

    Yes, I discovered this with STDOUT and have not tried to come up with a test case for persistent streams.

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2012-02-12

    main\trunk: Committed revision 7521.
    main\branches\4.1: Committed revision 7521.

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2012-07-16

    The fix for this item was in the 4.1.1 or 4.1.0 release.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2013-11-22
    • Pending work items: --> none
    • Group: Next_Release --> 4.1.1


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