
#72 RZX recorded; wouldn't play


In testing the latest beta, JSW2 was loaded from a snapshot, and my playing (briefly, incompetently) the opening screens was recorded. I stopped recording, and played the recording made (attached). At the end of the play it errored:

Fuse - Error

libspectrum: libspectrum_rzx_playback: more INs during frame 44 than stored in RZX file (5)


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  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-02-25

    Brief play of JSW2

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-03
    • milestone: --> v0.8
  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-03

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    I can't reproduce this version at the moment. Could you give details as to exactly which build of Fuse you're using and how you produced this RZX file (including as much detail as possible as to which rollback facilities you used and when)?

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-04

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    Fuse version 0.8.0-pre1 (0.8.0-pre1).

    Starting at a snapshot of JSW2, I played incompetently, reverting to bookmark occasionally, then stoped and attempted to replay. At the end of the replay it gave the error.

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-04

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    Where you using the File/Recording/Rollback functionality, the File/Recording/Rollback to... functionality or both? There *should* be no difference, but...

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-04

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    Double-click attached szx file.
    File > Emulator Recording… > Record…
    Filename "jsw2_v2.rzx"
    Play; command-B a few times; command-Z; play
    File > Emulator Recording… > Stop Recording
    File > Emulator Recording… > Play…

    then, **before** the end of that which I recorded, "libspectrum: libspectrum_rzx_playback: more INs during frame 16 than stored in RZX file (0)".

    Followed by "The fuse application unexpectedly quit"!

    PowerPC G5, 2.1 GHz, 1GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS X 10.4.8.
    Fuse version 0.8.0-pre1 (0.8.0-pre1)

    File Added: 00000.szx

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-04

    Snapshot at which play started

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-04

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    The machine won't let me upload the rzx as it's too big. My email at -- email me and I'll email it to you. But going abroad on Thursday, so email me before then.

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    Just to clarify for everyone - in the Mac OS X version command-B is bookmark, and command-z is go to last bookmark.

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    Another data point - I compiled the latest CVS version with the SDL UI on Mac OS X. I started from jdaw1's 0000.szx below and ran around the mansion adding snapshots and using File/Recording/Rollback from time to time for about 3 minutes. I stopped and played back the new recording, and while the recording completed successfully, Fuses' emulation stopped and while the widget menus were still responsive, the File/Exit menu had no effect. Worth running under valgrind for more info?

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-05

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    * The original recording was also failing before the end of the recording (although maybe not by much), so there is no change of behaviour here.
    * The crash seen by jdaw1 is probably due to tstates being invalid after RZX desync (bug #1654165, fixed post pre1).
    * jdaw1: if you could e-mail me (pak21 (at) will work) the RZX file, I'll look at it.
    * Fred: can you upload your RZX and I'll look at it under Linux?

  • Fredrick Meunier

    RZX I recorded followed by a non-resposive Fuse after playback

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    Your comment below reminded me that I was still on the trunk and didn't have the RZX fixes you did. I've updated again, and can't reproduce the problem in a couple of attempts so far. I've attached the rzx I referred to below.
    File Added: test.rzx

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-08

    Seconds RZX from jdaw1

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-08

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    File size problem solved via the wonders of bzip2.
    File Added: jsw2_v2.rzx.bz2

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    jdaw1: Could you please try again with the Fuse for Mac OS X 0.8.0-pre2 version that includes the rzx playback fix Phil mentions below?

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-11

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    Will happily re-try on my return home.

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    I note that when I Fuse becomes non-responsive following rzx playback, a Machine->Select followed by choosing a new machine will bring it back to life. A sign that tstates or the events system has gotten out of whack?

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-15

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    I've just tried Fred's test.rzx on Linux and no problems are observed: File/Exit works fine, and the debugger shows both tstates and events being exactly as would be expected. OS X specific?

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    Yep, that test.rzx was recorded on a CVS head version. The current OS X pre 2 doesn't stop after playback of that file. It still does for jdaw1's file though.

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-20

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    The latest download available from is dated 2004. That can't be what you want me to test. Perhaps email me the program, if that's easiest, my email being available from .

  • Fredrick Meunier

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    The OS X binaries are on a separate sourceforge project in, you'll find the 0.8.0-pre2 version there.

  • jdaw1

    jdaw1 - 2007-03-20

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    Thank you.

    So, using "Fuse version 0.8.0-pre2 (0.8.0-pre2)" I get "libspectrum: libspectrum_rzx_playback: more INs during frame 187 than stored in RZX file (2)" in the too-large file about to be sent to pak21.

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-21

    New file from jdaw1

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-03-21

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    File Added: jsw2_v3.rzx.bz2

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