
#180 "Spambayes" menu in Outlook dead

Outlook (523)

I use WinXP Pro sp1, Outlook 2002 sp1.

I used Spambayes outlook plugin v.003 when all of a
sudden (no program crash) the "Spambayes" menu
button (next to "Delete as spam") froze (it highlites
when mouse hovers but I can't click it) and "Recover"
button never appeared (funny enough then "Delete as
spam" button still worked).

I uninstalled and installed v.005. Now the "Recover"
button appears and works. However the "Spambayes"
button(menu) still doesn't work.

The log file includes messages (in Swedish)
about "incorrect variable type" for the menu buttons.
I have performed the View->Toolbars->Customize -
Reset and Options->COM Add-ins - Remove
operations. "Spambayes" button still dead in the water...

Anybody know what to do????????


  • Magnus Aycox

    Magnus Aycox - 2003-07-22

    Spambayes log file

  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2003-07-22
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2003-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    Please see the troubleshooting guide (via "about.html" in
    the SpamBayes program directory) and see the tips for
    restoring the toolbar.


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