
#669 Toolbars items crash Outlook 2003

Binary 1.0
Outlook (523)

Toolbar items "Delete as Spam" and "Recover from
Spam" seem to function. However, it crashes Outlook
2003 afterwards (a dialog came up asking whether to
send a bug report to Microsoft). Then Outlook 2003
restarts itself (if the restart checkbox is check
otherwise it will quit) and the toolbar came up again
after Outlook relaunches. I noticed the action (delete or
recover) was taken after Outlook relaunched. The
SpamBayes pull-down menu will cause the crash
immediately without showing the sub-menu items.

The Spam filtering seems to work fine. I tried the toolbar
fixes in the Troubleshooting Guide, but it didn't solve the

I am using Widows XP Professional SP2. I didn't have
problem with Outlook 2000. The problem appeared right
after I upgraded to Outlook 2003.


  • James

    James - 2004-10-05

    SpamBayes Log File

  • seattle

    seattle - 2004-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    this applies also to the SpamBayes manager, so changing
    settings is impossible.

  • p-51

    p-51 - 2005-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    I have had this happen as well. Nothing I have tried has
    fixed the problem. I am going to try the 1.1a1 version to
    see if it has any effect.

    Is there a problem in Outlook 2003??

  • p-51

    p-51 - 2005-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Ok. Even the latest alpha version does not seem to work.
    As with others with this problem, spambayes works from data
    ALREADY entered into the database. If you click on the
    toolbar to access ANY functions (to add spam or delete spam
    etc), Outlook immediately crashes.

    So, what is the solution? Any ideas?

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    Check to see if DEP is enabled (note that Microsoft
    considers Outlook and "essential" program) and if it is,
    disable it.

  • p-51

    p-51 - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry. DEP?? What is that and how do I disable it? If I
    disable it, what other functions do I effect?


  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES


    If you disable it, everything will probably work better <0.5

  • p-51

    p-51 - 2005-12-09

    Logged In: YES

    Nope. That did not work. And when you say "disable" do
    you mean follow their directions and "optout" of DEP for
    SpamBayes only? If so, I did that by chosing NOT to run
    DEP for only the executables in the program
    files/spambayes/bin folder - which are:
    outlook_addin_register.exe and outlook_dump_props.exe But
    "optingout" of DEP for these two files still does not effect
    the problem as first described.

    And I cannot find any way to "disable" DEP completely for
    the whole computer - if that is what you meant.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-12-11

    Logged In: YES

    Have you tried doing a "Detect and Repair" on Outlook?

  • p-51

    p-51 - 2005-12-12

    Logged In: YES

    Nope. No help with the "detect and repair" option either.
    I even tried completely unloading SpamBayes first and
    deleting all files in the Documents and
    Settings\[username]\Application Data\SpamBayes directory,
    THEN running the detect and repair. No joy.

    This all started when I upgraded from Office 2000 to 2003
    (sp2). I read another post here that said they had the same
    trouble. Is there something wrong with the upgrade?? I
    upgraded WITHOUT first unloading SpamBayes. Does Outlook
    not play nice with add-ins during an upgrade?

    Also, I read someplace here that someone had success in
    fixing the mess when they completely uninstalled Outlook
    2003 and re-installed it. Then they reinstalled SpamBayes.
    Is this the only answer??



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