
#30 Extentions mechanism

eclipse (49)

How wonderfull would be to have a kind of extention
mechanism for Eclipse-Clearcase.
The clear-case using policy in every company is
dependent of the internal rules therefore it's very
different. In my company it's needed to label every
file you checked in using complex structure of labels
(for deployment, for production, for development).
Therefore how nice it would be to have a kind of
listener that can be registered in the plugin and
notified when checkIn/checkOut/etc is happens.
It would be very yeasy to write a external plugin
with it's own configuration dependent to the
eclipse-clearcase plugin for every case it's needed.
I'm not sure in what part notifiers should be
registered (ecliseclearcase or directly clearcase) but
i'm qute sure about following thinks:

1. It should be possible to register notifiers from
outside of the plugin (i.e. from another plugins).
2. External plugins should have an access to
IClearcase instance in the current context (i.e. on
the given view etc).

Actually I was trying to create a simple workaround
(it's very simple, just add several lines in the
ClearCase provider java file) but I can't get a stable
version of the three of plugins that will be
compatible with 0.9.10 release :(


  • Gunnar Wagenknecht

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, that would be nice. However, if you need something
    that is compatible to 0.9.10 you MUST checkout
    from "eclipse_2" branch.

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht

    • assigned_to: gwagenknecht --> nobody
  • Mikael Petterson

    Not part of our plugin development. I will close it.


  • Mikael Petterson

    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix

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