
#120 Add Capability To Label Files Upon Check-In

eclipse (49)

Should have an ability to label files during check-in as well as at a separate instance. Currently when selecting multiple files to check in you are given the option to write a comment. A separate drop-down box should be visible in order to apply existing labels to the checked-in files. You should also have the capability to apply labels without checking in. This is critical for how we use Clearcase because we label all of our files. This capability would completely decouple us from using Clearcase directly.


  • Mikael Petterson

    Since you want to label whenever ( not only at checkin) maybe we can have a general labling function ( wizard). Is it possible to specify how you want it?


  • Mikael Petterson

    • assigned_to: nobody --> eraonel
  • Mikael Petterson

    • status: open --> open-remind
  • Mikael Petterson


    • Select Resources in workspace to be labled.
    • Use existing label or create new label.
    • Label resources ...

    Is there anything else that needs to be included?

  • Mikael Petterson

    A beta version will be delivered in 2.2.32


  • Mikael Petterson

    Please add comments here and I will make changes/modifications.


  • Mikael Petterson

    • status: open-remind --> pending-fixed
  • Mikael Petterson

    Re-Released in 2.2.33


  • Mikael Petterson

    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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