
#317 set z80_freq_lock do'nt turn on again

SD Snatcher

If I turn z80_freq_lock off, the command to enable it again is being ignored. It will only take effect after I close openMSX and run it again.

Tested versions: 0.7.0, 0.7.0-dev9264
Operating System: Windows-XP


  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    I can't reproduce the problem. This is what I tried:

    - write a small program that loops from 0 to 1000 and print the time it takes
    - run it (took 83 ints here)
    - set z80_freq to 20MHz and run it (still 83 ints, which is correct, as the freq is locked)
    - set z80_freq_locked off and run it (now takes only 13 ints, which is correct, as the custom freq is active now)
    - set z80_freq_locked on and urn it (now it takes 83 ints again, so setting it back on works fine...)

    Can you try this scenario?

    Apparently you are doing something different than what I'm doing here.

  • SD Snatcher

    SD Snatcher - 2009-03-09

    Ok, tested. Here it is the test program:

    10 CLS:FOR A=1TO3
    30 PRINT"Change the clock and press a key":A$=INPUT$(1)
    40 NEXT A

    The results are attached. The Z80 clock was set to 15MHz.

  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    Sorry, I didn't find an attachment :(

    But your program behaves exactly as I expected on the Boosted MSX2 EN I used.

    Which MSX machine are you using?
    And what exactly did you do in those 3 'turns'?

  • SD Snatcher

    SD Snatcher - 2009-03-10

    Screenshots of the Sony HB-F1XDJ running the test program.

  • SD Snatcher

    SD Snatcher - 2009-03-10

    (SF interface... It first requires you to manually attach the file and only then click on update... And if the attachment is bigger than 440K, it loses your comment too... There it goes again, I hope the attachment works now.)

    I'm using the following machines:

    Panasonic FS-A1F
    Panasonic FS-A1WSX
    Sony HB-F1XDJ

    The screenshots were taken using a Sony HB-F1XDJ, both on 0.7.0 and 0.7.0-dev9264.

  • Manuel Bilderbeek

    I don't see you changing the frequency in the console. Also, how did you boot with the setting on or off? By using a saved setting? (I tried that, but it doesn't get remembered...! I think this is because the setting is machine-instance specific.)

    It looks like you only have the problem if you boot with freq_lock off, right? This seems a rather important hint to reproduce this problem! Please include such information next time, unless you didn't know it yet ;-)

    Anyway, please be more exact on what you did! I still can't reproduce your scenario (mostly because I don't understand what you're doing exactly).

  • Wouter Vermaelen

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Wouter Vermaelen

    Fixed in revision 9384.
    To reproduce this bug, the saved value of the z80_freq setting had to be different from the default value. That's probably why manuelbi (and initially I) couldn't reproduce it.