
#23 select_large=NO support


Ok. As an SGI IRIX developper , we had an version of
cscope using the old [0-9] menu model. We( in
Enginerring ) baecame so accustomed to it was a bit
annoying to TAB
all the time to switch between the selection-file-menu
and the menu at the bottom. So I created:
- command-line -K: to enable select_large=NO ( default
YES ) option
- Control-K to switch btween the two.

I also added ^W to switch between EDITOR and EDITOR2
environment variable. EDITOR2 default to : xedit. This is
very useful for those who wants to switch to EDITOR2,
spin a 'file.h' edition, switch back to EDITOR, and spin
an *inline* 'file.c' editor session ( using vi ).

Also, adjusted 'cscope.spec' for:
- man1/cscope.1 gets compressed by rpm brp-compress
script so the target should be cscope.1*
- Copyright is not a valid spec tag anymor. Should be

If you want the patch, I'd be glad to send it in a
seperate Email. ( michel at )



  • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

    Logged In: YES

    [Please keep separate subject matters in separate requests...]

    [-K/^K]: I honestly can't think of a good reason for
    spending a hotkey on this feature. People will either want
    the old behaviour, or the new. They won't change that
    attitude in mid-session.

    [^W]: looks like a rather obvious violation of the "one tool
    <--> one task" design principle of Unix. If people can't
    make up their mind which of two editors they want to use for
    long enough to last one cscope session, they're free to
    install a two-way wedge script as $EDITOR or $CSCOPE_EDITOR.
    Putting machinery like this into each and every single tool
    that can call an editor seems like seriously the wrong idea.

    As to the patches: please consider posting them on the
    "Patches" tracker next door.

  • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

    • status: open --> closed-rejected