
#718 https


I would want to know as I can make in order to visualize the pages that they begin for es: https://www.nome

tank you


  • Andrew J. Caines

    Logged In: YES

    HTTPS pages are encrypted with SSL/TLS between the client
    (browser) and the server and therefore cannot be filtered by
    the proxy.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I think you are looking for the config option to allow
    CONNECT method for SSL to ports other than :443.


  • zanni

    zanni - 2006-04-11

    Logged In: YES

    This sentence does not make sense in English. Could you
    please try explaining the problem another time?

    http://www.nome is not correct. Also, please
    give your OS and browser versions (firefox, ie, etc).


    Esta oración no tiene razón en ingles. Por favor, usted
    podría explicar la problema otra vez?

    http://www.nome no es correcto. Tambíen, por
    favor, da su OS y browser versiones (firefox, ie, etc).


    Cette phrase ne se comprend pas en anglais. Pourriez-vous
    svp essayer d'expliquer le problème une autre heure ?

    http://www.nome n'est pas correct. Donnez en
    outre, svp votre l'OS et versions de navigateur (firefox,
    IE, etc..)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I think, the problem is, that novadays more and more "evil"
    sites use https to protect their evil jscode and cookies
    from proxy servers.
    Since https requests can not be filtered, Privoxy is
    useless if you ever click on a https link!

    No, that is not a bug, but it is a lack of usability.
    What is Privoxy good for, if you just need to use https to
    get all the referer and cookies and make the boring ads
    displayed again (and the webbugs too)?
    There should be an option to use Privoxy to intercept https:
    1. Privoxy could act as the server and the browser will get
    a secure connection to the proxy insteed of the original
    2. Privoxy decrypts the request from the Browser and makes
    a new https request to the original server.
    3. Privoxy receives the content from the original server,
    decrypts and filters ist - then it encrypts it for the
    4. The browser displays the "washed" page.

    Sure, the browser will issue warnings about not matching
    certificates - but who cares, if i haveto click once more
    to be safe?

    Allan Wegan (

  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2006-08-29
    • status: open --> pending
  • SourceForge Robot

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    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed

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