
#1581 Files and directories beginning with ~

MSYS (75)
Earnie Boyd

If a file or directory is named ~FOO then it is impossible to remove it and even more so dangerous to try. MSYS converts ~FOO to // instead so that using rm -rf ~FOO will in effect cause an rm -rf // to be issued.

I'm using msys-core-1.0.17


  • Keith Marshall

    Keith Marshall - 2011-09-29

    You may wish to consider the comment I attached here:

    Note that, in the example command offered, the shell would attempt to expand ~FOO as the home directory for user FOO, *before* handing it off to rm. Since MSYS doesn't associate users with specific home directories, (other than during execution of /etc/profile to initialise $HOME), tilde expansion should *always* fail gracefully, (except in the special case of a solitary tilde, which should and does expand to the value of $HOME), leaving the tilde expression unchanged; since it *is* changed there clearly is a bug. Just wanted to point out that it might lie within the bash.exe implementation, rather than in msys-core, (although it could equally well be in a service provided to bash by msys-1.0.dll).

    As an interim (untested) work-around, 'rm -rf ./~FOO', or even simply wrapping ~FOO in quotes, (either double or single), should circumvent the tilde expansion, so allowing you to safely remove the errant directory; c.f.:

    $ echo ~FOO

    $ echo ./~FOO

    $ echo '~FOO'

    $ echo "~FOO"

    Also, notice this anomaly when running in a subshell:

    $ echo ~FOO

  • Fabian Greffrath

    Maybe bash should be compiled with -UHAVE_GETPWNAM. Else in lib/{tilde,readline}/tilde.c:390 getpwnam() is performed on the username part of the expanded string and then in line 414 "user_entry->pw_dir" is called to replace it with the user's home directory.

    Maybe in lib/{tilde,readline}/tilde.c:390
    #if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM)
    should get changed to
    #if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM) || defined __MSYS__
    as MSYS simply does not support the concept of per-user directories.

  • Fabian Greffrath

    > #if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM) || defined __MSYS__

    This should read
    #if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM) && !defined __MSYS__

  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-08
    • milestone: 102880 --> 507559
  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-08

    Thanks for the report.

    The problem is in the getpwnam implementation in MSYS. For names other than the current user name, it should return NULL, instead of an entry filled with default values.

    The next MSYS runtime release will have a fix.



  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-12

    Fixed in CVS.

    $ echo ~
    $ echo ~cstrauss
    $ echo ~foo

    $ echo ~
    $ echo ~cstrauss
    $ echo ~foo


  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Fabian Greffrath

    Dear Cesar,

    with the current runtime the following happens:

    admin@durin ~
    $ echo ~foo

    admin@durin ~
    $ sh -c "echo ~foo"

    What happens with the fixed runtime from CVS?

  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-14

    > What happens with the fixed runtime from CVS?

    cstrauss@home ~
    $ echo ~foo

    cstrauss@home ~
    $ sh -c "echo ~foo"

  • Fabian Greffrath


    However, may I suggest that - if HOME is not set for the current user - getpwnam should first try to return USERPROFILE before falling back to the hard-coded (and maybe non-existant) /home/${username}?

  • Fabian Greffrath

    PS: What happens with the fixed runtime (currently four slashes are returned):
    $ unset HOME && echo ~ && echo ~$USERNAME && sh -c "echo ~" && sh -c "echo ~$USERNAME"

  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2011-10-14

    > However, may I suggest that - if HOME is not set for the current user -
    > getpwnam should first try to return USERPROFILE before falling back to the
    > hard-coded (and maybe non-existant) /home/${username}?

    This was discussed elsewhere. No! If HOME isn't set in the environment it is a bug of the environment and not MSYS. We don't support by default MSYS binaries being used in non-MSYS shells.

  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2011-10-15

    >PS: What happens with the fixed runtime (currently four slashes are
    > returned):

    $ unset HOME && echo ~ && echo ~$USERNAME && sh -c "echo ~" && sh -c "echo ~$USERNAME"

  • Fabian Greffrath

    Fine, now the behaviour is *nearly* consistent with my Debian system.

    With HOME set:
    $ echo $HOME
    $ echo ~ && echo ~fabian && echo ~foo && sh -c "echo ~" && sh -c "echo ~fabian" && sh -c "echo ~foo"

    With HOME unset:
    $ unset HOME
    $ echo ~ && echo ~fabian && echo ~foo && sh -c "echo ~" && sh -c "echo ~fabian" && sh -c "echo ~foo"

    > This was discussed elsewhere. No! If HOME isn't set in the environment
    > it is a bug of the environment and not MSYS. We don't support by default
    > MSYS binaries being used in non-MSYS shells.

    I know, I know. I just wanted to suggest that the USERPROFILE variable may provide a more reasonable value as a fall-back than a hard-coded one. It is our host system's pendant to $HOME, it is assured to be set and its value is equally assured to be an existing directory. It is used by WinZsh (zsh-nt) as a fall-back when HOME isn't set, BTW.

  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2012-11-29
    • milestone: 507559 -->
  • Cesar Strauss

    Cesar Strauss - 2012-11-29

    The fix for this issue was released with MSYS runtime 1.0.18,