
#815 Strangeness when PATH unset or empty

MSYS (75)

While trying to track down some oddness with the shell,
I tried the 'check' target in the distribution package
as a general purpose diagnostic of how well MSYS and
bash met expectations.

On five occasions (in rapid succession) that test
produced dialog boxes to the effect that 'msys-1.0.dll'
was not available. I wondered what caused that.

I think I have identified the situation and problem
that underlies this odd behavior. That particular test
sets PATH to empty and this apparently confuses the
windows loader. While this is only likely to happen as
a result of user stupidity or meanness, it should be
fairly easy to fix. If PATH is empty, force a
temporary value of '/bin' into it so the .dll and basic
utilities can still be found.


  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2005-08-04

    Logged In: YES

    So your proposal is to test PATH for empty before spawn and
    set it to a minimal string of ``/bin''? This would need to
    be done at the top of the spawn_guts function so that the
    translation back to win32 paths work correctly.

    Submit a patch to the patch tracker and I'll have a try at it.


  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES

    Frankly, I do not yet know enough about the overall
    structure of MSys to propose a definitive solution. As I
    understand it, the change to PATH does have to go in ahead
    of the tranlation to DOS file names as you said, but that
    might go either before or after the creation of the new
    thread depending on how the code is structured. It might
    even be a good idea to make it a patch to 'bash'. Once that
    is decided, I will almost certainly be able to generate the
    actual code change, if that is what you want me to do.

  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2005-08-05

    Logged In: YES

    I gave you the location of where the patch needs to happen
    in the MSYS runtime code. It isn't a problem that bash
    needs to deal with.


  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I just needed to assure that I understood your decision

  • Luke Dunstan

    Luke Dunstan - 2005-08-06

    Logged In: YES

    What is the advantage of doing this though? Why does the
    test set the PATH to empty, and what command fails? I think
    if PATH is empty it should do what it is documented and
    expected to do, which means not looking in /bin

  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES

    >Sender: infidel Subscriber

    >What is the advantage of doing this though?

    It would remove an anomoly due to a limitation in windows.

    >Why does the test set the PATH to empty,

    To test the effect of the -p option in bash and probably
    other things as well.

    >and what command fails?

    All commands that link to msys-1.0.dll or any other .dll for
    that mater. I think any file reference would also fail.
    They would not fail in a real POSIX environment.

    >I think if PATH is empty it should do what it is documented and
    >expected to do, which means not looking in /bin

    That would be correct with respect to executables, but
    windows also needs to know where to look for .dlls and there
    is a whole raft of issues with not being able to translate
    file names between the native and nominal environments. In
    particular msys-1.0.dll provides critical file system name
    mapping information and having two copies causes all sorts
    of odd behavior. This key .dll is always in /bin - by
    definition. While the addition /bin to PATH is somewhat
    inconsistant with POSIX, not being able to run /bin/sh or
    any other command specified by an absolute path when
    specifically requested is even more inconsistant. It's
    hobson's choice with this being the lesser infraction...

  • Luke Dunstan

    Luke Dunstan - 2005-08-07

    Logged In: YES

    In what way is POSIX different from Windows, exactly? What
    does this have to do with the "-p" option?

    When I try setting PATH to empty in an interactive shell, I
    can certainly execute /bin/sh with an absolute path, because
    Windows looks for DLLs in the directory containing the
    executable (sh.exe) even before looking in PATH. Can you
    give an example that demonstrates the problem?

  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES

    >Sender: Subscriber

    >In what way is POSIX different from Windows, exactly?

    Hey, I said I was a bit fuzzy on the details. It's got
    something to do with trying to find .dlls. Since I don't
    have the Windows source code to nose through, it's a bit
    tough to give you an exact answer. However it is pretty
    clear that they ARE different.

    >What does this have to do with the "-p" option?

    Again, I don't know the details. That's just what some of
    the comments associated with the test mentioned. If you
    want the details, the source code for 'bash' and the test
    suite are all on-line for your edification. Exactly what is
    going on in the mind of the guy (or gal) who wrote the test
    is something that does not grab my interest at this point.
    Why the tests were playing around with PATH not a
    significant problem. The fact that some very strange
    behavior shows up when that particular action was taken is
    much more significant as far as I am concerned.

    >When I try setting PATH to empty in an interactive shell, I can
    >certainly execute /bin/sh with an absolute path, because
    >looks for DLLs in the directory containing the executable
    >even before looking in PATH. Can you give an example that
    >demonstrates the problem?

    OK. /bin/sh was not the greatest example. If you think about
    it I have already provided another example.. The 'check'
    target of the 'bash' package shows this. There is only one
    place where msys-1.0.dll can be - in /bin. The directory
    containing msys-1.0.dll is by DEFINITION the location of
    /bin. All other directories are relative to that location.
    It must be unique if there is to be any coordination with
    repect to file access. In the 'check' tests, the just built
    copy of 'bash' is being exercised. It needs the
    msys-1.0.dll to run. If you put an extra copy of
    msys-1.0.dll in the same directory with it, you get hundreds
    of errors and a stack dump or two because you've screwed
    with one of the basic assumptions underlying MinGW and MSys.
    (Yeah, I tried it. Twice about ten days apart, once with
    the .dll from the distribution and again with one that I had
    built from sources.) On the other hand, when the tests chop
    off 'PATH', it can no longer find the official msys-1.0.dll
    and produces a sequence of five errors with dialog boxes.
    In other words it was fairly hard not to notice the problem.
    This is very obviously one of those 'corner' cases where
    odd things happen. It's not going to hurt very many people,
    but now that the problem has been noticed and a simple
    solution identified, it should be fixed...

    Meanwhile the build of newlib and binutils is tying up this
    machine to the point where it is pointless to do anything
    but type in long-winded responses to bug reports. Trying to
    get a good gcc build just isn't in the cards at this time.
    I think getting some sleep might be a better investment at
    the moment...

  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES


    I've just taken a look at spawn_guts in If the
    change is made there, a duplicate of envp would be needed.
    On the other hand the setup for the spawned processes
    environment is done in 'winenv' in and spawn_guts
    seems to be the only thing that calls 'winenv'. It's
    already got loops that scan the environment list so it would
    be fairly simple to add the PATH check there. Have I missed
    any other calls to 'winenv'?

  • Luke Dunstan

    Luke Dunstan - 2005-08-09

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I understand the problem now. The test is probably
    setting PATH to empty to make sure that /bin/sh is NOT
    executed, so hacking MSYS to pretend that PATH=/bin
    seems dangerous and may or may not do what the test
    intended. I wonder how the Cygwin build process for bash
    handles this? (hopefully not by putting cygwin1.dll in a
    system directory, but I don't remember)

    Has this particular problem come up in any other builds? If
    not I hardly think that it justifies modifying MSYS. A much
    less disruptive alternative could be to modify the bash test
    scripts to do something special for MSYS.

    I am only trying to point out the dangers of adding hacks to
    MSYS to solve a problem building a single package. If you
    add it and nobody complains then I guess that is good

  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    Logged In: YES

    >Sender: Subscriber

    >OK, I understand the problem now. The test is probably
    >setting PATH to empty to make sure that /bin/sh is NOT
    >executed, so hacking MSYS to pretend that PATH=/bin
    >seems dangerous and may or may not do what the test
    >intended. I wonder how the Cygwin build process for bash
    >handles this? (hopefully not by putting cygwin1.dll in a
    >system directory, but I don't remember)

    There are at least two misaprehentions here:

    1) Whatever the intent of the test, it has nothing to do
    with finding /bib/sh because (a) it finds whatever
    executable it is looking for but can not find the .dll it
    requires and (b) it is testing bash.exe, not sh.exe and
    bash.exe is not normally in /bin/ and would not have
    produced the actual error generated because the .dll it
    would have required would have been in the local directory.

    2) While I need to do tests to be sure, the 'system'
    directory where such things as kernel.dll reside is normally
    included in the path. Windows may not be able to find even
    these critical .dlls without a path.

    >Has this particular problem come up in any other builds? If
    >not I hardly think that it justifies modifying MSYS. A much
    >less disruptive alternative could be to modify the bash test
    >scripts to do something special for MSYS.

    I don't mind munging the test script too much to avoid
    fundamental differences between POSIX and Windows, like the
    meaning of ':', but having identified the problem, it is
    clearly fixable at a more global level and will do more than
    just diddle a diagnostic.

    >I am only trying to point out the dangers of adding hacks to
    >MSYS to solve a problem building a single package.

    That would depend on the package now wouldn't it. If it
    were something absolutely critical, like the main shell, the
    terminal emulator or the compilers, then hacking at the
    problem until a real solution emerges is definitely the
    right thing to do.

    While this is a mere diagnostic target, it does show a
    rather basic gotcha that can and should be addressed now we
    know about it. The fact that the circumstances where it
    arise are unusual and can usually be avoided is the reason
    this is not a 'show stopper', but it does diserve a normal
    portion of attention.

    >If you add it and nobody complains then I guess that is good

    And that is almost exactly what Earnie said to do, exept he
    included a 'quality of implementation' restriction in the
    mix by implication as well.

    Speaking of Earnie -- I asked a question about
    earlier -- any reaction?

  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2005-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    I missed the question. I'll have to look; it'll be two or
    three weeks before I can get back to it. I'm going to be on
    a business trip.


  • Luke Dunstan

    Luke Dunstan - 2005-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    Just for your information:

    1. While MSYS has no /bin/bash, many operating systems
    do, so I still think the intent is to _avoid_ executing /bin/bash.
    I'm sure the test will work after your changes though

    2. The DLL search rules are documented and my comments
    are based on this:

  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2005-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    The issue is executing a test where the binary being tested
    is dependent on dll's that do not exist in the directory
    with the exe or on the PATH. Setting PATH to null should
    not be done on windows regardless of what is executing the
    test. In unix it isn't an issue because the shared library
    paths are controlled by a different variable. I'm thinking
    that even the windows system dlls will not be findable in
    this scenario.

    Now it is time to ask for a consideration. Should we lie to
    the user and let them think PATH is not set or should we
    tell the truth and cause setenv to set a default PATH when
    the user tries to set it to empty and thus allow the user
    see the default PATH?


  • Max TenEyck Woodbury

    • status: open --> closed