
#1013 [lua] SWIG_check_num_args too strict

lua (25)

We moved from SWIG version 1.3.31 to 1.3.39 and found out, that SWIG now introduced the following sanity check:


By doing so we can not write any wraper code anymore taking variable number of arguments.

For example, we wrote some typemap

%typemap\(in\) \(int n, double\* x\) \(double\*\) \{
    double \*y;
    double m, key;
    int n, k=0;
    const char \*text;
    size\_t nbytes;
    int i;
/\* get number of arguments \*/
    n = lua\_gettop\(L\)-1;
    $1 = n;
    y = new double\[n\];
/\* loop through each argument \*/
    for \(i = 0; i < n; i++\) \{
        y\[i\]= lua\_tonumber\(L, i+2\);
    nbytes = n\*sizeof\(double\);
    $2 = \(double\*\) lua\_newuserdata\(L, nbytes\);
    for \(k=0; k<n; k++\) \{
        $2\[k\] = y\[k\];
    delete y;

This typemap wraps a method

void Read(int n, double * data);

which is interpreted in Lua as

void Read(double data1, double data2 , ... );

Off course we could use


but this produces horrible wrapper code (think of 3000 possible arguments - for each combination an individual wrapper routine would be created).

Is it possible to make this configurable somehow?

For now we switched back to 1.3.31


  • Olly Betts

    Olly Betts - 2012-05-18
    • summary: SWIG_check_num_args to strict --> [lua] SWIG_check_num_args too strict
  • Olly Betts

    Olly Betts - 2022-03-01

    You can put this in your interface file:

    #undef SWIG_check_num_args
    #define SWIG_check_num_args(func_name,a,b)

    It's rather a crude solution though, and disables it for all wrapped functions in the module.

  • Olly Betts

    Olly Betts - 2022-03-07 includes an "unlimited args" setting which I think would provide a cleaner solution to this.


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