
#5256 Click Spam on potions

Code (550)

100 Greater Potions (Might be important that the position in the bag is the Top-Left)
3 Normal Potions(Last Item in Bag, i often pick these up off the dead)

1. Left-Click Rapidly + Repeatedly on Normal Potions (Triggering multiple Use actions before even a single potion can be used, and triggering more Use actions than there are normal potions )
2. Observe that after the Normal Potions are used that a few greater potions will be used. (Even though you never clicked on the greater potions)

For the first few times i thought i was using an exploit that gave me extra healing at no cost. Actually the first few time i probably didn't even notice the extra healing, I think it took me a while. Ends up i was burning through a big stack of Greater Potions that bleu- had given me a long time ago.


  • monsterdhal

    monsterdhal - 2011-12-10

    Might be I have experienced the same effect:

    Today I've been doubleclicking on minor potions (located in the downmost row of my bag) and suddenly found myself in Semos city. Maybe I was doubleclicking once too often (I've had only 2 of them in my bag). Important to say: My home scrolls were located in the upper left slot of my bag, while I was rapid-clicking on the slot containing the minor potions.

  • monsterdhal

    monsterdhal - 2011-12-12

    @kymara: Yes, I think it's the same bug.

    I reproduced it once again yesterday. I assume, that it always uses the item inside the upper left slot of your bag, when the bug takes effect.

    Now I am carrying an unusable item (money) in that slot. ;o)

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2011-12-13

    That is exactly what I do too ;)

  • Kimmo Rundelin

    Kimmo Rundelin - 2012-08-16

    OK, thanks for the error report.
    Problem is now fixed in CVS.

  • Kimmo Rundelin

    Kimmo Rundelin - 2012-08-16
    • labels: 1222226 --> Code
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kiheru
    • status: open --> closed-fixed


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