
#61 11.2.5 wrong method

ooDialog (31)

11.2.5 NoMove method's documentation shows an example with the NoResize method.


  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2007-12-02

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    Committed revision 1372.

    I fixed the NoMove and did a little clean up of the 11.2 section. Thanks Hagrinas.

  • Hagrinas

    Hagrinas - 2007-12-02

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    Originator: YES

    I also noticed that 14.7 GetComboBox, the text is mostly lifted from "list box" and still has one reference to "list box" instead of "combo box." In the example, the method is called UpdateList, unchanged from the 14.6 example.

    I'm not sure what the general direction is for examples. The 14.6 example is great, and shows a lot more than just the method it's under. But it really serves as an example for the ListBox class in general, and shows its add, select, and deleteAll methods. All that's good, but what I mean by general direction is the philosophy of when and where to use examples, and what to show.

    If GetComboBox pointed back to GetListBox to show an example, it would be consistent with the way a lot of other parts of the document work. On the other hand, having a more specific GetListBox example would be helpful, instead of using the identical methods as the previous example. I might want to see



    ::method UpdateComboBox
    Use arg hometown
    di = self~GetComboBox(70)
    if di == .Nil then return 0
    di~locale = hometown

    But the question would be whether it really belongs under 14.7, and what related concepts should be there. The original example uses a symbolic id, but has nothing related to that concept.

    Ideally, all this should be in the ooDialog Programming Guide, and a lot of these things can be explained better in context. But in the mean time, I'd like to know if I should point out the redundancy, point out the errors in text, or suggest different examples.

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2008-05-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Committed revision 2475.

    Hagrinas, I put in a different example for 14.7, completely different from the list box example.

    As to your questions: All the documentation is converted from what IBM had for Object REXX. Much of what you have pointed out is a legacy from that doc. Some of it has been introduced by one of the developers as they have updated something. None of us are technical writers by profession, I think each of us is just trying to do the best we can. I don't think there is an articulated general direction for the examples. I believe in incremental improvements and am always open to enhancing any of the examples.

    I am sure any of us would gladly welcome help in writing the documentation.

    As always I appreciate your contribution.



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