
#307 Simplify 'save implied links'

OBO-Edit 2.x
OBO-Edit (271)

Quick summary: Simplify 'save implied links' interface so that it doesn't have different options and behaves as 'save for presentation' currently does.

It seems likely, to me at least, that the main use of 'save implied links' will be to instantiate a non-redundant set of inferred is_a relationship. This is basically what the very confusingly titled 'save for presentation' does. The other option, "save all links" does a transitive closure over is_a (i.e.- it instantiates all possible is_a relationships, irrespective of redundancy due to transitivity) which can generate a huge file. This options might be useful to some people populating databases designed for reasoning using SQL, but such specialized users are probably better off using available (?) scripty alternatives.

[Note - I've made this a high priority because I'd really like it fixed before the OE2 tutorial in Buffalo on July 23rd]


  • Amina Abdulla

    Amina Abdulla - 2009-07-14

    Hi David,
    Heres what I propose:
    Lets leave the "Save all links" option in there for now. I understand these data are not going to be useful for all - we can consult the working group on this topic - I think having a warning or tooltip showup and explain the option could be a potential solution too. I've renamed "Save for presentation" to "Save trimmed links" as it trims the inferred links so as to have a set of non-redundant is_a links as you mentioned.
    "Realize implied links" has been renamed to "Assert implied links" to reflect its functionality clearly.

    - AA

  • Amina Abdulla

    Amina Abdulla - 2009-07-14

    I have investigated the behavior and then renamed the options to describe their functionality clearly

  • Amina Abdulla

    Amina Abdulla - 2009-07-28
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Amina Abdulla

    Amina Abdulla - 2009-07-28

    renamed the options to describe the functionality clearly - 2.1beta1


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