Know exactly where your time and energy is going with Intervals. Built for the unique needs of small teams and small businesses. Intervals is used globally by web developers, marketers, system administrators, consultants and a variety of businesses that need to control their workflow and easily report where their time is going. Ideal for showing clients how much time their work requests take.
The robust platform gives administrators the ability to create clients and projects with unique billing rates, budget limits, and alerts, and present accurate and detailed reports to clients. The platform has robust reporting. Users can track individual billable hours with timers, collaborate with others on their tasks, and submit changes to keep a detailed outlook on project progress.
Includes a work request queue for handling customer requests/tickets, invoicing, document management, email integration, and more. Integrates with Google drive, QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, Slack, and others.
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Dovico TimeSheet for Small Business is a fully scalable project time and expense tracking solution. Remove the barriers! Employees enter time and expenses through an intuitive web or mobile (iOS and Android) experience. Need some help? Free unlimited chat, email and phone support await you as we become a helpful extension of your profit-building team. Get away from time-consuming spreadsheets and get started with Dovico TimeSheet for Small Business now for free!
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Simple time tracker software for freelancers and teams. Keep track of progress and billable hours for your projects. Organize and assign tasks for your team and manage their access with user permissions. Keep control over employee attendance, breaks, extra time and time off with time cards. Create custom online timesheets for productivity, payroll, invoicing, budgeting, billing and more. Export and share professional business reports with your clients. Track time anywhere you work, from any device or directly in your favorite project management apps like Asana, Trello, Slack and 30+ online services.
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Easy online client supervisor approval. Timesheets emailed to supervisors, one click does it. No login required. Available for all phones and tablets; Android, iPhone, any phone with a screen. No app store, no app download, no app update. Just login to the system with a mobile device. Desktop timesheets too. Integrates with Quickbooks and other apps for invoicing. Pull employees and customers in from Quickbooks, send timesheets back to Quickbooks for invoicing. Other apps, like InvoiceNinja, LinkedIn and Facebook, are easily joined. You will always have help when you need it. Provided via phone and email. Delivered by TempusIT app experts. Ask our clients. Save effort in all of your timekeeping processes. Save days every week in payroll, billing, commissions, month-end accruals for payroll and 401(k) plans. Eliminate the timesheet filing hassle - so you don't have to transpose, record, file and retrieve those timesheet every week.
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