The superfast nosql database for mobile and iot with integrated data synchronization. High-performance Objectbox is 10x faster than any alternative, improving response rates and enabling real-time applications. Check out our benchmarks. From sensor to server and everything in between. We support linux, windows, mac/ios, android, raspbian, etc. Embedded or containerized. Sync data seamlessly. Objectbox’ out-of-the-box synchronization makes data available when needed where needed, so you can take your app live faster. Offline first Develop applications that work on- and offline, independently from a constant internet connection, providing an “always-on”-feeling. Save time & dev. resources. Accelerate time-to-market, save development and lifecycle costs, save precious developer time for tasks that bring value, and let objectbox deal with the risk. Objectbox reduces cloud costs up to 60% by persisting data locally (on the edge), and syncing necessary data quicker and more efficiently.