Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Zuume Binaries 2015-07-03
Zuume Sources 2015-07-03
Zuume Full (source and binary) 2015-07-03
Sample Scripts 2014-09-12
ReadMe 2015-07-03 16.3 kB
Totals: 5 Items   16.3 kB 4
==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Recompiled with WINVER=0x0600 - minimum operating system is Windows Vista - Zuume no longer works on Windows XP or Windows 2003
- Removed GetOpenFileName() calls to alleviate continuing random memory issues on 64-bit
- Added ZuumeFD.Exe to execute an IFileDialog for file name retrieval (UI.GetFileName and Load from Zuume.Exe) because implementing IFileDialog directly from ZuumeEngine.Dll left the script vulnerable to random crashes from buggy shell extensions
- Updated to Lua 5.3
- Updated ls_odbc.c in LuaSQL ODBC module with latest code that was updated for Lua 5.3
- Updated release notes in the Zuume help file (release notes for 1.3.1 were inadvertantly omitted)
- Made a correction to the 1.3.1 release notes specific to fixing a bug which prevented adding a file name to a list box from show file dialog from UI.Dialog
- Fixed the error messages in the FlagOr, FlagAnd, and FlagXOR functions to identify the function
- Fixed a mispelling in the help for UI.Dialog (radion instead of radio)
- Fixed an issue where UI.Dialog would return an error if a color picker dialog was cancelled
- Updated cURL to 7.43.0
- Updated Lua-cURL to 0.3.2
- Fixed Zuume.Exe to wait until the script thread was finished before exiting
- Updated help topics to reflect cURL, Lua-cURL, LuaSQL, and Lua version changes or updates
- Removed ipch folders for LuaSQL and Lua-cURL from the distribution zip files to reduce size

==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Included LuaSQL ODBC module
- Includes Lua-cURL module - linked to libcurl compiled and linked with SChannel (NOT OpenSSL) (cURL source included)
- Added DeleteListBoxLine action to UI.Dialog
- Added RGBValue validation to UI.Dialog (implemented as a RegEx)
- Added ShowColorDialog action to UI.Dialog
- Added the ability to update a control from another control value via the <FromControlID> tag in UI.Dialog
- Added the return of list box contents to UI.Dialog
- Added the ability to unselect an item from a list box in UI.Dialog
- Fixed a bug in UI.GetFileName where the ShowPlacesBar parameter was still being required even though it was removed in 1.3.0
- Modified the DebugMessageBox function in ZuumeEngine.Dll to recognize the console interface and display the message box message in the console
- Added LuaLDAP documentation to the help file
- Added LuaSQL documentation to the help file
- Added Lua-cURL documentation to the help file
- Removed some extraneous text from the UI.MessageBox function help
- Fixed the release scripts to remove .sdf files
- fixed a bug in the code to show a file dialog from UI.DialogBox which prevented adding a file name to a list box from a file dialog

==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Fixed a memory corruption problem with the CPU meter
- Fixed a pointer issue with the routines for converting from wchar_t to char and char to wchar_t that was preventing the conversion
- Fixed a memory corruption problem when calling the GetOpenFileName API function on x64 by modifying the code to use the old style file dialog
- Refactored code to remove callback functions
  - Replace GUI callbacks with messages
  - Moved command line interface callbacks into ZuumeEngine.dll
  - Moved service interface callbacks into ZuumeEngine.dll
- Rebuilt using Lua 5.2.3
- Refactored the code that retreives the host IP address to look first in the registry for the IP address with a corresponding default gateway
- Removed the block on pause/stop when running a programmed pause

==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Fixed some issues with the 1.2.1 release
  - Removed the writing of a log entry from the System.Sleep function.  This would fill up the log when using this function in a loop.
  - Fixed an incorrect build number in the resource file for ZuumeEngine.Dll
  - Corrected the name of the Lua help file in the Zuume help file

==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Rebuilt using Lua 5.2.1
- Modified references to 5.2 in the help to 5.2.1
- Converted the Lua 5.2.1 help in the Lua 5.2.1 distribution to a compiled HTML help file and added it to the Zuume distribution
- Updated Zuume.Exe to use the Lua 5.2.1 help file

==> Note: building this release requires Visual C++® 2010 and the Microsoft® Windows® SDK 7.1
==> (Microsoft® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)
==> (Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.)
==> (Visual C++® is a either registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.)

- Updated all projects to VC++ 2010

- Added LuaCOM, LuaLDAP, unz32dll, unzipsfx, zip32z64 to the ZumeScriptingEngine solution

- Restructured LuaCOM, LuaLDAP, Zuume, ZuumeC, ZuumeEngine, ZuumeS, and ZuumeSVC projects to use a flatter directory structure

- Added a lua properties file shared by the LuaCOM, LuaLDAP, Zuume, ZuumeC, ZuumeEngine, ZuumeS, and ZuumeSVC projects

- Added property files for LuaCOM, LuaLDAP

- Added a zuume property file shared by the Zuume, ZuumeC, ZuumeEngine, ZuumeS, and ZuumeSVC projects

- Added full set of source files for LuaCOM, LuaLDAP, unz32dll, unzipsfx, and zip32z64 to the distribution

- Added the Z_ZuumeArchitecture global (x86 or x64)

- Changed reference to array to table in System.RegSetValue() help

- Fixed an issue with the console message box whereby OK wasn't recognized under certain circumstances

- Combined release notes for all versions into a single file

- Added release notes to the help file

- Added a note to the encrypted file functions in the help file to indicate that encrypted files cannot be called with dofile()

- Fixed a memory corruption issue with the CipherString and DecipherString functions.

- Corrected the help for CompileScript()

- Modified FS.ExCopy to return the number of files and directories copied (2nd and 3rd return values)

- Corrected a mistake in the verbiage about Info-Zip in the FS.CreateSFX(), FS.Unzip(), and FS.Zip() functions

- Modified FS.DeleteFolder to return the number of files and directories deleted (2nd and 3rd return values)

- Corrected the help for FS.SetIniKeywordValue()

- Corrected the help for System.InstallService()

- Corrected the help for the Zuume API

- Fixed a bug whereby Net.DCName would not accept a blank or missing domain name.

- Corrected the help for Net.ADObjectDN()

- Fixed an issue with the Net.RunRemoteScript function whereby the completion message sometimes was not receieved from the Zuume Service on the remote computer before the Zuume Service reset the pipe connection.  This was causing Net.RunRemoteScript to work correctly but report a failure.

- Modified the Net.RunRemoteScript function to determine if the remote OS is 32-bit or 64-bit and install the appropriate service.

- Updated the help for Net.RunRemoteScript() to reflect the new functionality

- Modified the script in the LuaLDAP Example help topic to use the # operator instead of table.getn to get the length of a table

- Updated the Trademarks, Lua License, LuaLDAP license, LuaCOM help topics to reflect changes with this release

- Fixed a misspelling in the copyright notice for TinyXML

- Converted the Lua 5.2 help in the Lua 5.2 distribution to a compiled HTML help file and added it to the Zuume distribution

- Converted LuaCOM, LuaLDAP, Zuume, ZuumeC, ZuumeEngine, ZuumeS, and ZuumeSVC to use Lua 5.2:
   - LuaCOM
      luacom_dll.cpp - replaced 2 instances of lua_open() with lua_newstate()
      tLuaCOMtypeHandler.cpp - replaced 2 instances of lua_strlen() with lua_rawlen()
      luacom.cpp - added luaopen_luacomfuncs() function to call luaL_newlib() for functions_tb
                - replaced luaL_register() with luaL_requiref() passing luaopen_luacomfuncs()
      LuaCompat.cpp - replaced 1 instance of lua_equal() with lua_compare()

   - LuaLDAP
      lualdap.c - replaced 2 instances of lua_strlen() with lua_rawlen()
                - replaced 2 instances of luaL_getn() with lua_rawlen()
                - replaced 2 instances of luaL_reg() with luaL_Reg()
      lualdap.rc - updated version numbers
      lualdap.def - updagted version number
   - ZuumeEngine
      - Added open functions for the libraries to call luaL_newlib() for each library
      - Replaced luaL_Register with luaL_requiref() passing the open function for each library
      - Updated one occurrence of lua_load to add the extra NULL parameter
- Updated the 1.1.6 builds on 11/11/2010 to fix an issue where the GUI message area was truncating the last character of each message.

- Added delete RegExp to ValidControlData() to fix a memory leak.

- Changed all malloc and free in non third-party code to use HeapAlloc() and HeapFree via ZAlloc() and ZFree().

- Fixed a memory corruption issue in dialog box creation caused by the title string.  This would cause a crash with dialog box titles over a certain length.

- Updated all dialog box creation to use DLGTEMPLATEEX format for dialog data passed to DialogBoxIndirect function.

- Fixed an bug whereby the GUI dialog box function (UI.DialogBox) would not return true for radio buttons that were checked.

- Updated the copyright notices in Zuume.Exe to include the copyrights for LuaCOM and LuaLDAP.

- Created the Zuume Website: http://www.zuume.net

- Changed the message area static text control in the Zuume.Exe graphical interface to be an owner drawn control to fix an issue
where long paths were being truncated.  Paths to long to be displayed in the message area will now have an
ellipsis added to the end of the part that can be displayed.

- Modified the Zuume.Exe graphical interface so that the CPU meter is active even when the scripting engine is idle.

- Added 32-bit and 64-bit versions of LuaLDAP to the Zuume distribution.  This distribution of LuaLDAP was compiled
against ADSI (instead of OpenLDAP).

-Updated the help file to include copyright and license information for LuaLDAP as well as an example.

- Updated the help topics for the LuaCOM, Zip, and Unzip licenses to include information on compiling them for Zuume.

- Updated the help file to include an additional LuaCOM example.

- Fixed a grammatical error in the LuaCOM help topic.

- Updated file operations to return the last error message which resulted in an empty error message after a failure.

- Eliminated the double "ERROR:" in file operation error messages.

- Update the error reporting mechanism for file operations to report a warning instead of an error if the "/i" parameter is used.

- Fixed the erronious inclusion of FS.ReplaceStringInTextFile in the FS.InsertLineIntoTextFile Function help file topic.

- Fixed a misspelling in the FS.DeleteLineFromTextFile Function help file topic.

- Fixed the RefreshIPAddress Function help topic to include parenthesis in the example.

- Fixed the RefreshMachineName Function help topic to include parenthesis in the example.

- Fixed a mispelling in the Zuume.Exe help file topic.

- Modified the ThisIPAddress function (exposed in the API) to try to retrieve the IP address as follows:
   1. Try to read from Winsock passing a null machine name (gethostname(NULL)).
   2. Try to read from Winsock by retrieving the NetBIOS host name from Winsock then try to read IP address for that name from Winsock.
   3. Iterate through the subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces until a non-blank, 
      non-zero IP address is found.
   4. Otherwise return

- Added a Z_IPAddressSource global to indicate the source of the IP address in the Z_IPAddress global.

- Fixed the RefreshIPAddress and RefreshMachineName functions to actually work.  They were erroneously looking for a single parameter.

- Removed two GUI artifacts that were appearing before and after the machine name on Zuume.Exe.

- Fixed an erroneous parameter in the FS.Zip help file topic.  ("<new line>, really, wtf was that?)

- Updated the FS.DeleteFolder function.  In some instances on Windows 7, after deleting all the files in a folder, 
folder removal would fail with a "folder not empty" message.  Changed the function to check for an empty folder before 
removing the folder.  If the folder is not empty, the function will wait 1 second then try again for 10 tries before failing.

- Updated System.Run to allow for running a console program in the same console as the ZuumeC.Exe program.

- Updated System.RunAs to allow for running a console program in the same console as the ZuumeC.Exe program.

- Fixed references to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the help file that were listed as HKEY_LOCZ_MACHINE.  This was
an artifact of a previous program rename.

- Updated the Net.RunRemoteScript function to search for an available admin share instred of using ADMIN$

- Updated the Net.RunRemoteScript function to allow it to be used on the current computer.

- Replace the VC++ 9.0 runtimes with the correct runtimes.  The first 1.1.0 release had VC 9 SP1 runtimes which were incorrect.

- Upgraded project to Visual C++ 2008.

- Fixed FS.Zip to return false if CreateZipFile fails.

- Modified FS.Zip to take a compression level parameter.

- Fixed Net.DCNames to return an empty table in the second return value when the function fails.

- Added 64-bit support.

- Updated to use Info-Zip Zip 3.0 and Unzip 6.0.

- Moved Zip data structures to thread local storage.

- Fixed FS.Unzip to return false if UnpackZipFile fails.

- Moved Unzip data structures to thread local storage.

- Updated SetWindowLong to SetWindowLongPtr for 64-bit compilations.

- Added UI.RefreshSystemTray function.

- Initial release.

Source: ReadMe, updated 2015-07-03